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Married To A Thai Women

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

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Yes. Many of my friends and I are in very happy and stable relationships with Thai ladies. We mix and integrate with Thai's and have a large overlap of friends.

I would like to point out as I believe that its a necessary part of any successful relationship over here that we are all within a similar socioeconomic and educational bracket. While not critical to ensuring the success of a relationship for many, I'm sure that for many of my friends and I, this similar socioeconomic and educational bracket helps significantly when building a trusting relationship.

In short, we are not doing anything too dissimilar or living our lives with any significant difference from the way we would be in our countries of origin.

Edited by richard_smith237
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I have been married 12 years to my Thai wife and I can say without hesitation that during that time she and her family have never once given me any cause for concern.

In the end, any woman who has a negative hidden agenda or addictions (gambling, drinking, drugs, Thai Husband....and so on) is able to hide these issues for as long at it takes to 'spring the trap'.

From experience I would say that you can tell most about a Thai woman's intentions by observing her immediate family and there style & relationship/interaction with you directly (regardless of any language issues or family background/social standing).

My in-laws are farmers, but they have more manners and sincerity than most of the educated Thai people I know.

I would say that most of the guys who have a bad experience with Thai women have either been (i) unlucky in love in their homeland and therefore smitten and blinded by the attentiveness shown to them by the lovely local gals, making them easy emotional targets or (ii) they have found a good Thai girl, but still can not resist the extra curricular 'dip', thus making them a deserved target for revenge.

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I have had way too many failed marriages to qualify for this jury. Personally I believe in trusting, stable relationships, just not for moi.

They might work for others. I only know of one marriage that has survived since school. They are both loving, doting spouses and dont go outside their immediate circle. I am really the outcast, but perhaps there's the charm. I am totally extrovert. I admire their relationship, but it is not for me. I could never, in good conscience, ever advise anyone to marry. Live together, do what you have to, but somehow God and Sex do strange bedfellows make. It is the Kiss of Death. A piece of paper does not guarantee love or lust.

Good Luck


BTW All my failures were non Asian.

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I know most of the people who have married a Thai girl are happy and have a great relationship. Most of the stories that do happen are guys who get married to a girl they have met for 2 weeks on holidays.

If you do what you would do in your home country as in take your time in the relationship and marry someone around your own age then you will increase your chance in finding a genuine relationship.

But in saying that I do know a few people who have married after 2 weeks and are going strong still, although I know far more who split up after a year and lost some money, it is still possible I guess for it to work.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

You are right my friend, same applies in thailand and for thai ladies as in any other country. If you marry a lady you have been happily together long time and are both in love it will work out as goos as back home.

And then again if you go and marry someone in your home country two weeks after you met her i would say in most cases it will end up being a disaster.

It's not rocket sience, do as you would do back home and that's your best bet. I did and have been together (living together) with my wife more than 6 years now and married bit more than a year. So far so good.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

Happily in a miserable/fantastic long term relationship which is a much more happier and depressing relationship than any I've had with a Western lady.

You will hit the extremes of all emotions faster with a Thai lady because of the differences betweens farangs and Asians.

If you want an exhilarating emotional roller coaster ride probably the best in the World get with an Asian.

Its an easy formula to follow.

1) meet your equal (age/finance/education/outlook......)

3) career paths and education

anyway this worked for me...

I can understand why older gentlemen fall for a BG because they fall into the hua hin/pattaya/sukhumvit trap

But really this is not necessary you can soon meet lots of ladies of your equal status by joining various clubs away from these areas.

Don't believe charging to Thailand on a white horse will save a girl because alot of girls you can meet away from the bars have good education and careers and don't need saving and may have just as much money as yourself if not more. This is my life and a few of my friends too.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

The bar girls much easier to get contact and thats why most guys get married with them ( most uk guys)

but the bar ladies are very degenerate and you cannot trust them at all .

try better getting contact with the normal thai ladies ; who never worked before as bar lady or

something like that. pattaya and phuket not the right place to find a good girl..

bkk is the best place ; but you must be brave to talk the ladies to having first contact ; otherwise the

normal thai girl are very shy even they interested.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

The bar girls much easier to get contact and thats why most guys get married with them ( most uk guys)

but the bar ladies are very degenerate and you cannot trust them at all .

try better getting contact with the normal thai ladies ; who never worked before as bar lady or

something like that. pattaya and phuket not the right place to find a good girl..

bkk is the best place ; but you must be brave to talk the ladies to having first contact ; otherwise the

normal thai girl are very shy even they interested.

What about some of the lady that work in Robinsons department store, like that?

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Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

i would have loved to answer your questions, but i lack experience. my wife strongly opposes that i marry a thai lady. :)

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

The bar girls much easier to get contact and thats why most guys get married with them ( most uk guys)

but the bar ladies are very degenerate and you cannot trust them at all .

try better getting contact with the normal thai ladies ; who never worked before as bar lady or

something like that. pattaya and phuket not the right place to find a good girl..

bkk is the best place ; but you must be brave to talk the ladies to having first contact ; otherwise the

normal thai girl are very shy even they interested.

What about some of the lady that work in Robinsons department store, like that?

Well, one year my pal and I met a couple of Robinsons department store cosmetic salesgirls........................at Nana Disco.

Ends up they liked to supplement their incomes with a few nights a month there.

Fantastically hot, that's for sure, but I wouldn't have married them. No way.

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I have to say that you need to spend time with your G/F before you get married to get to know each other, I lived with my G/f for 2 years then we got married Thai style for another 5 years then we got married legally, now 2 years passed November. I add all this up and we have been living together now for just over 9 years. I have a good Relationship with my in-laws they are good people, I think of my wife as my best Friend and I except her with all her faults as she excepts me for mine. I did not come to Thailand to find a wife but it just happened, right person at the right time. :)



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Just coming up to 10 years, with twin girls 2 years old.

