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What Are The Latest Thai Scams ?

Hermano Lobo

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There is a lottery one (in Thai only).

You get a very official looking letter saying you have been chosen by people who have power to "lock" the lottery numbers.

To proceed you must call the given tel. number on a certain day. I presume they want money from you then a bit like the email scams. Pay $100 to get $1m or whatever.

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If you ever go to the transport office in Nakornpanom (driving license, car registration etc.) go straight into the offices and whatever you do, do not let one of the mongrels who hang around outside do anything for you, blatant scam artists who got torn a new one today. They offer to fast track and "sort things" for you and do nothing. They wanted to charge me 300 Baht plus service charge to clear some paperwork for me so I could transfer my bike ownership from one province to another. Total crap, steer clear of these low lifes.

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I got caught-up in one in Pattaya say 5 years back. A Brit who claimed to be a lawyer was trying to secure about $200m for a developer on the beach-front. I went to several meetings, the Thai part was all Kosher - they needed the money, they had the collateral. The Brits wanted me to place a part of the fund closing fees, commissions, etc, into their escrow account in Pattaya. Of course, they had no idea what fiduciary meant, and thought a performance bond was a relation of James. Clueless. The disbursements amounted to 2% - not bad work, if ya can get it.

Andrew, the lead developer was a real nice guy - but I simply had to walk away - too many kinks.


PS I will look it up - his name is Richard - he works near the Dolphin Circle, on 2nd Street - small realty/legal office. Next door to ABN AMRO.

British hooligans selling land and houses in Thailand; beware!

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It's seems that someone installed some costly machines at the major local airports, by making to believe the rest of his fellow connationals that it was a way to detect a certain illness, not yet "classed" as a scam, but i wondering how much cash changed hands on and under the table....leave alone the firetrucks, the buses, the airplanes, endless........

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I went to Pattaya and was scammed into visiting a timeshare complex in Jomtien, I was pressurised by Farang salesmen, one even said I would not be leaving until I had signed some papers, I called my brother who came to collect me, of course, when seeing my brother, the very arrogant salesman walked away quickly.

Work permits should be inspected at these places, , It is a suggestion that has been forwarded to Immigration Police actually.

So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.

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I went to Pattaya and was scammed into visiting a timeshare complex in Jomtien, I was pressurised by Farang salesmen, one even said I would not be leaving until I had signed some papers, I called my brother who came to collect me, of course, when seeing my brother, the very arrogant salesman walked away quickly.

Work permits should be inspected at these places, , It is a suggestion that has been forwarded to Immigration Police actually.

So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.

Racist post IMO.

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I went to Pattaya and was scammed into visiting a timeshare complex in Jomtien, I was pressurised by Farang salesmen, one even said I would not be leaving until I had signed some papers, I called my brother who came to collect me, of course, when seeing my brother, the very arrogant salesman walked away quickly.

Work permits should be inspected at these places, , It is a suggestion that has been forwarded to Immigration Police actually.

So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.

Racist post IMO.

55555, was it you that walked away quickly ? :)

Do you believe these people are legal workers ?

You must be insanity.

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So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.

Yes ur right trust only the thai :)

Could it be the next scam :D

Nurse, a lot of farang on this forum, live and work in thailand and the majority of them are honest and hardworking people

Please do not draw a conclusion after an unfortunate experience it's not a scam, it's life

Thank you

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I went to Pattaya and was scammed into visiting a timeshare complex in Jomtien, I was pressurised by Farang salesmen, one even said I would not be leaving until I had signed some papers, I called my brother who came to collect me, of course, when seeing my brother, the very arrogant salesman walked away quickly.

Work permits should be inspected at these places, , It is a suggestion that has been forwarded to Immigration Police actually.

So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.


Why would anyone who's lived here for any length of time be STUPID enough to get involved with any Farang selling anything here in Thailand ?????

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Place as Pattaya & Phuket are places to attract people who want to make money quick (because they do not have other skills?). This include both foreigners and Thai.

As a lot of foreigners have a very negative way of thinking of doing bizz with Thai they think its better to do bizz with their country fellowman. And thats where some of their country fellowman who wants to make quick money pops up. Doing bizz mean always being alert, just as you would be at home. Only here a little bit more as there are more (or maybe just different) pitts & falls.

Personally I would prefere to do bizz with Thai people. Its too bad that most foreigners live at places that attracts the low-life lazy people of Thailand and for so the most foreigners have the most of their encounters with Thai people with those low-life lazy Thai people. But those are not what makes out the majority of friendly and helpfull Thai people.

