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Sexiest Men / Handsome Men / Considerate Men


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I just luv em all!!!

Living here in Geneva, which is a very international city, we get them all. And alot are half this and a quarter that etc.

So. I would like a cocktail (no pun intended :D ) of Irish (for the banter), French for the je ne sais quoi, American for the teeth, Brazilian for the fact that they can wear a speedo and get away with it, and a little sprinkling of Swiss because they keep me focused and on time!

The one nationality i have never really got on with are the Dutch - Sorry dutch people out there.

But then you never know. I may meet a Moroccan Danish guy at the ciggie shop in the morning...

God, I love this post, lol. The only thing I would add is the Canadians, and the Dutch ... and probably a few others ... Nauruans?

It was just a joke...

Be careful, I may start a sexy singing man song thread!!! :)

Oh, man - point well taken.

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Looks are only part of the package.

If you read through comments posted by women, you'll see that we rarely go by looks alone.

And that's why women are quite happily married to a guy with bad knees, a bit of a pouch, thinning hair, etc.

Because sexy is not limited to youth, totally firm bodies, the clothes worn, or cars driven.

Mindset comes into it in a big way.

For me, there is no sexier man than a man who loves women. Who really loves women.

(it makes me shiver just to think about it...)


Ian has to mention that, afterall hes got a face like a deep sea racing tortoise. :)

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Hey ladies (and gents)

I am not new to this Forum or to Thailand. I usually just read and laugh. But I thought I would say hello and post to this topic as I find it quite ammusing and enjoyable.

So I have to agree with Ian and say the Portuguese. This would include Brazilians. After all, they are of Portuguese decent.


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Ian has to mention that, afterall hes got a face like a deep sea racing tortoise. :)


Ain't that the truth..

The photos posted by TipCoffeeUSA certainly would be attractive men by anyone's standards. And, they both look Portugese, or at least Latin in origin.

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Ian has to mention that, afterall hes got a face like a deep sea racing tortoise. :)


Ain't that the truth..

The photos posted by TipCoffeeUSA certainly would be attractive men by anyone's standards. And, they both look Portugese, or at least Latin in origin.

you sure you don't recognize that man???

Maybe this photo will make it all clearer to you...



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:) ...

And i thought men didnt notice the details. Yet in this case, it would seem, that a change in hair and make up deemed Mr Aussie Wolverine unrecognisable to the male eye. :D

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:) ...

And i thought men didnt notice the details. Yet in this case, it would seem, that a change in hair and make up deemed Mr Aussie Wolverine unrecognisable to the male eye. :D

I didnt even get a chance to see that photo, until now & yes I would of noticed who it is, afterall, we are related. (both male, both aussies....but sadly thats where the similaraties end :D ).

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you are just generalizing, eek, >snip<

Yes, just generalising Ian. Just a bit of fun. Meant to be lighthearted.

Actually I expect the female perspective on this topic will vary far more than the male perspective on the opposite sex. Men usually seem to have a simpler criteria when it comes to what they consider sexy/attractive/considerate. Maybe "simpler" isnt the right word really, I suppose i mean that women seem to have a different way of judging what is sexy etc. Often more about body language and the way a man makes you feel than just about appearances. Just look at Gerard Depardieu..makes so many women weak at the knees just because of his 'presence'.

And on that mention, how about French men? I may not personally find French men the sexiest men in general terms, but dam_n have they got style. SO very suave!

Absolutment! They can easily fascinate a woman with their manners and sexy accent. They've got that 'je ne sais quoi'.. If they are half French and half north African then some can be incredibily attractive..My favourite kind has to be of mixed race, visually speaking but also culturally, if they were able to appreciate a taste of both parent's worlds. Keanu Reeves is a an example.. :)

Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

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i think (some) scandinavian guys are the best looking, and have a lot of style and personality. but i tend to like dark haired guys, which isn't common up there.

i don't think any particular nationality is the sexiest, that is an individual thing. i do agree that a large percentage of israeli guys i have met were very sexy. the sexiest guys i have ever seen were in NYC (all nationalities).

american & canadian guys by far are the nicest and most considerate, in my experience. it's the way they are raised. i have heard the same about new zealand guys but have never met one.

thai (asian) guys were revolting to me at first, then became very sexy as i settled into the culture. once i learned more about their culture though i am back to finding myself revolted by them, in general.

:D Guess am 1 of the "some" :D Sorry am "taken" n this Scandi ( Moa),dont cheat on "his" better half :)

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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :)

Edited by eek
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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :D

And SWEETY..do "girls" like to b named that word.?From strangers? I never wanted 2 use those kind of word,cuse it4 me sounds cheapkind of....Maybe i dont understand because am Scandic :)

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Looks alone - has to be Israeli guys - the women are beautiful too but the men, on the whole are gorgeous.Don't know about personality? Bina?

Can you explain this more? I found more woman like man from the " middle-east ".

