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Jatuporn: Pm Not In Attacked Car


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The Nation, unlike some armchair detectives on TVforum, is not willing to give us an answer if Abhisit was in that car or not. Abhisit version don't get any support but it gets also not scrutinised. the silence here is an interesting interim result.

and The Nation starts a total new conspiration, draws the attention to a new corner and get uneasy with Newin. it looks like that Abhisit, the dems and the Newin faction don't work so much together as a unit and share the power as a coalition maybe should work, they just splited the Power like a cake or the haul.

as Abhisit had said or offical admitted, the blue shirts are a government team, but not directed by his party, the dem's, but the interior ministry. and he as a dem, despite that he is the PM, don't have to take responsebility for the blue shirts. strange too.

in the Niphon case, he didn't pay the hospital bill, don't know why The Nation think to have to mention this, strange. but okay, there was a policeman disguised as red, you see. but only to do good. if red shirt do good they are fake reds, har, har. funny twist. but okay, can be. it have been red shirts that helped Niphon out of the car.not all reds are bad, even regular reds and they have also police men amongst them.

the situation is to see in that video here (the title misleading choosen by the uploader)


Nick Nostitz describes the incident with the following words: "On April 12, I got the news that Arisamun had been arrested. Red Shirts demanded his release, and protested in front of the court building in Ratchada. The same afternoon, Abhsit declared at the Ministry of Interior, Emergency Rule over Bangkok and several surrounding provinces. A very confusing situation developed. It was reported that enraged Red Shirts attacked Abhsit’s car, and that his driver fired warning shots into the air, after which he was beaten up by Red Shirts. Red Shirts complained of several injured when Abhsit’s car crashed into them, and some claimed that some of the hurt protesters were dragged by security forces into the building.

When I arrived, Red Shirts remained at the gates and in the grounds, there were soldiers as well, some of them armed with M-16s. It was a tense situation. Things clearly began to turn bad. Red Shirts searched the buildings for their injured (none were found). Suddenly a car seemed to try to escape, followed by angry red Shirts. I went after, and found that the car crashed through a fence and into a taxi, and was stuck halfway in the compound and the foot path. In the car were two men stuck, the driver and Democrat Secretary-General Nipon Prombhand. Red Shirt guards surrounded the car, trying to hold the angry crowd back. After taking some images, I pushed a few too aggressive Red Shirts away, and shouted at them that they should not behave like animals. The guards applauded me, and so did several other Red Shirts that tried to keep the situation from getting any more out of hand than it already was. Not long after, Red Shirt guards managed to get the two injured men out of the car, and sent them off to hospital safely."

(source: New Mandala)

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Interior Ministry Spokesman affirms PM present during red-shirt assault on ministry compound

BANGKOK, 11 May 2009 (NNT) - Advisor and spokesmans to the Ministry of Interior M.L. Panada Diskul publicly confirms as an eyewitness that both Prime Minister Abhisit and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban were in their vehicle attacked by protesters of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) at the ministry.

M.L. Panada came out to respond to the media's criticisms that the ministry had made no official response to the allegation by the UDD that the Prime Minister and the deputy prime minister were not present in their car at the ministry when the protesters assaulted their vehicle.

M.L. Panada said the ministry was currently evaluating the damage to its buildings and would increase security at the government compound in the future. M.L. Panada added that his public confirmation was not a jab at any political group but was meant to support the truth.

The spokesman said further that the ministry was not a place for staged attacks or public theatre.


-- NNT 11 May 2009

(article here)

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Phuea Thai Party MP claimed evidence/witness can confirm PM was not in vehicle during red-shirt attack

BANGKOK, 12 May 2009 (NNT) - Phuea Thai MP Chathupol Phrompan, claimed that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was not present in his car at the Ministry of Interior when red-shirt protesters began assaulting the vehicle.

Mr. Chathupol alleged that surveillance camera photo shown by the Personal Spokesman to the Democrat Party leader, Mr. Thepthai Senpong, was of another vehicle, which was not occupied by the Prime Minister at the time of the red-shirt attack.

Mr. Chathupol claimed further that a senior Ministry of Interior official confided to him that Mr. Abhisit switched vehicles and exited the ministry compound before UDD protesters arrived. Mr. Chathupol said he cannot reveal the name of his source, as he did not wish to put the official's career at risk.

