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Where To Watch A Big Muay Thai Fight?


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Lumpini or Ratchadamnern stadiums

Ratchadamnern every mon, wed, thur and sunday

Lumpini every Tue, fri and saturday

the midweek fight shows tend to be better, weekends more smaller feeder shows with younger talent.

If you are in Bangkok on the 3rd of July there is a very big show at Lumpini, with a lot of big names fighting.

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Walking street Pattaya, not many big names but great action, way better than Lumpini.


I hope you're joking! :)

WS is tourist stuff.


No I'm not, after going to Lumpini and not being very impressed with the quality of the fights, I was in Pattaya and sat and watched a succession of very angry thai boxers batter seven shades of shit out of each other in the ring on walking street. Just my personal opinion.


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You may wish to read the article in todays Bangkok Post about Muay Thai and specifically Lumpini Stadium befor wasting your money going there

why would they be wasting their money? If they get to see good fights and enjoy the action then it wouldn't be a waste. Would take that article with a pinch of salt, especially regarding one of the people in particular they quote throughout. Although the fight fixing they ention goes on it isn't by any means an everyday occurrence.

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Walking street Pattaya, not many big names but great action, way better than Lumpini.


I hope you're joking! :)

WS is tourist stuff.


No I'm not, after going to Lumpini and not being very impressed with the quality of the fights, I was in Pattaya and sat and watched a succession of very angry thai boxers batter seven shades of shit out of each other in the ring on walking street. Just my personal opinion.


WS is like WWF wrestling, a show, a gimmick. They're not real fights at all.


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You probably just got lucky with the quality.

he really don't know what hes talking about even the Thai boxers in walking street would die laughing at suggesting there in the same league as the Lumpini boxers :)

I didn't say they were in the same league, I said the fights were more exciting, not the same thing. Take football, technicaly Spanish and Italian football is the better football but English football is more exciting to watch.


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Walking street Pattaya, not many big names but great action, way better than Lumpini.


I hope you're joking! :)

WS is tourist stuff.


No I'm not, after going to Lumpini and not being very impressed with the quality of the fights, I was in Pattaya and sat and watched a succession of very angry thai boxers batter seven shades of shit out of each other in the ring on walking street. Just my personal opinion.


WS is like WWF wrestling, a show, a gimmick. They're not real fights at all.


Then I must have been lucky because I can assure you the fights I saw on walking street were very real. I would compare walking street to unlicensed bxing and Lumpini to licensed, unlicensed way more exciting.


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Channel 7 Stadium, my apologies.

I also don't see how reading that article would make you not want to go, unless he was talking about throwing fights. So? Happens in fights around the world, but most likely an average viewer would not even notice this either.

I just think some get mad when they are told they can't pay the Thai price as they are a foreigner, and are not given the option to pay a lower price even if they don't mind sitting uncomfortably. You could say it's because they know Thais will bet a lot of money but even if a Thai goes in there and doesn't bet he can still get in there at the lower price. 2000 baht just does not equate with the standard of living in Thailand as this is what you could pay to go to a fight in the U.S. I would only pay that if I knew it was the best fighters or a big title fight, but the average tourist is going to have no clue so that's why I think they're being ripped off a lot of the time.

Tingnongnoi, as I won't be in BKK on 3 July how would I know a good time to go otherwise when there would also be a lot of big fights happening? Is there some website I can go to that gives regular updates about this?

Edited by Jimjim
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Walking street Pattaya, not many big names but great action, way better than Lumpini.


I hope you're joking! :)

WS is tourist stuff.


No I'm not, after going to Lumpini and not being very impressed with the quality of the fights, I was in Pattaya and sat and watched a succession of very angry thai boxers batter seven shades of shit out of each other in the ring on walking street. Just my personal opinion.


Sorry but you are wrong, those fights are all staged, they may seem exciting to you but they are fake. They hit eachother pretty hard if that is what is confusing you, it is entirely possible to take solid shots and not get hurt, its all about where and how. They occasionally have a real fight, I know because I fought in a bar ring in a legit fight. The rest of the time they are fake.

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