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I love white girls!


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"Actually Bud loves Asian ladies. I kind of feel sad for any Asian lady who may have read this. Show some objectivity, an American, same country as mine?

Does not want a beautiful, sweet, sincere, honest lady from Asia, tell me where in America you from? You chose what you left in America over what you have available now? Tell me more? This is shocking? "

From a white farang female let me tell you how appalling it is to see you severely bigotted (against western women) white dudes trying to convince the only farang in Thailand who actually likes western woman to change his mind. Its really disgusting in the first place that you have the sentiments you do...trust me I hear all the talk by you guys around thailand and I see all your white female bashing on these forums. Is it not enough that we white females must suffer this unnecessary stigma in the first place, but for you to uphold it as somehow a superior sentiment is so arrogant. The joke is really on you however because it seems certain to me that everything you hate in western women actually does lurk in the hearts and personalities of Thai ladies as well...these ladies are "pros" that most of you guys are dealing with. As professional prostitutes they have become quite adept at catering to their customers whims, needs, and egos making them seem preferable to guys like you. I've also talked to and seen all the postings from heart broken, ripped off, cheated, and decieved farang men who learned the true agendas of their sweet, demure, thai companions! If you guys weren't so cheap you could get the same A+ stroking of your delicate egos in your home countries by gorgeous girls of every ethnicity from escort services. Wake up, its all economics.

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Is it not enough that we white females must suffer this unnecessary stigma in the first place, but for you to uphold it as somehow a superior sentiment is so arrogant. The joke is really on you however because it seems certain to me that everything you hate in western women actually does lurk in the hearts and personalities of Thai ladies as well...these ladies are "pros" that most of you guys are dealing with. As professional prostitutes

And yet you feel that its no problem to make ALL Thai ladies suffer the stigma of being "professional prostitutes"

You are obviously a Troll, please crawl back under your bridge.

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I do not know from where you draw your knowledge "Thai ladies: these ladies are "pros" that most of you guys are dealing with." From reading in this forum I feel the majority of Western men living in Thailand have settled down, many of them upcountry, being happy with what they have. The main complains you hear are for visa-problems. I know many men who left the harsh environment of their home countries and I am not talking about the weather. The majority of east-west relations I know from my own experience being in company-management for 30 odd years in Asia. Certainly one aspect was the personal well being of my staff. Out of dozens of expatriates I had to supervise I had only one single case where wife or fiance joined the partner and went back home together as well. For the rest "white farang female" was a heavy burden on the career of the male partner. Complaining about the weather, the heat, the disadvantages in comparison to home, although checking the background at home showed it was far below the standards offered out here.

The younger staff being sent out as 'expatriates' usually came out on a 3-years-contract around 24 years of age. Quite natural they looked for and found a partner, got married, decided to stay in Asia or move back to the West. (Funny, America is to the East of Asia) Very few got divorced and interestingly enough the wives joining their husbands to go to their home countries became the strongest partners I can talk of. Living in hostile surroundings not accepted by the female 'local' communities and perhaps neither by the males they did adjust, learned the local language, did not complain about the cold, helped their in-laws as they are used from back home. Agreed that the husband not necessarily could afford every day Asian food, which is quite expensive abroad. Quite a few of these wives went into business and I mean working, opening an own company and doing business with their home country, importing/exporting, some of them supporting now their husbands who have been laid off.

For the very first 'case' I originally followed the company-rules of non-fraternization (Yes, such rules did still exist around 1973-4) and tried to stop my staff. He was determined and I gave in, did not fire him but convinced my own management that his (and mine) decision was right. To cut the story short, he lives now for 25 years in the USA, still married to the same wife, 2 children both of them  in university, he runs his own company and is now thinking of retirement. I could give you a dozen more stories like this, let's save the space.

Background of the ladies or as you call them "ladies": from well protected daughter to single girl in the big city(ies).

Who needs the 'services'  "by gorgeous girls of every ethnicity from escort services" back home if it is available here for free? Who needs to call an escort service if the home made food is equal or better?

Even if I consider your "its all economics" I dare say the price-service ratio is by far better here than 'back home' where the providers adjusted downwards to the local standards.

I do not want to talk about personal hygienic, just repeat one question I hear so often from Thais of both gender "How come the foreign girls wear the same dress so often and never wash their hair?" This might be overdoing but is it?