Had several long term relationships in the UK but never once was even tempted to marry but met my wife while working here through mutual friends and we got married just over a yerar later.

Never want to go back, now consider myself more Thai than European.

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I just got married to a wonderful thai lady. we have same age, same education and same interests. so i cant relate to old guys marrying bargirls. but i do find my wife incredible in many many ways, and i am quite sure some of these traits are related to her ethnicity and culture.

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So far so good, i hope it stays this way, ( the replies so far ). :) , married to a thai lady for 8 years, one 7 year old daughter that luckily is just like her mum . i genuinely feel sorry for the guys that are attracted to the wrong sorts or who have had the problems we hear of, my advice, slow down, be selective and treat her like a lady,.you will be rewarded in full im sure,. :D

Edited by SMEEERE
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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

Happily in a miserable/fantastic long term relationship which is a much more happier and depressing relationship than any I've had with a Western lady.

You will hit the extremes of all emotions faster with a Thai lady because of the differences betweens farangs and Asians.

If you want an exhilarating emotional roller coaster ride probably the best in the World get with an Asian.

Its an easy formula to follow.

1) meet your equal (age/finance/education/outlook......)

3) career paths and education

anyway this worked for me...

I can understand why older gentlemen fall for a BG because they fall into the hua hin/pattaya/sukhumvit trap

But really this is not necessary you can soon meet lots of ladies of your equal status by joining various clubs away from these areas.

Don't believe charging to Thailand on a white horse will save a girl because alot of girls you can meet away from the bars have good education and careers and don't need saving and may have just as much money as yourself if not more. This is my life and a few of my friends too.

I'm interested in rule number "2" ?? :)

Married 3 years hardest thing for me is my Wife's "acceptance" of some crazy Thai ways.

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I agree the same applies here as anywhere.

In the US there is I believe about a 50% success rate on marriages. I'm sure you would find Thai/farang is lower due to added challenges. Couples are are often mismatched. There are some people who will likely never find a match because there own thoughts and behaviors get in the way of a healthy relationship. Add on the challenge of economical, cultural and language differences, and it is not surprising to see why there are many failed Thai/farang relationships.

I could not be happier with my wife and our relationship and I'm sure she feels the same. We share the same values and enjoy many of the same activities.

Honestly we have not had a bad day in over 4 years. I completley trust her and she trusts me.

We don't have a relationship where I give her X amount of money each month. We have joint accounts, our cars are in both names etc..we plan and work towards our goals together. We are fairly close in age. She speaks very good english, I am very slowly learning Thai. We share about the same education and intelligence level. And we have both spent time and effort learning the differences between our cultures. If a problem does occur it is most likely from language and culture differences and can easily be addressed.

That is us.. There are many other good relationships out there.

I know a couple that when they met she could not speak a word of english and he, very little thai. They have been happily together many many years. He now speaks very good thai, and her english is fair. It shows they both put effort into it, many of the doomed relationships have lazy/spoiled participants. And are likely failed from the beginning.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

I would say yes to that question.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

This is my 5th year married and all is fine and dandy. Ps she is my third wife so I know I'm a bastard to live with. Just dont rush into things, take your time to suss each other out, and impress with her that honesty is the best policy by far. Good luck!

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We are happily married for 2 years have one little boy and we could not be happier we have a nucleous of both thai and western friends.

There is quite a large thai commnity in our town of about 30,000 people in Australia.

We do inend to move to thailand when I retire but the moment quite happy here in Aussie :)

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Oh come on !! every relationship have an issue..its the matter of how you will deal with each other. ( sound so logical for me)

Nobody perfect right ?

I had argured / fighting with my husband every week hahaha.

My family saw my text on msn about our argurment so called me concerned if im still ok over here.

Goodluck to you both. :)

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Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness?

Yes. Married 2 weeks ago after 7 year relationship, met on ICQ. So far, so good :)

There are bucketloads of fantastic, kind and considerate ladies out there and dare I say a much higher percentage than you'll find in the 'west'. Just don't go 'dating' in bars and expect a happy ending (or if you do, at least have the decency to blame yourself and not the people you meet).

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Be very wary of women who want to live in the west; i.e. USA or UK

They are economical migrants and can fool anybody into believing that they are genuine lovers.

Also most of these guys who are answering your question live in Thailand and are providers for the whole of their extended family.

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I am going throw the cat amongst pigeons here. But this is a genuine. I have read many articles on marrying Thai women and sadly most give a very negative impression. Most of you would have read the articles. I am not putting bar girls down, but could we leave them out of the picture at moment. I am also well aware of cultural differnces. Are there Thai women who are looking for happiness? All women no matter whatever the country they come from are looking for security in a relationship. Gold diggers everywhere as well. I would like to see some input here from those who are in a happy relationship. in Thailand. These are genuine questions I am asking. So come on guys please come forward.

Its interesting that the poster asks if there are Thai women looking for happiness and then everyone goes on to talk about how happy they are in their relationships. It seems that many assume that because they are happy, so is the woman.

Edited by thailandlover
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There are bucketloads of fantastic, kind and considerate ladies out there and dare I say a much higher percentage than you'll find in the 'west'.

got anything to back up this claim or just yet another bloke with an issue. yawn.

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Its interesting that the poster asks if there are Thai women looking for happiness and then everyone goes on to talk about how happy they are in their relationships. It seems that many assume that because they are happy, so is the woman.

lol, I would pay to see some of the thai wife postings on the question that's for sure :)

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