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Wing Chun Classes In Bangkok


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There is an old thread on this forum with people looking for Wing Chun classes in Bangkok, the information in that thread is dated and the class recommended on there has stopped running.

However, after a long search I have found a new place for Wing Chun in Bangkok with a great teacher who speaks English and German. He caters for all levels of proficiency and is genuinely a nice person. If you require Private tuition, that can also be arranged. The club itself has a very warm and welcoming family vibe with people of all ages. It is kitted out with mats and mirrors and has a punch-bag, punching posts and a wooden dummy.

It is located opposite Lasalle College on Sukhumvit 105, the closest BTS is On Nut and then you need to jump in a taxi/motorbike taxi or bus for a few mins. If you have any further questions then contact Panor - 0863082182.


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Wing Chung - that's not that crazy-ass stuff that martial arts expert Carradine fellow was into with all the shoelaces and ropes and stuff, is it? To think there is a school for that, what a strange world we live in!

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He was into Martial Arts yes, not sure what else he was into though!

Wing Chun is great for health, mental strength and self defence. You do not need to be strong, in fact you learn to use your opponents strength against them. It is widely viewed as the most efficient and effective fighting form. Any age , male or female can learn, great fun! And I should add that the Lasalle fighting school have extremely good prices, they offer the same price to Thai people and Farangs. 1,200 Baht per month and you can train up 6 days per week.

They also do Tai Kwon Do at the same club if people are into that.


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