A white farang female faces a lot of competition in Thailand. For sure she can succeed but should at least offer the same as the local 'competition'. I am not talking about sex, I am talking about understanding, support, expressing a feeling and perhaps not openly dominating.

A Western girl might consider before marriage the advantages of an eventual divorce. A Thai girl knows for sure, if the farang runs away she will be in most cases unable to get anything. So I do not even comment on the Thai's tendency to look for a few baht of gold, the famous sick buffalo or whatever, it is an insurance for the future, she will invest it wisely, in most cases at least, and who knows, support her husband on a rainy day.

Finally, yes, I am married to an Asian. Too early to say how long it will last, we have had our ups and downs which I feel are normal in any relationship, but we managed this month to celebrate another wedding anniversary. Too short, only twenty four years. And I promised my wife I will exchange her for something better, who I could not find yet, neither in the West nor in the East.

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Let's see, hmmmmmmmmmm... the word I am looking for is it "inane" or "insane"?

Both I guess. I cannot believe that with all the truly world shattering things going on these days that are directly impacting all of us, male or female, this rant has managed to survive for this long.

I think I heard all of this on my very first holiday here over 15 years ago and I am still hearing it today.

Wish there was a "I am very bored" smiley to tag onto this post. And, I have also realized that I have fallen prey to your rants and am in the process of contributing one of my own.

Bottom line, to each his or her own. Whether it is here or there, whether you be male or female, gay, bi, SRS, "go-dai".  We all like and dis-like whatever we choose for whatever reasons, valid or not so valid so why not let it lie.

These opinons expressed by all of you are apparently deep-seated and no amount of bashing and cajoling, shameing or educating will change any of this.

Mai pen rai, nah?

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So, go ahead, beat it to death, be my guest. I am not saying do away wth the forum just this particular subject.

But, like someone has said before, and I will reiterate, there are more pressing matters at hand that need to be discussed instead of what is probably one of the oldest rants in Thailand concerning farangs, farang women who either travel here or live here, and why any of us are here.

This whole thing started when some vain, immature individual put up a post that should have been on www.AdultFriendfinder.com and not here to begin with.

Let's spend our time on figuring out how we can all stay here, so we will have these trivial matters to rant about.

Further, if you want to enter into some really important discussions, click on any of my signature links, pick a subject and I will jump in with both feet.

Later, I'm out of here.

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Guys, you let me down. I give Scarlett the secrets of my life and you feel tiresome. Who knows, with a bit a shampoo she could be the one I was looking for on my exchange rule? mtnthai, I know 'male or female, gay, bi, and  "go-dai" 'but what the f.... is SRS? I checked on my search engines, only two results, She Really Sucks (John Blow 1992 on Nana) and Steigenbergerhotels Reservation System.

Witch (sic) one are you talking about?

Yes, I checked your links at random and found

Can Anyone Save Us from This Idiot and the Knaves Who Surround Him. 10/28


Well, what could I discuss about? I just hope they find somebody to shoot him out.

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I do not want to talk about personal hygienic, just repeat one question I hear so often from Thais of both gender "How come the foreign girls wear the same dress so often and never wash their hair?" This might be overdoing but is it?

A white farang female faces a lot of competition in Thailand. For sure she can succeed but should at least offer the same as the local 'competition'. I am not talking about sex, I am talking about understanding, support, expressing a feeling and perhaps not openly dominating.

A Western girl might consider before marriage the advantages of an eventual divorce. A Thai girl knows for sure, if the farang runs away she will be in most cases unable to get anything. So I do not even comment on the Thai's tendency to look for a few baht of gold, the famous sick buffalo or whatever, it is an insurance for the future, she will invest it wisely, in most cases at least, and who knows, support her husband on a rainy day.

I am trying to decide which of these comments is the most stupid?

Nah, definatly both. :laugh:

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  • 1 month later...
<font color='#000000'>I LOVE WHITE WOMEN!!! I do not like Thai women. I just turned 24, I'm a white American man, I'm tall and have a athletic build (190cm or 6'3", and 87kg or 191lbs) green eyes, and brown hair. I'm very handsome too! I like Fitness, movies, music, traveling and partying. I live in Bangkok, but wanna meet some western women who live here to hang out with. You can see a picture of me at http://profiles.yahoo.com/jonchron</font>


you sure the ones you are looking for have enough intelligence to turn on a computer all by themselves?

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