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Thailand Dog Stories,what's Yours?

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When I was a kid in Canada dogs roamed all over the place,like LOS is now..I have seen several 3 legged dogs in LOS..pretty hard to mark your territory with one hind leg. :D While riding a bicycle I witnessed an older Thai lady maybe 65 or 70 pick up a rock and deftly throw it left handed at least 30 yards,hitting the dog she was annoyed with on the bounce.I rode by and said to her.."de mak,koon chalat mak"..another time I saw a soi with a long pole across the road.I foolishlishly lifted up the pole and started riding down the soi..2 pit bulls and some thai soi dogs came out of nowhere and started chasing me..I rode as fast as I could to escape them,then realized the soi was a dead end,so I went back the way I came,picking up speed as I approached the dogs.. :) they chased me again but I yelled out,kicked at one,and got away.From then on I drive right by that soi.

  • 2 weeks later...

I feed the soi dogs in Nai Harn and concentrate mostly around Yanui. I used to get scared when dogs chased me, but dog psychology is pretty easy to understand. If one starts chasing you just stop, it's like a game to them the faster you go. If you ever watch dogs play they tease each other and they play "chase" all the time. The barking is because you're in their territory, but try not to show fear. It just wants to scare you, but if you're not scared they'll digress and find something else to do.

Good luck! :)


It would of course help one could read whether a dog is being fearful, territorial, dominant or aggressive. In my opinion there is not a, one rock fits all, answer to dealing with dogs. Have never needed rocks myself but know people who swear by them.


I go to the beach before trh sun comes up,As i put my gear down to go for a swim a i see a group of dogs walking past the pit bull looking dog walks towards me digs a hole and sits next my bag,I just went into the water ,swam and later got out .The dog was still there. When i walked out to my bag the dog left seemed wiered.looked Like it was looking after my gear .Have had no bad experiences with the dogs there.


For all you rock throwing, pole yielding numpty's out there - do try and remember you are making matters worse (for everyone, including yourself).

By all means continue, who am I to tell you what to do - but here is some factual info for you:

  • Dogs learn by repetitive behaviour and the positive or negative reinforcement of such behaviour
  • Example, Motorbike drives up and startles the dog, the dog barks, the motorbike carries on (as they would have done anyway).
  • However this continues and the dog learns that if he barks, or chases, the bike will go away and leave it's territory.
  • Motorbikes coming past throwing rocks or wielding poles, machetes etc inflict pain - heighting the desire to get this threat away from their territory.
  • Can you see where I'm going with this, or should I add pictures..?

At the end of the day, by all means carry on regardless with your sticks and stones. Just remember, when your child, or a child of someone you know happens to innocently wander down the road and pick up a stick to play with, a soi dog might mistake his innocence for a show of aggression. And why not, when the uneducated come passed with sticks, they usually hit him - in a dogs mind, why would a child be any different?!

We're supposed to be the "intelligent" species. Perhaps we should act like it.

Or not. Your call... :)

I go to the beach before trh sun comes up,As i put my gear down to go for a swim a i see a group of dogs walking past the pit bull looking dog walks towards me digs a hole and sits next my bag,I just went into the water ,swam and later got out .The dog was still there. When i walked out to my bag the dog left seemed wiered.looked Like it was looking after my gear .Have had no bad experiences with the dogs there.
We're supposed to be the "intelligent" species. Perhaps we should act like it.

I quite like dogs. It's irresponsible dog owners that i dislike.

I have lived on my soi for over 3 years with no problems.

6 months or so ago, a Thai couple bought a puppy which has now grown into a medium sized dog.

The dog chases motorbikes, including me.

The owners literally just stand there and watch.

The mutt bit one of the kids on our soi, so the dog was fitted with a muzzle, for about one day.

I've tried everything from stopping and staring at the dog to just ignoring it and driving away.

The dog hasnt been taught to behave well and the owners just let it roam the street, barking at and chasing motorbikes and occasionally biting people.

Yesterday i went home, nearly got bitten, picked up a broom handle and went back and hit the mutt. Right in front of the owner who did nothing.

Next time, i will hit the owner too. I've put up with enough.

I should have the right to ride down my soi and go about my general business in peace.

For all you rock throwing, pole yielding numpty's out there - do try and remember you are making matters worse (for everyone, including yourself).

By all means continue, who am I to tell you what to do - but here is some factual info for you:

  • Dogs learn by repetitive behaviour and the positive or negative reinforcement of such behaviour
  • Example, Motorbike drives up and startles the dog, the dog barks, the motorbike carries on (as they would have done anyway).
  • However this continues and the dog learns that if he barks, or chases, the bike will go away and leave it's territory.
  • Motorbikes coming past throwing rocks or wielding poles, machetes etc inflict pain - heighting the desire to get this threat away from their territory.
  • Can you see where I'm going with this, or should I add pictures..?

At the end of the day, by all means carry on regardless with your sticks and stones. Just remember, when your child, or a child of someone you know happens to innocently wander down the road and pick up a stick to play with, a soi dog might mistake his innocence for a show of aggression. And why not, when the uneducated come passed with sticks, they usually hit him - in a dogs mind, why would a child be any different?!

We're supposed to be the "intelligent" species. Perhaps we should act like it.

Or not. Your call... :D


Whats wrong with you :)

I go to the beach before trh sun comes up,As i put my gear down to go for a swim a i see a group of dogs walking past the pit bull looking dog walks towards me digs a hole and sits next my bag,I just went into the water ,swam and later got out .The dog was still there. When i walked out to my bag the dog left seemed wiered.looked Like it was looking after my gear .Have had no bad experiences with the dogs there.

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