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Tourist Info Center - The Avenue


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I came thru The Avenue a few days back and saw a small glass booth being built near the entrance...A sign said ''Tourist Info' or some such phrase.. Thought it may have been a TAT promo. Last night I was in my local and spotted a full page advert on the back of the 'Pattaya People'...

A smiling (Russian looking girl) is pictured. Read further and it appears to be a new part of the Colov tourist volenteer empire.. Apart from promoting the owner what is the booth actuallu going to do ?

Tourist info ? There are thousands of travel agents, Hotels, TAT and others already providing all the info required.. What can the PP backed booth provide that they can't ? Maybe they will advise people not to build an 'open air' shopping Mall in a tropical country... :)

Edited by Pdaz
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Maybe Colov offered to rent the space for a baht a year and they jumped at it :)

I noticed them building this a couple days ago too...one good thing is they have also erected a large community notice board back towards the Villa Market.

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I came thru The Avenue a few days back and saw a small glass booth being built near the entrance...A sign said ''Tourist Info' or some such phrase.. Thought it may have been a TAT promo. Last night I was in my local and spotted a full page advert on the back of the 'Pattaya People'...

A smiling (Russian looking girl) is pictured. Read further and it appears to be a new part of the Colov tourist volenteer empire.. Apart from promoting the owner what is the booth actuallu going to do ?

Tourist info ? There are thousands of travel agents, Hotels, TAT and others already providing all the info required.. What can the PP backed booth provide that they can't ? Maybe they will advise people not to build an 'open air' shopping Mall in a tropical country... :D

He is a tryer old Montgomery Burns :D I'd have a wager he hasn't personally invested in this though :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I passed through there awhile back and had a snoop around.

The aim of the Tourist Information Center is to provide a place for tourists to book activities and/or to ask questions relating to Pattaya and the surrounding area.

Of course they did it backwards. They opened the doors first, then began to gather information relating to tours/activities. :)

On the plus side, they will try to create more activities at The Avenue Shopping Mall... Thai Boxing on Friday nights and they are looking into having more activities in the courtyard area. Maybe Thai dancing or something. They are doing this as they are trying to help the mall generate revenue by increasing foot traffic.

But I really think that mall is dying a slow death. Crap location, open air in the tropical heat, no strong vendors to get people past McD's, playing tag with cars crossing 2nd Road...

My suggestion is that they tear it down and put up a modest priced hotel or remodel the place so that it can be air conditioned or lower the rent to get tenants or change it to a Nana Plaza type place (I bet that would fill the place up). But have it so that the entrance into the clubs was on the side away from 2nd Road so the tour buses would be "spared" the view. :D

Anyway, they are looking for suggestions, so if you pop into the Info Center, have a chat with the staff.

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I noticed the sign indicating a new 'Tourist Centre' in the Avenue. I did not investigate though.

Those hawkers on the pavement really bug me with their 'Hello which country are you from, what hotel are you staying' then the line of taxis: 'Hello Taxi Sir?' Yeah; right at 200 baht per km....

The Avenue is dead. It is only McD and the frontal business that do any trade. Sad, but not the greatest idea building an open-air mall in a tropical & humid climate.

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I buy a little in the Villa two or three times a month. Have never spent a baht at any other shop in the Avenue. One easy step they could take would be to rename it to something that has a catchy name. Is there an avenue in Pattaya? A lot of streets and roads but no avenue that I can think of.

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My suggestion is that they tear it down and put up a modest priced hotel or remodel the place so that it can be air conditioned or lower the rent to get tenants or change it to a Nana Plaza type place (I bet that would fill the place up).

That's not a bad idea really. A modern Nana Plaza so to speak.

I'll be investing in the ladyboy gogo bar. :)

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My suggestion is that they tear it down and put up a modest priced hotel or remodel the place so that it can be air conditioned or lower the rent to get tenants or change it to a Nana Plaza type place (I bet that would fill the place up).

That's not a bad idea really. A modern Nana Plaza so to speak.

I'll be investing in the ladyboy gogo bar. :)

I was just sitting here and hit upon the best money making idea for that place...

They should remodel the place as a joint venture with the people from Tiffany's or whatever the name of the place is... Not too sure about space for bus parking but as this is Pattaya, just double park. :D There seems to be a demand for the shows and having a location in the area would be beneficial.

Rumor has it that Orange By the Sea will be closing and something new will replace it.

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My suggestion is that they tear it down and put up a modest priced hotel or remodel the place so that it can be air conditioned or lower the rent to get tenants or change it to a Nana Plaza type place (I bet that would fill the place up).

That's not a bad idea really. A modern Nana Plaza so to speak.

I'll be investing in the ladyboy gogo bar. :)

I was just sitting here and hit upon the best money making idea for that place...

They should remodel the place as a joint venture with the people from Tiffany's or whatever the name of the place is... Not too sure about space for bus parking but as this is Pattaya, just double park. :D There seems to be a demand for the shows and having a location in the area would be beneficial.

Rumor has it that Orange By the Sea will be closing and something new will replace it.

How many stores have closed since the opening? I know of two.

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How many stores have closed since the opening? I know of two.

Stores that have closed... That I can remember...

That American Diner place

A Real Estate Office (3rd Floor)

A Skin Clinic (next to the real estate office on the 3rd floor)

Viet Nam Noodle Shop (Next to Bk Grill, which has changed its name)

Can anyone name more shops that have closed?