The Phuea Thai MP said that he would send the government's surveillance camera photo to investigative agencies either in the United States or United Kingdom in order to request that they analyze the photo to determine whether anyone was sitting in the vehicle when red-shirt protesters began their attack.

Mr. Chathupol added he did not wish for anyone to distort the truth, and expects results of the photo analysis within a week.


-- NNT 12 May 2009


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ohh, we heard a lot of statements of denying Jatuporn claim and insists that the PM was in the car, but nothing of it was an offical statement by the ministry so far. instead a lot of semi officals "threat" not to disturb the "truth" and call everybody who doesn't confirm the government version to an enemy of the safety of the state, to distort the facts and further incite unrest. with such hyperbole the government puts pressure on the media.

if UDD claim are so wrong and there are thousands pieces of evidence to prove that Abhisit was in that car, show it.

my bet, Abhisit is a braggart and fibber, the story that he was inside came very late from him, more than on e week after the incident, before, also in the Government statement was only the tlk about the damaged cars, but not an attack of cars with him inside.

behind that banner politicalsituationbanne.th.jpg on the homepage of the Ministry of foreign affairs have been until yesterday, a list of several documents of official declartion by the government since the 12. april. pdf. files. but now that list had dissappeared. but the PDF files are still on the server. the first time that the PM mentioned that he was in the car and it was an assassination attempt on his life was on 22. april

22. April: Gist of the Prime Minister’s speech at the Joint Parliamentary Debate on the Situation concerning the protesters last week and the path to reconciliation


"The Prime Minister announced the state of emergency at the Ministry of Interior. As the Prime Minister and other senior political figures were leaving the building, their cars were assaulted by a group of protesters. From the words and actions of the protesters, it was clearly an attempt to kill the Prime Minister. Eventually, however, the Prime Minister managed to escape."

in other announcement and declarations earlier, not a single word of this.

20. April: Recent Political Events in Thailand


16. April: PM briefs Diplomatic Corps on Political Situation


15. April: Government Agencies stress Transparency and Accountability in Handling of Current Situation


14. April: Prime Minister addresses Thai public on the situation in Bangkok


i can not understand why we shouldn't watch at all this and keep the doubt and listen also what Jatuporn have to say. and it seems that the government had problems to back up their version of the truth and relies on a <deleted> tactic. poor and lame. not convincing only true believers trust in this.

anyway here the UDD video on youtube in the best quality so far and longest version. 2 parts. 2nd part has also Niphons car accident, how it's stacked half in the fence and rammed a Taxi parked outside.

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Was the PM in that Mercedes? Who cares anyway?

By Tulsathit Taptim

The Nation

Published on May 13, 2009

No, it was Santa Claus and Christiano Ronaldo who were in that car. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was in fact being comforted at home by Britney Spears in the wake of the Pattaya debacle.

And, if you look at news photos and video clips carefully, many in the angry mob swarming the Mercedes had green skin, indicating that they must have come from outer space.


continue here.


So The Nation isn't to chicken-hearted to just keep quiet about Abhisits claim that he was in that car and the opposition accusation that he lie with that claim.

and i guess it is really hard to defend Abhisit here or bring any real evidence hat he was in that car.

so The Nation dosn't play that tune that the opposition is full of lies, disturb he truth, seed disinformation and so on. but they ridicule and mock about the opposition claim with that hyperbole of aliens and so on. no one ever claim that in team red. The Nation wirtier try to be funny, but he isn't, it's not originally and inventive but a lame joke. i know others will get well entertained by this, so don't miss to click at the link.

and of course there might be not much difference in Abhisit was in that car or not. now is room for speculation what would had happen if he would had been in that car and his driver smashed that car into the fence same as Niphons driver.

but the spin and twist is now to say that it is a ridicules excuse of the red shirts, if they say Abhisit wasn't in that car. that is of course no carte blanche to do so. and it's maybe boring to discuss that anymore further, but once started it should be brought to a final conclusion.

one thing should not be forgotten, Jatuporn would never came up with that story, it was Abhisit first., who did it. that is the point.