I guess you have never been to Koh Phangan then, hahaha ....... Don't know now, but there used to be lots of beautiful isreal women. But hey always hang out with isreal guys, was really hard to get in between just for a small chat. Also the women from isreal I met were pretty arogant. I must say I did not met that many ..... maybe it was just coincidence. Ohw and Datsun, you will probably agree with me that the men from Holland are the most handsome ones, right??? lol ........

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Hey ladies (and gents)

I am not new to this Forum or to Thailand. I usually just read and laugh. But I thought I would say hello and post to this topic as I find it quite ammusing and enjoyable.

So I have to agree with Ian and say the Portuguese. This would include Brazilians. After all, they are of Portuguese decent.


Hi guavagirl

nice to see you join us

hope to hear more from and about you :)

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Looks alone - has to be Israeli guys - the women are beautiful too but the men, on the whole are gorgeous.Don't know about personality? Bina?

Can you explain this more? I found more woman like man from the " middle-east ".

Ohw and Datsun, you will probably agree with me that the men from Holland are the most handsome ones, right??? lol ........


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Looks alone - has to be Israeli guys - the women are beautiful too but the men, on the whole are gorgeous.Don't know about personality? Bina?

Can you explain this more? I found more woman like man from the " middle-east ".

Ohw and Datsun, you will probably agree with me that the men from Holland are the most handsome ones, right??? lol ........


Hehe,What about the "fish n chips" people,they r not mentioned here. :):D

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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :)

Sorry, but ciao is a word, to be more specific, it's an Italian word, and to go even further, it's a greeting

Go Mariners!

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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :D

And SWEETY..do "girls" like to b named that word.?From strangers? I never wanted 2 use those kind of word,cuse it4 me sounds cheapkind of....Maybe i dont understand because am Scandic :)

Sorry there, you do have a point, no sexist connotation inferred, but i just used it as a generic term. I'd be happy to call you by your given name

Peace out


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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :)

Sorry, but ciao is a word, to be more specific, it's an Italian word, and to go even further, it's a greeting

Go Mariners!

And to be even more specific, it can also mean goodbye. :D

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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :)

Sorry, but ciao is a word, to be more specific, it's an Italian word, and to go even further, it's a greeting

Go Mariners!

Oh the irony. Guess my reply went over your head..sweetie. :D

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Seems someone needs to hijack the topic with whatever issues he's got, eh? I always wonder at men who call women sweety. It can be nice enough if coming from an old man, but usually, its just patronizing.

And, to get back to the topic in a round about manner, patronizing men do not fall into the handsome or sexy category :)

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Seems someone needs to hijack the topic with whatever issues he's got, eh? I always wonder at men who call women sweety. It can be nice enough if coming from an old man, but usually, its just patronizing.

And, to get back to the topic in a round about manner, patronizing men do not fall into the handsome or sexy category :)

True, but it's hard to tell if a person is patronizing or not over the internet unless you've had a lot of discussions from that person. As a general rule, men and women are going to look at the same topic from two different points of view.

None of us can get inside the mind of anyone else to determine what the other is thinking. Very often little things we experienced as a child will manifest itself when we become adults. What one person finds sexy might completely turn someone else off because it brings back unpleasant memories as a child.

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Sorry sweety, absolutement is not a word (missing from Webster's Dictionary) perhaps you meant absolutely?


Mike from Seattle

..and neither is Ciao. Because both are not English words. Doesnt make them non-words :D

Edit: ..and, for clarification, as Ave was replying to my comment about French men, it was relevant and fun to put in an exclamation in French. Thus "Absolutement!". Sorry, I guess I sound pedantic, but its kinda ironic you posted just to make that comment, then used "Ciao". :D

And SWEETY..do "girls" like to b named that word.?From strangers? I never wanted 2 use those kind of word,cuse it4 me sounds cheapkind of....Maybe i dont understand because am Scandic :)

Sorry there, you do have a point, no sexist connotation inferred, but i just used it as a generic term. I'd be happy to call you by your given name

Peace out


..Point taken.. :D

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And, to get back to the topic in a round about manner, patronizing men do not fall into the handsome or sexy category :)

We already agreed in here that category is for the Dutch guys and fish n chips people only ..... and the wolverine guy!!! hahaha ......

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Ian has to mention that, afterall hes got a face like a deep sea racing tortoise. :)


Ain't that the truth..

The photos posted by TipCoffeeUSA certainly would be attractive men by anyone's standards. And, they both look Portugese, or at least Latin in origin.

Ian, I just saw your pics in another thread, they are great by the way and I would love to know where that waterfall and swimming hole are, but you really are butt ugly! Just kidding! I actually defended you in another thread, you seem to be, from your posts, a nice guy.

To keep this somewhat on topic, a question to the ladies. Would you prefer an average looking guy with a great personality (and all that entails, humor, consideration, yada yada yada, etc) or a smoking hot guy who is/can be a di*khead at times? Feel free to discuss both short term and long term relationships when answering.

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