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Is anyone getting upload speeds greater than 400 or 500 kbps with TT&T? I'm not even getting that. I am paying for 2MB download an 1MB upload. I have never gotten anywhere near 1MB upload; currently, I am getting 200-300 kpbs, if that. I am sure the service has deteriorated in the last few months because now I have trouble backing up my files (which I do over the internet) whereas I never had these problems before. The stories of incompetence at TT&T are legion. Two "engineers" spent two fruitless hours at my house yesterday. They did not know what they were doing. In the end, they said that my problems were due to the fact that I have two computers running off the same router! Other people have been told that there is something wrong with their router (when in fact it was perfectly fine). I now that TIT, but this is getting ridiculous.


I am on the 3 meg indy package and yes it has deteriorated markedly over the last few months. Wildly differing performance hour to hour, constant interruption of connection, that sort of thing.

I have never got an upload speed greater than 450 kbps, usually the same as you at 200-300.

Calling the 'engineers' out yields the same frustration as you. They will blame everything except the network.

You need a new modem, your pc is too old/slow.

It is only after insisting that they check the line for the third time that I have noticed an improvement in speed and connectivity. Yes they did find a problem in the telephone line someway up the road.

It doesn't help that I live out in the sticks in a small village but if they could just admit to problems rather than blaming something else it would be a start.

Way better than TOT though!!!!!


Those numbers quoted by TT&T are Maximum values. It depends on how many people are signed on and using that node. I had pretty much that same values you have while on Indy, but when I upgraded to Premier I now have a consistent 1.6 megabits download and a .84 upload speed.

Is anyone getting upload speeds greater than 400 or 500 kbps with TT&T? I'm not even getting that. I am paying for 2MB download an 1MB upload. I have never gotten anywhere near 1MB upload; currently, I am getting 200-300 kpbs, if that. I am sure the service has deteriorated in the last few months because now I have trouble backing up my files (which I do over the internet) whereas I never had these problems before. The stories of incompetence at TT&T are legion. Two "engineers" spent two fruitless hours at my house yesterday. They did not know what they were doing. In the end, they said that my problems were due to the fact that I have two computers running off the same router! Other people have been told that there is something wrong with their router (when in fact it was perfectly fine). I now that TIT, but this is getting ridiculous.

Yes I had a similar problem. A hacker from China broke into my system and destroyed my WINSOCK.

At least you still have an internet connection.

Could somebody have altered your router settings in some way?

The speed you buy is the maximum speed you could have.

It has little to do with the actual speed you are given.

I think TT&T are better than most.

A 1MB upload speed is asking a lot in Thailand.

Speeds do depend on the time of day and hence the number of users.

The evenings and the night have always been faster unless Maxnet are doing housekeeping

when the service can stop for a while.

A problem is that tt&t are a telephone company and very good at supplying

phone lines and internet connections.

Behind the staff that you give your money to there must be the techs

who run the internet. These people you will never get to meet.

They understand Maxnet better than you or I.

I was unable to connect to any web site.

Firstly Maxnet told me that my router was broken. So I purchased another one and it was the same.

Then I asked the techs to call which they did.

They carry a small ADSL modem and a mini laptop.

They proved to me that my Maxnet connection was good.

They told me that my computer was broken and that I should return it to the shop.

I then installed Ubuntu Linux,which I had previously downloaded, and all worked well.

To repair my router I switched it on and held down the reset button for 30 seconds.

I then had to re-enter my Maxnet username and password.

I then changed my router password.

To repair my WINSOCK I googled for WINSOCK FIX XP and downloaded a small program

which restored my corrupted registry.

There are 2 firewalls - one on the router and one on the computer. Of course I run anti-virus.

The settings on the firewalls were incorrect.

Also I had not changed the password on the router.

Most people have username Admin and password Admin or 1234 or the defaults.

So anybody can change your router settings without you knowing.

The hacker tried for a longtime to TELNET port 23 on the modem.

When that failed he used other methods such as just asking me.

Please can connect to Ok I typed.

I know that this post is a bit jumbled but other than now all works well I cannot be certain about anything.

I hope that it might give you a clue as to your problem

because I do not believe that I am the only one with my problem.

Maxnet are a great ISP but the techs are overloaded with requests about customer problems.

I tried telephoning them to thank them for what they had done

and to explain to them what the problem was but they did not want to know.

I don't blame them.

There are 2 firewalls - one on the router and one on the computer. Of course I run anti-virus.

The settings on the firewalls were incorrect.

Also I had not changed the password on the router.

Most people have username Admin and password Admin or 1234 or the defaults.

So anybody can change your router settings without you knowing.

The hacker tried for a longtime to TELNET port 23 on the modem.

When that failed he used other methods such as just asking me.

Please can connect to Ok I typed.

You did not mention the kind of firewall you are running in your comp.

Password to the router should always be set different from default. The router is your first defense against hacking.

Gateway of your local network (LAN) should always be through the router IP address, which in your case is

Setting it to, means a device has been connected into the local network and issued with the LAN IP address of

If in doubt, go to DOS command box and run ipconfig /all to check on the status of your comp's connection.

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