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Second Australian Tourist Visa Only Given 3 Months!

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We applied for a second 676 last week and today my gf got a call from the case officer saying that we could not apply for a 12 month multiple entry, only 3 months. Anyway it looks like this is what we have been given, a second 3 month visa, even though we stated that we would prefer a 12 or 6 month multiple entry. Are we able to argue the case and possibly get it changed? The decision was only made this afternoon.

Has this happened to anyone else? I was under the impression that it should be fairly easy to get a longer visa, we supplied a full application, were careful to include everything, and stuck to the first visas rules like glue!

The woman said that my gf could go for 3 months, return to thailand then re-apply for another tourist visa!! I didnt think a third tourist visa would be granted? Wouldnt this just be a waste of time and money??

We were really hoping for the 12month visa, as I am still awaiting my perm residency here in Oz, and therefore am not elligible to apply for a fiance or spouse visa..and the spouse visa would basically mean having to get married (after her having only spent 6 months in the country!)

Any help or experiences are once again much appreciated!

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Visa conditions are at the discretion of the Embassy, you could appeal the decision if you have the time to do that....

I think the key here is that you are not a perm resident here, that may be the reason a 3month was issued.

Third visits are possible....a friend of mine was just issued one....all visa applications are considered on an individual basis.


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I suspected that, although I dont really see why it should make a difference. Thanks for the response Graham.

I will be trying to speak with the case officer again tommorrow, and see if she can shed any light on why that decision was made. The people in the embassy were actually incredibly helpful today, although hard to get hold off!

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Well if anyone cares...The info might be useful to someone.

I have just spent 30mins on the phone with the case officer, who was a thai, and spoke perfect english. She was not what I expected and was happy to take the time to talk wih me and explain her decision.

Anyway, the reason we were given a 3 month single entry not a 12 month multiple as requesteted is that the case officer did not consider my gf to be a tourist. This is due top the phone conversation that they had where my gf said that she only wanted to spend time in australia to be with me. I must add I had told her many times that this is not what you want to be saying, but she did anyway...long story. moral: make sure your TGF is fully preped up with why she is 'really' visiting Australia, and do not let her apply without telling you as a f'cink 'surprise'.

From the conversatin with the case office I did learn a few things:

Main lesson was that for subsequent tourist visas the department considers that the TGF should spend a reasonable time in her home country. This is contrary to what I have read on this board before which was that you could apply for a second tourist visa as soon as she lands back in Thailand. According to the case officer this is not viewed favourably and she suggested at least a few months stay in Thailand.

Next was the stable relationship question. She clearly stated that we had not know each other for 12months, and this was a further black mark against us. 12 months seemed to be the 'magic' number for her.

My temporary residency was mentioned in passing (as not being ideal), but she was more interested in my bank account and employment status, ie ability to support.

Anyway, hope this helps someone.

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Main lesson was that for subsequent tourist visas the department considers that the TGF should spend a reasonable time in her home country. This is contrary to what I have read on this board before which was that you could apply for a second tourist visa as soon as she lands back in Thailand.

This would go completely against all logic about tourist/visit visas. They are for people to visit a country for a short period of time. There is a guideline in the UK that a person should not spend more than 6 months in any 12 month period in the UK on visit visas. If they are spending more than this in the UK, then they may no longer be classed as a visitor and may be living in the UK without applying for a settlement visa. I suspect all English speaking countries have roughly the same kind of reasoning behind most of their visas. If you think about it, She goes to Aus for 3 months, comes back and straight away applies for another visit visa, comes back from Aus again and applies straight away, what does that say to anyone?? It says that this person is living in Aus by the backdoor and should really be applying for a more permanent visa.

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isn't this all ass backwards anyway - doesn't being married or having a relationship mean anything? I am married to a Thai and we lived together in bkk and have joint bank accounts and they are still giving us grief. They are telling my wife to write a letter why she wants to visit me <deleted> - isn't it obvious - man I hate the govt and their BS double standards. Seems like being a citizen means nothing - and since when is the government the relationship police.

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In April last year my girlfriend applied for a tourist visa for Oz & was given a 3 month visa.

After her 3 month stay in Oz she retuned to Thailand. The following day she went to CC tower & applied for another tourist visa. We requested a 6-9 month visa but was given a 3 month visa again.

After another 3 months in Oz she returned to Thailand & went back to CC tower to apply for a 3rd tourist visa. After about 3-4 days she had a call from them & the visa was declined due to her not being a "tourist".

They told her they would keep her aplication for about 3 months & resubmit then so we would not have to pay the fee again.

We then decided to apply for a permanent resident visa

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Main lesson was that for subsequent tourist visas the department considers that the TGF should spend a reasonable time in her home country. This is contrary to what I have read on this board before which was that you could apply for a second tourist visa as soon as she lands back in Thailand.

This would go completely against all logic about tourist/visit visas. They are for people to visit a country for a short period of time. There is a guideline in the UK that a person should not spend more than 6 months in any 12 month period in the UK on visit visas. If they are spending more than this in the UK, then they may no longer be classed as a visitor and may be living in the UK without applying for a settlement visa. I suspect all English speaking countries have roughly the same kind of reasoning behind most of their visas. If you think about it, She goes to Aus for 3 months, comes back and straight away applies for another visit visa, comes back from Aus again and applies straight away, what does that say to anyone?? It says that this person is living in Aus by the backdoor and should really be applying for a more permanent visa.

