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Windows Repair


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Windows repair

Windows 2k if I remember correctly, I used to do it, allows you to repair the system files. Just run setup and it would ask whether you want to to a new install or you want to repair the existing one. But Win XP doesn’t give you such options does it? I find myself now and then in this pain-in-the-butt situation when I have to re-install not just Windows but also all the applications and what not. Anyone could advice me on how to get around this issue, or what the best way to repair Windows because of a corrupted “boot file” ? Thanks

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XP does have a repair option. If you start the installation process it will 'notice' that you already have windows installed, and ask if you if you want to repair the existing install or put in a new one.

I tried to repair mine a couple of days ago. It fixed some things, but broke others...

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Windows repair

Windows 2k if I remember correctly, I used to do it, allows you to repair the system files. Just run setup and it would ask whether you want to to a new install or you want to repair the existing one. But Win XP doesn’t give you such options does it? I find myself now and then in this pain-in-the-butt situation when I have to re-install not just Windows but also all the applications and what not. Anyone could advice me on how to get around this issue, or what the best way to repair Windows because of a corrupted “boot file” ? Thanks

Strange. You should be able to re-install Xp without affecting all the rest of your stuff, but you'd lose any downloaded Xp updates you'd done. Unless of course, you're also doing a reformat.

Xp does have an option to check system files. Under your disk tools, Check volume for errors, you have a check-box for Automatically fix file system errors. Check this 'on' and Xp will suggest a reboot. Do this and it will do a system files check while rebooting. I don't know how thorough this check is, or exactly what it can repair, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

But reading on, it seems to me that if you have to keep doing all these re-installs then your problem is much more fundamental. Dare I ask whether the Xp you have is "kosher"? Are you using SP2? Is your mainboard BIOS up-to-date? If you could give more details of what is actually causing these re-installs (symptoms) perhaps forum members could give you some better advice.

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You can repair corrupt files by running inserting instalation CDROM and then running SFC /scannow in START/Run. If I remember rightly it will replace any non standard *.*.dll's etc with the original version. Could cause more problems than it solves but be aware of it as an option if you are at the stage where you have nothing to lose.

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