Abhists started with story telling, hyperbole, exaggeration. Abhisit first came up with his pathetic superman & victim horror story, fishing for sympathy, with a fantasy story he can not back up. he trusted that people will believe him and nobody will question this. and Jutapron did it, question him, the subject may look silly, but Abhisit didn't tell the truth. a big-headed fop, a strutter with not much except a cheap show. farcical like everybody else in politics.

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Suspect in PM's motorcade attack nabbed

BANGKOK, 20 May 2009 (NNT) - Police from Lumpini station captured a suspect for his involvement in the attack on the Prime Minister's car at the Interior Ministry last April.

Police officers from Lumpini Police Station with an arrest warrant apprehended 41-year-old Arun Chayachan, who was charged with robbery, trespassing on state property, illegal detainment and possession of a firearm without a licence.

The arrest came after the suspect's whereabouts has been notified while the subject was reportedly watching a boxing match at Lumpini Stadium.

Mr Arun denied all allegations against him while admitting that he actually was at the ministry and only seized weapons from the Prime Minister's security guards without hitting the motorcade.


-- NNT 20 May 2009

article here

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Suspect in PM's motorcade attack nabbed

BANGKOK, 20 May 2009 (NNT) - Police from Lumpini station captured a suspect for his involvement in the attack on the Prime Minister's car at the Interior Ministry last April.

Police officers from Lumpini Police Station with an arrest warrant apprehended 41-year-old Arun Chayachan, who was charged with robbery, trespassing on state property, illegal detainment and possession of a firearm without a licence.

The arrest came after the suspect's whereabouts has been notified while the subject was reportedly watching a boxing match at Lumpini Stadium.

Mr Arun denied all allegations against him while admitting that he actually was at the ministry and only seized weapons from the Prime Minister's security guards without hitting the motorcade.


-- NNT 20 May 2009

Does anyone know has this Red-Shirt assailant yet confessed, that he is actually a soldier who was disguised as a 'fake' red-shirt, in-line with Red-Shirt Official Dogma ? The party line, that no real red-shirts were involved in any violent actions, must be maintained at all costs ! :)

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On that day there were rumors here on TV that Abhisit's guard shot two attackers dead.

Live on D TV

One red leader said on main red stage before the gov house. "I SAW the PM IN THE CAR, went for him, then they shot 2 of us dead. I ask you for reinforcement and will go back immidiately."

Jatuporn should cross-check this guy statement first, now he can declare the guy is just another fake red. :)

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Imagine how upset the guys will be when they hear they are being officially decried as 'non-Red', when they have sacrificed themselves for the movement...

Throw the Molotov cocktails ! Brave the bullets !! Protect the projector screen !!! ....What? Who the heck turn off the phone in?!!!

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On that day there were rumors here on TV that Abhisit's guard shot two attackers dead.

"Government spokesman Panitan Wattanayakorn said that the premier's inner circle now viewed the UDD's attack on Abhisit's car on April 12 at the Ministry of Interior as a well-coordinated assassination attempt. He says a review of wide-angle security film of the incident shows that men with masks and guns were positioned on the perimeter of the attack, apparently waiting for frontline protesters to break through the car's bulletproof windows."

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Protest dispersal committee to clarify attack on PM's car to press

BANGKOK, 22 May 2009 (NNT)- A special committee for the publicity of protest dispersals last month has invited the press to a hearing where it will clarify facts surrounding a debated attack on the Prime Minister's car at the Ministry of Interior.

Chiang Mai MP of Puea Thai party Surapong Tohwijakchaikul, acting as a member of the Protest Dispersal Fact Review Committee, said that the special committee had requested all press agencies to submit footage from the attack on the Prime Minister's car that occurred last month when he was leaving the Ministry of Interior. The footage is to be used in the committee's ongoing review of the crackdown on anti-government riots.

Debate has surrounded the question of whether or not the Prime Minister was present in the vehicle during the incident.

The special committee will also hold a hearing soon to clarify current facts of the assult to the media.


-- NNT 22 May 2009

article here

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  • 4 months later...
Hundreds of red-shirt protesters attacked Abhisit's Mercedes and Niphon's BMW while they were leaving the compound.

The attack was the worst incident Niphon had ever encountered. He even thought for a moment he might die because of the damage to the car and his own injury.

I read they arrested a red-shirter today for the attack on Niphon and faces assault charges.

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