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My Only Gripe


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It's because the packaging companies deliberately make them difficult for farang fingers to open.

They are exacting a little piece of revenge on you every time you frustrate yourself trying to open a packet of crisps.

It is awkward.

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To the OP. Why did you feel the need to PM me?

Well, rather than just slog it out on what was supposed to be a fun thread, I thought it'd be better there.

Anyway, you clearly have a problem with me, so slog away!

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I haven't noticed, I think we pack things in the USA the same way. I recall trying to remove a newly purchased DVD from the plastic vault it came in and almost cut my thumb off from the thick sharp plastic. I think for the majority of products it is supposed to be anti-theft or rather to keep honest people honest face it a thief will not be deterred and find a tool to pop it right opened. The food on the other hand, people here do tend to try to smell everything...

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Ok regarding the crisp bags. Heres how to open them. Took me a while to work it out.

Don't try to open a bag like we would at home by pulling at the sides. You could burst a blood vessel.

At the top of the bag either an inch in from the left or right you tear the bag down the length of the bad. Easy Peasy. So you will in fact be eating you crisps from the side of the bag not the top.

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I haven't noticed, I think we pack things in the USA the same way. I recall trying to remove a newly purchased DVD from the plastic vault it came in and almost cut my thumb off from the thick sharp plastic. I think for the majority of products it is supposed to be anti-theft or rather to keep honest people honest face it a thief will not be deterred and find a tool to pop it right opened. The food on the other hand, people here do tend to try to smell everything...

I bought a cell phone today, and the sales-lady had a special tool-cutting blade from the phone company to open the package with. Better her than me. She must have sliced the package ten times, and tugged and pulled it for 10 minutes before she got the phone out. I think they do it on purpose, but I'm not sure why.

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Ever noticed a chair, table or whatever screwed together through the plastic packaging?

Yup tables and chairs always have bits of plastic hanging off them! bought a table recently and cannot get the last bits of plastic out from underneath. But its not screwed its f"cking welded!!! <deleted> they welded the supports while surrounding them in plastic...

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How refreshing to read a thread that's not about those little niggling things like fire, flood, drought, pestilence, plagues of locusts and political upheaval and gets right to that important subject of plastic wraps. I've had my new Vigo for a good six months now, and every time I think I've finally gotten all the little plastic pieces from around the edges of the seats, two weeks later, they show up again! Very frustrating indeed...

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it'sthe plastic bags full of food tied in rubber bangs that get me

usuallly its boiling hot soup and getting the band of is a major task because they tie it right where at the base of the food and the bag gets moisture on the outside so you can not even grab the bag properly

so you end up knifing the bag and get hot soup - it always is hot soup when this happens - all over you

I embarrass myself daily with the rubber band thing, so I do.

I anyone could produce a little guide on how to tie/untie (another wee pun there, did you see that, did you?) these rubber bands . . . well, it'd be great!

Jo and Jay from Learn Thai Podcasts created a classic how-to for learning how to untie those little bags.

Thailand Survival Skills: Dealing with Rubber Bands

Follow their instructions and you'll never be embarrassed again... ;-)

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A local company makes fresh cake, cut into slices, placed in thick plastic covering that not even medicinal tablets would not even be placed in. The ends of the packaging are folded over and stapled. Heaven forbid. There are many cut fingers when opening these snack foods.

I find the crisp packets are quite difficult also.

I'm sure it's the reason I've lost weight recently. I crave Cheese 'n Onion but have yet to find a suitable device to open the bag.

I believe there might be a surplus, of RDX-enhanced explosive tear-gas grenades, at present. Might they suffice ? :)

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A local company makes fresh cake, cut into slices, placed in thick plastic covering that not even medicinal tablets would not even be placed in. The ends of the packaging are folded over and stapled. Heaven forbid. There are many cut fingers when opening these snack foods.

I find the crisp packets are quite difficult also.

I'm sure it's the reason I've lost weight recently. I crave Cheese 'n Onion but have yet to find a suitable device to open the bag.

I believe there might be a surplus, of RDX-enhanced explosive tear-gas grenades, at present. Might they suffice ? :)

Desi, cheers mate, there's always an answer somewhere.

Ricardo! Crisps everywhere I would have thought old boy and you need to think about health and safety!

Edited by MJP
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I a grrrr ee with you MJP

Those small sweets like Hacks, Halls etc., sometimes they are just impossible to open.

They even pack some sausages in a plastic skin and that stuff will peel off a little bit at a time.

LM cigarettes and DVDs have a tabbed strip to help you to open them, but I can never seem to lift the tab to start it, so have to use a knife or burn it.

Food in plastic bags tied with rubber bands, I have to use scissors.

I can open crisp packets, but half the time the contents will fly up in the air and all over the floor.

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I a grrrr ee with you MJP

Those small sweets like Hacks, Halls etc., sometimes they are just impossible to open.

They even pack some sausages in a plastic skin and that stuff will peel off a little bit at a time.

