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Pct Next Vs Gprs Wireless Internet Access


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Do any of the members have any real world results with the 2 wireless options? I can not read Thai so I have had to rely on friends to help me understand the different packages :o I use a laptop ( centrino, wireless ready) only, no PDA and barely use a mobile.

My expierence to date with the hotspot situation has been terrible. Sure there are hotspots, however getting permission to join (paying) is next to impossible or so expensive ( 150B/hour)as to rule it out for routine use.


Speed seems about the same as GPRS and maybe higher

cheaper hardware ( about half the cost)

wider coverage ( many more access points)

more versatile plans for fees.

many true shops to refill and on line refill of account

I have spent hours trying to compare the GPRS packages and reading mostly complaints about low coverage and broken connections.

If anyone is using PCT data I would appreciate a reply as I am so fed up with TRUE ADSL I am just going to ditch my "broadband" and go totally wireless at work and home.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

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i have use PCT in the past, but that was 2yrs ago, when i hook up the PCT phone i was offer to have wireless internet for free, but the gimick was it disconect me every 30minute, but after 6month or so they start to charge me so i stop using it, i use it on my PC and laptop, for the six month that i use it the speed is quite resonable, but than again that was 2 years ago

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