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Latest Requirements For Retirement Visa In Jomtien


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I will applying for my first retirement visa in a couple of weeks.

I have over 800K in the bank. The 800K will in the bank over 60 days but less than 90 days. I like this OK for the first application.

Do I need a medical certificate? Do I need a copy of my condo lease?

Besides the immigration form, pictures, letter from the bank, copies of my bank saving book, do I need anything else?

I had a retirement visa for several years but let it lapse. I will be converting my 12 month non-immigrant "O" visa.

Every immigration office seems to be different, and the requirements seem to change every couple of months.

I want to make sure I have all the documents.


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No medical certificate or copy of lease required, you will though need copies of your passport, main page plus current visa, I also take copy of my arrival card but cannot remember if they needed it, they also like copies of the last few pages of the bankbook not just the main page with account number.

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You will want to bring a copy of some proof of address, such as a phone bill. Two months money seasoning will be accepted for the FIRST extension based on retirement. The letter from the bank should be done the same or previous day as the immigration meeting.

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I got my retirement extension last week. I submitted the paper work on Thursday early afternoon and picked up the passport on Friday after 1300.

I submitted the following:

1. Passport and copies of all pertinent pages.

2. One photograph, obtained outside the Immigration Building.

3. Copy of daughter's Thai birth certificate.

4. Copy of marriage certificate.

5. Original letter from bank.

6. Copies of three pages in the bank book.

7. Original letter of earnings from US Embassy.

8. Copy of the original chanote for my home.

I dressed appropriately and my Thai wife accompanied me. It was surprisingly easy and Immigration was very helpful.

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Hey Gguy only way to be 100 percent sure what these folks want is to go in a few days before a few days before hand, make note of what they say you need and above all note who you are talking to give you biggest smile and most graceful thank you very much, return on at the date you are due with everything in hand(several copies) BOTTOM LINE: Your next to last Sentence said it all, "Every Immigration Office seem to be different, and requirements seem to change every couple of months.":D:)

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I don't agree. Jomtien is very straightforward and doing retirement extensions there is very routine. You can get all the info you need here; there is absolutely no need to go in there to gather info for this. Perhaps for more complex issues, not for this.

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I don't agree. Jomtien is very straightforward and doing retirement extensions there is very routine. You can get all the info you need here; there is absolutely no need to go in there to gather info for this. Perhaps for more complex issues, not for this.

I can never remember which documents to complete: pls correct me if Iam wrong - as I do like to download them and prepare before going to the Office.

TM7 - Retirement Visa Extension Baht 1900.00

TM8 - Multiple Re Entry Permit Baht 3800.00

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You did not need the chanote. Any copy of proof of address will be accepted, such as a utility bill.

Thanks for the information but I already knew that. It was just easier for me to grab it than rummage through for a utility bill.

I posted what I used, not what was required by Immigration.

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I posted what I used, not what was required by Immigration.

Yes, but this is about the OP; he asked what he NEEDS.

So, do I apologize to you or the OP for making that heinous post? :)

Edit in:Changed 2 letters.

Edited by chuckd
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A couple of "little things" that make the process smoother:

Sign each photocopy before presenting them to the Immigrations officer.

If you are printing immigration forms at home, be sure to print two-sided forms as two sides of a single sheet of paper.

If you're not sure what pages to photocopy of your passport, just stop by the copy shop just outside the Immigrations office and tell them you are applying for a retirement extension. They will copy everything you need, but not copy anything you don't need. (Ditto for re-entry permit, if you are also applying for that.)

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I posted what I used, not what was required by Immigration.

Yes, but this is about the OP; he asked what he NEEDS.

So, do I apologize to you or the OP for making that heinous post? :D

Edit in:Changed 2 letters.



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