I think that the other shops are hanging by the slimmest thread. The place is just not busy and it amazes me that, whoever did the analysis before opening the mall did not realize that you just cannot slap together something and expect people to come.

The only place, besides McD, Starbucks, Pizza Place and Coffee world that seem to be busy is California WOW. Whenever I walk past there are a few people checking the place out.

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How many stores have closed since the opening? I know of two.

Stores that have closed... That I can remember...

That American Diner place

A Real Estate Office (3rd Floor)

A Skin Clinic (next to the real estate office on the 3rd floor)

Viet Nam Noodle Shop (Next to Bk Grill, which has changed its name)

Can anyone name more shops that have closed?

I think that the other shops are hanging by the slimmest thread. The place is just not busy and it amazes me that, whoever did the analysis before opening the mall did not realize that you just cannot slap together something and expect people to come.

The only place, besides McD, Starbucks, Pizza Place and Coffee world that seem to be busy is California WOW. Whenever I walk past there are a few people checking the place out.

To name all the shops that have closed we would need some more pages I guess but for a start,other then the ones you named already.

The interior shop right at the back entrance.

The ice cream shop at the villa entrance.

The parcel service opposite the ice cream shop.

The toy shop opposite the villa counter

The restaurant at the other side of bk grill

The accessory shop on the second floor near the parking.

The goldshop at the back side of that accessory shop.

The cafe on the ground floor next to boots called the wither or something

Saw today that they emptied the Triumph shop opposite california and I guess the orangery will also not take long anymore as they reduced their opening hours to 4 hours a day already.

Villa market also has a lot of empty floorspace for the past month.

I am sure I still forget some but with those "colourful coming soon" stickers they put on the windows from the empty shops it starts looking as it will be "gone soon".

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Saw today that in the bar next to boots that closed many moons ago,think the name was wither or something,that they were working inside.So obviously some born loser has too much money to spend for opening a shop in a mall that is dying.

Don't know what kind of shop it is,might be another bank. :)

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I passed through there awhile back and had a snoop around.

The aim of the Tourist Information Center is to provide a place for tourists to book activities and/or to ask questions relating to Pattaya and the surrounding area.

Of course they did it backwards. They opened the doors first, then began to gather information relating to tours/activities. :)

On the plus side, they will try to create more activities at The Avenue Shopping Mall... Thai Boxing on Friday nights and they are looking into having more activities in the courtyard area. Maybe Thai dancing or something. They are doing this as they are trying to help the mall generate revenue by increasing foot traffic.

But I really think that mall is dying a slow death. Crap location, open air in the tropical heat, no strong vendors to get people past McD's, playing tag with cars crossing 2nd Road...

My suggestion is that they tear it down and put up a modest priced hotel or remodel the place so that it can be air conditioned or lower the rent to get tenants or change it to a Nana Plaza type place (I bet that would fill the place up). But have it so that the entrance into the clubs was on the side away from 2nd Road so the tour buses would be "spared" the view. :D

Anyway, they are looking for suggestions, so if you pop into the Info Center, have a chat with the staff.

In this case, I think I can say that it was pretty obvious from the start that it would not work, with the access to shops being in the heat and humidity. Neither a mall, nor cheap. Whoever thought the idea up probably never asked anyone who lives in Pattaya if it was a good idea.

Anyway, Pattaya needs another hotel like I need a boil on my butt. However, the Nana Plaza style bar beer complex is a winner, IMO. As they are obviously keen to close Soi 7 and 8, just move everything to "The Avenues Plaza".

The other idea that might work is to tear out all the walls and relocate the "Made in Thailand" stalls there. As they are already hot and humid, moving to an upmarket building might give them the boost they so obviously need.

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Seems daft that so many businesses are closing down, presume the owners/developer have no business sense and wont give way on rents by granting Rent Holidays and cheep rents for business start ups until they get the place up to high occupancy.

Probably end up as the "Pattaya Nana"...

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Sorry, enlighten me please - what and where IS the Avenue

The Avenue was opened more than a year ago and was planned to become Pattaya's most prestigeous shoppingmall.

It's situated on Second Road opposite Lek Hotel and Royal Garden Plaza, well in that area anyway.

The Avenue is partly open-air; there are of course the famous coffee, fast-food and other franchises, some sport shops, fashion stores, ice-parlors, a cinema complex, bowling, fitness center, some bars........basically: It looks nice, but that's all.

It's a design mall which is only worth for looking at, but not walking in or shopping in.

Some shops moved from Royal Garden Plaza to the new Avenue, but they moved back shortly after the opening. It's getting more and more deserted and the only venues that will remain are the Villa Market and yes maybe, Niels' Booth.

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Yes, it is really struggling. I used it a lot before the Central opened. Now I never go to the Avenue, always Central. I wonder if even the Villa will make it there. I had an idea a while back, a theme mall of some kind. As it is rather close to Boyztown, how about Castro Street Asia? It's already got a gym ...

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I buy a little in the Villa two or three times a month. Have never spent a baht at any other shop in the Avenue. One easy step they could take would be to rename it to something that has a catchy name. Is there an avenue in Pattaya? A lot of streets and roads but no avenue that I can think of.

You need a mountaineering degree just to get around the place, what fool thought that those huge boulders were pedestrian friendly? - even agile pedestrians? The trek into McDonalds from the street up the tmporary step is a joke and the stairs up to the 2nd floor are downright rickety. On the good side the bread in Villa s lovely.

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