LM cigarettes and DVDs have a tabbed strip to help you to open them, but I can never seem to lift the tab to start it, so have to use a knife or burn it.

Food in plastic bags tied with rubber bands, I have to use scissors.

I can open crisp packets, but half the time the contents will fly up in the air and all over the floor.

See now yer makin' me mad, remindin' me of all these little plasticky tings wot I never open in me life!

Seriously, it's my only gripe with this place.

Spent 20 mins one day trying to open a DVD wrapper. What a waste of life!

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My family has some muslim friends living here in town. I once visited them, they had the remote controls of dvd and tv wrapped in plastic foil? So I asked why, they sad so we can keep it new....

uhum, arent those things supposed to wear?

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I'll have a wee moan now about the only thing that winds me up to hel_l about living here.

Now it's not the women and family thing, it's not the driving, it's not the double charging of farang, it's not the political situation, not the exchange rate, not the insults from the natives . . . don't give a ling's dar about any of that.

It's trying to open plastic packaging. :)

In this country they have replaced normal plastic packaging with Kevlar, titanium and carbon-fibre re-inforced bullet proof packaging. Like tiny little, highly irritating Fort Knoxs' all over the kitchen.

I'm 34, a big ugly site manager from Blighty and I cannot open the following without using a 2" angle-grinder with a diamond blade.

  • Crisp packets, you can pull and pull until you break your knuckles, still end up tearing the things open from an edge and this emasculates me, takes away any Alpha male ego and reduces me to a quivering mental wreck on the floor.

  • Coffee sachets, just when you're desperate for caffeine, out comes the big blade, next thing Elastoplast and blood everywhere!

  • Anything vacuum packed in plastic.

  • Anything bound in plastic.

  • Anything wrapped in plastic, bagged in plastic, sealed in plastic.

  • Anyting plastic.

Righty oh then, what I need to establish is, am I the only one?

Yes you are.


Employ a little maid, they can open anything. :D

Don't forget to add another cost line to your spread sheet.

Line title should read "Cost for being hopeless at everything" :D:D:D

I painted a wall today!

It looks nice, too!

I guess you started to open the tin last week?...... :D

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I'll have a wee moan now about the only thing that winds me up to hel_l about living here.

Now it's not the women and family thing, it's not the driving, it's not the double charging of farang, it's not the political situation, not the exchange rate, not the insults from the natives . . . don't give a ling's dar about any of that.

It's trying to open plastic packaging. :)

In this country they have replaced normal plastic packaging with Kevlar, titanium and carbon-fibre re-inforced bullet proof packaging. Like tiny little, highly irritating Fort Knoxs' all over the kitchen.

I'm 34, a big ugly site manager from Blighty and I cannot open the following without using a 2" angle-grinder with a diamond blade.

  • Crisp packets, you can pull and pull until you break your knuckles, still end up tearing the things open from an edge and this emasculates me, takes away any Alpha male ego and reduces me to a quivering mental wreck on the floor.

  • Coffee sachets, just when you're desperate for caffeine, out comes the big blade, next thing Elastoplast and blood everywhere!

  • Anything vacuum packed in plastic.

  • Anything bound in plastic.

  • Anything wrapped in plastic, bagged in plastic, sealed in plastic.

  • Anyting plastic.

Righty oh then, what I need to establish is, am I the only one?

Yes you are.


Employ a little maid, they can open anything. :D

Don't forget to add another cost line to your spread sheet.

Line title should read "Cost for being hopeless at everything" :D:D:D

I painted a wall today!

It looks nice, too!

I guess you started to open the tin last week?...... :D

No there's a knack to that. It's French paint, so it's easy.

I've scissors now, life is perfect!

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Know what you mean about the crisp packages. But I finally got it worked out. Set it on the table, no biting or pulling necessary. Since they are full of air (I imagine to make them look bigger) if you just haul off and hit it, it will open no problem. Well no problem except for the crisp flying all over the room. But at least it is open. :)

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I had to wait for the gf to get home to open it.

you guys are funny :D

funny topic....

I was thinking if I need to move to the jokes forum HAHA

but heres my contribution, I never have problem with any of that :)

I wonder why :D

does being female help? :D

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I had to wait for the gf to get home to open it.

you guys are funny :D

funny topic....

I was thinking if I need to move to the jokes forum HAHA

but heres my contribution, I never have problem with any of that :D

I wonder why :D

does being female help? :D

Yep, it's a man thing, definitely. When female friends from the UK come over, they never have a problem with this stuff.

I'm feeling quite emotional thinking about this now. I think I'll have a coffee.

Now if I can only get this sachet open . . . :)

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A local company makes fresh cake, cut into slices, placed in thick plastic covering that not even medicinal tablets would not even be placed in. The ends of the packaging are folded over and stapled. Heaven forbid. There are many cut fingers when opening these snack foods.

I find the crisp packets are quite difficult also.

I'm sure it's the reason I've lost weight recently. I crave Cheese 'n Onion but have yet to find a suitable device to open the bag.

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