I thnk there are plenty of situations where someone would want a longer visa without all the hassles of a spouse sponsorship. A chance to evaluate the country, lets be honest who really wants to live in australia haha, the only reason I came back was to work and figure out a game plan to go back and have some kind of income so if i had to work for 6 -12 months I would want my wife with me of course - she doenst have to work but being apart for more than a few months is just stupid - what kind of relationship is that. The spouse visa is so convoluted and intrusive. I like the thai way much better - they dont question the paper work once you have it. The govt is taking on too much by questioning peoples relationships and not once in my wifes visa application did someone pick up the phone and call me...its not like long distance costs anything these days. They make arbitrary decicisons without all the mitigating facts. Its just another reason to leave western culture behind....

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Main lesson was that for subsequent tourist visas the department considers that the TGF should spend a reasonable time in her home country. This is contrary to what I have read on this board before which was that you could apply for a second tourist visa as soon as she lands back in Thailand.

This would go completely against all logic about tourist/visit visas. They are for people to visit a country for a short period of time. There is a guideline in the UK that a person should not spend more than 6 months in any 12 month period in the UK on visit visas. If they are spending more than this in the UK, then they may no longer be classed as a visitor and may be living in the UK without applying for a settlement visa. I suspect all English speaking countries have roughly the same kind of reasoning behind most of their visas. If you think about it, She goes to Aus for 3 months, comes back and straight away applies for another visit visa, comes back from Aus again and applies straight away, what does that say to anyone?? It says that this person is living in Aus by the backdoor and should really be applying for a more permanent visa.

I thnk there are plenty of situations where someone would want a longer visa without all the hassles of a spouse sponsorship. A chance to evaluate the country, lets be honest who really wants to live in australia haha, the only reason I came back was to work and figure out a game plan to go back and have some kind of income so if i had to work for 6 -12 months I would want my wife with me of course - she doenst have to work but being apart for more than a few months is just stupid - what kind of relationship is that. The spouse visa is so convoluted and intrusive. I like the thai way much better - they dont question the paper work once you have it. The govt is taking on too much by questioning peoples relationships and not once in my wifes visa application did someone pick up the phone and call me...its not like long distance costs anything these days. They make arbitrary decicisons without all the mitigating facts. Its just another reason to leave western culture behind....

The UK system allows applicants to get longer multiple entry visas once they have received and complied with 2 or 3 short 6 month visas. The visa system is based on trust to an extent and the reason that genuine people have problems is the hundreds/thousands who want to cheat it by not applying for the correct visa, or overstaying on a visit visa to work/live in a country. If nobody did that then it would be a lot easier, but because people do it, they have to be strict. Yes, longer visas exist, but I'm guessing if you had a 9 or 12 months visit visa and spent the whole 9 or 12 months in Aus, returned to Thailand and applied the next day for another 9 - 12 month visit visa, they'd probably refuse on the grounds I explained before.

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isn't this all ass backwards anyway - doesn't being married or having a relationship mean anything? I am married to a Thai and we lived together in bkk and have joint bank accounts and they are still giving us grief. They are telling my wife to write a letter why she wants to visit me <deleted> - isn't it obvious - man I hate the govt and their BS double standards. Seems like being a citizen means nothing - and since when is the government the relationship police

Mulder, don't be so naive mate. Being married means nothing when it comes to a visa application. I take it your wife applied for a tourist visa to Oz?

Well of course they want to check out the background of your relationship. You've admitted in a previous post that she is 19 years younger than you.

What do you expect? The relationship police? these checks are necessary, sometimes due to the husbands/Bf's stupidiy. You never know, they might

be doing you a favour.

I thnk there are plenty of situations where someone would want a longer visa without all the hassles of a spouse sponsorship. A chance to evaluate the country, lets be honest who really wants to live in australia haha, the only reason I came back was to work and figure out a game plan to go back and have some kind of income so if i had to work for 6 -12 months I would want my wife with me of course - she doenst have to work but being apart for more than a few months is just stupid - what kind of relationship is that. The spouse visa is so convoluted and intrusive. I like the thai way much better - they dont question the paper work once you have it. The govt is taking on too much by questioning peoples relationships and not once in my wifes visa application did someone pick up the phone and call me...its not like long distance costs anything these days. They make arbitrary decicisons without all the mitigating facts. Its just another reason to leave western culture behind....

If someone has a "no further stay" on their visa they can apply for an extension in Oz. If they have that condition, the Embassy usually (not always) has

some concerns. Of course the spouse application is intrusive. You're basically applying for permanent residency of the country. You like thee Thai way much

better? Try becoming a PR or Thai citizen and I'm sure you'll disagree. Do you really think with the thousands of applications they receive that they have

the resources to "phone everyone up". There should be no reason to call if you have filled out the application properly. If you haven't they may call but

the onus is on the applicatant to fill it out correctly. They make decisions based on all of the information you provide. If you haven't given that to them

it's your fault, not theirs.

I don't agree with all of the decisions I've heard about but when dealing with Government departments, it's the nature of the beast. But statements like

yours lack any thought and logic.



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Please remember this is not the general forum or another where a bit of nonsense is allowed.

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