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Thai Visa Sponsor- Centa Care Has Launched A New Website ! Www.centa-care.com


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Centa Care provides an English speaking Home Nursing and Care service to the expatriate community of Chiang Mai.

We are a recent sponsor on Thai Visa and have just launched a new website providing details of our services which include:

· Supporting you in your home if you have an Injury or Disability

· Care and support with llness or after Surgery

· Short term Respite Care

· Domestic Assistance

· Support and Translation assistance with Medical, Dental and Specialist appointments

· Providing a helping hand for people who are getting older

Please take a look at our website and any feedback about the services we provide would be appreciated.

Visit our new Website Click Here

Edited by tau8
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Please take a look at our website and any feedback you have would be much appreciated.

Ok!! First of all, I think the initial welcome page doesn't add much. The words near the top look like they could be links but aren't. The only place to click is to go to the actual home page ('main'). So I'd just get rid of that intro page. Also search engines would have more words to gobble up if you got rid of the intro page.

Also, this picture is weird:


I mean.. what! Looks like the Mrs. is miffed that her man can't get it up or died or something. :) The light of heaven shineth upon him to take his soul. They're in a lifeless medical cubicle that's exactly the sort of place where nobody would ever hope to end up.

So, quit the stock photo crap and go shoot some stuff involving cute Thai nurses smiling admiringly at some geezer while they take him to the bathroom.

Generally speaking it needs far more pictures of actual people. Some of the current pictures also are resized to a different aspect ratio, i.e. a rectangle forced into a square. But really it's better to go shoot loads more new pictures. It needs a picture gallery really, and some guest/customer accounts saying what a great and caring service it is.


You don't want Thai customers? It's often key to being profitable. And besides, chances are that for most of your foreign customers, Thailand won't be very foreign at all. The phrase is actually more suited to appeal to people who are afraid of foreign countries, "where nobody cares".. (Or is that a pitch to family of people living in Western countries who might pay for care for their father living in Thailand?)

And a second reason why that phrase is bad: Services that are pitched ONLY at foreigners tend to be high priced scammy sort of things. Even if you will never have a Thai customer in your life, translating the page to Thai at the very least makes it seem that the service your offer is competitive in the local marketplace.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Looking at the homepage I should right away know what the company is about ...... not the case here.

What is that loose sentence at the top of each page ?

Photography is really bad, pixellated jpegs, lanscape pics squeezed into portrait shaped boxes, etc., looks like you downloaded your pictures from the internet, I hope you paid the photographer ???

Indented first line of text doesn't make things clearer.

Why is the line under the logo a different font ?

Big phone number at the top of the contact page (with a crappy phone Icon) and then please contact us VIA email ?

Maybe hire a graphic designer.

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Web sites aside i think On the whole it would be a welcome venture great idear especially if you are a little older and on your own, a market that has not been activaly explored and has a lot of potential if the staff are well trained well rewarded then great. Good Luck to you Mr Louis davis .

I also think that their is a market for care homes But that is another story

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So, quit the stock photo crap and go shoot some stuff involving cute Thai nurses smiling admiringly at some geezer while they take him to the bathroom.

Exellent advice. Try a sweet looking Thai nurse with a short skirt and fishnet stockings. :)

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Thanks to everyone who has checked out or new website so far and some of the positive comments made on our service.

A comment was made regarding costs and competition for our type of services here in Chaing Mai, and it was great to get that feedback because many people may be asking the same questions.

The cost of Centa Care's service does vary based upon the individual needs and time required however the cost compared to similar services overseas is significantly less and you may be surprised at how inexpensive our service can be to provide a bit of help from time to time to make life easier.

Our service is unique it is the only English speaking Home Nursing and Care service available in Chiang Mai

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Centa Care provides an English speaking Home Nursing and Care service to the expatriate community of Chiang Mai.

We are a recent sponsor on Thai Visa and have just launched a new website providing details of our services which include:

· Supporting you in your home if you have an Injury or Disability

· Care and support with llness or after Surgery

· Short term Respite Care

· Domestic Assistance

· Support and Translation assistance with Medical, Dental and Specialist appointments

· Providing a helping hand for people who are getting older

Please take a look at our website and any feedback about the services we provide would be appreciated.

Visit our new Website Click Here

Yes, I found it interesting enough to bookmark your website.

Who knows, this maybe something worth keeping in mind as a last resort if I ever required help regarding the services offered by your company.

A website can be a front window for a company. As like all shop windows it can either tempt a customer to walk inside the shop or have an opposite effect of depicting a company as an amateur outfit whose services are hardly worth noting. I find your website more pertaining to the later.

As for the photo below, if I had to put a caption on it, I would have the woman thinking, he’s a dead loss these days, can hardly raise it anymore, just look at the old git, he`s knackered, oh the pain, the pain.

The first things I want to know are, how much? And exact details of the services. These is lacking on the web site, so rather than try and phone for information, I would be more inclined to give the whole thing a miss and look elsewhere.

I was not convinced that your staffs is suitably qualified to deal with:

· Injury

· Showering and Bathing

· Dressing and Mobility

· Oral hygiene, Grooming and Skin Care

· Respite Care- Short term - Weekends or overnight

· Support for a Primary Carer whilst otherwise occupied

And would be dubious if putting myself or family members under their care.


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Thanks to everyone looking at our new site.

I just want to clarify for those interested that our nursing staff are qualified & professional men and women who have studied either as Registered Nurses and have a University degree qualification or Enrolled Nurses who have certificates from certified nursing schools.

Therefore our staff have the same level of training and qualification as those in the hospitals here in Chiang Mai but with the added bonus of being able to speak English.

Also our costs are based upon the type of service you may require, as detailed on our Services page, we will provide you with a costs for your specific requirement as everyone needs different levels of care. It is therefore not at all practical to detail costs on the website, however our service is significantly cheaper than those found overseas. We provide a unique service as we are the only English speaking Home Nursing & Care provider here in Chiang Mai.

Please email or call us if you need our assistance.

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Congratulations on your informative website.

Having just moved to CM from Phuket I am pleased to see that this type of service is avaliable here because recently I had a friend who had a motorbike accident in Phuket and needed a lot of surgery on his shoulder and no help was avaliable for him after he left hospital.

I hope you get great support from the people in CM and you will be on the top of my list if I have a problem for sure

Good luck

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