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This one everyone with a mobile phone should be on the alert for>Audiotext 4640ABIS, Premium SMS Service, I never heard of these clowns, then I start to get SMS text messages in Thai daily, sometime twice a day, yes you guess it when I try just to delete the silly message I was charge with a four baht call(auto), I complain to my ISP, but still charge with call, said should have call sooner, yeah right, just took me a few days to figure out this CLEVER little SCAM. I wonder if there are other here that has seen this scam, maybe we could do a class action court case :):D:D:D

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In the time I have lived in Thailand I can say, that I have yet to be scammed by the Thai general population nor farang (ok maybe nit noi). On a more honest reflection, my wife/daughters have several 'got me' to their credit. I will not even attempt to count the times my wife has been 'got' by her fellow country people. In the latter case, she does not realize in most cases, she was scammed, thus she is still a potential pigeon.

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I went to Pattaya and was scammed into visiting a timeshare complex in Jomtien, I was pressurised by Farang salesmen, one even said I would not be leaving until I had signed some papers, I called my brother who came to collect me, of course, when seeing my brother, the very arrogant salesman walked away quickly.

Work permits should be inspected at these places, , It is a suggestion that has been forwarded to Immigration Police actually.

So, beware of Farangs selling anything, 99.9999999% are trying to scam you.


Why would anyone who's lived here for any length of time be STUPID enough to get involved with any Farang selling anything here in Thailand ?????

One of the latest is ESL job agencies charging potential teachers a registration fee. Nobody needs to pay to join a teaching agency. Not sure if they are Thai fronted by westerners or what :)

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A small list of a few of the more serious kind of scams:

1. You drive your car and is stopped by a police who slips a small bag of yabaa thru your open window without you noticing. You leave and are again stopped further down the road at a checkpoint. Police immediately discovers the bag and you are taken into jail until you pay ransom around 80,000 Baht.

2. At a gas station the attendant slips same bag behind the lid cover of your gas tank nozzle, police stops you and same procedure as in item 1.

3. Someone sticks a hole in your radiator at the gas station when your car is unattended. Later on the road you have to stop for overheating and a few helpful guys pulls up to help you with your money problem.

4. At a gas station on your way out into the traffic, a crappy old car suddenly accelerates from a parked position nearby inside the gas station right up in front of you. If you are not very quick you collide and because you ran into him you are in the wrong. and of course calling police will not help as they are in on it and you are just a farang anyway. Nobody of the gas station staff gives a rat as they also get a commission.

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A small list of a few of the more serious kind of scams:

1. You drive your car and is stopped by a police who slips a small bag of yabaa thru your open window without you noticing. You leave and are again stopped further down the road at a checkpoint. Police immediately discovers the bag and you are taken into jail until you pay ransom around 80,000 Baht.

2. At a gas station the attendant slips same bag behind the lid cover of your gas tank nozzle, police stops you and same procedure as in item 1.

3. Someone sticks a hole in your radiator at the gas station when your car is unattended. Later on the road you have to stop for overheating and a few helpful guys pulls up to help you with your money problem.

4. At a gas station on your way out into the traffic, a crappy old car suddenly accelerates from a parked position nearby inside the gas station right up in front of you. If you are not very quick you collide and because you ran into him you are in the wrong. and of course calling police will not help as they are in on it and you are just a farang anyway. Nobody of the gas station staff gives a rat as they also get a commission.

Wow, think I'll stay at home.........
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And the worst scam of them all is this one:

When I get to my parked car after shopping I find these beautiful young girls standing at the car waiting. They say the like me very much and as I enter the car they go in too and starts undressing.

After half an hour or so they dress again and goes. It is just after this that I find that my wallet is missing.

This happened to me 2 weeks ago,

And on Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday last week.

Edited by ingvar
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A small list of a few of the more serious kind of scams:

1. You drive your car and is stopped by a police who slips a small bag of yabaa thru your open window without you noticing. You leave and are again stopped further down the road at a checkpoint. Police immediately discovers the bag and you are taken into jail until you pay ransom around 80,000 Baht.

2. At a gas station the attendant slips same bag behind the lid cover of your gas tank nozzle, police stops you and same procedure as in item 1.

3. Someone sticks a hole in your radiator at the gas station when your car is unattended. Later on the road you have to stop for overheating and a few helpful guys pulls up to help you with your money problem.

4. At a gas station on your way out into the traffic, a crappy old car suddenly accelerates from a parked position nearby inside the gas station right up in front of you. If you are not very quick you collide and because you ran into him you are in the wrong. and of course calling police will not help as they are in on it and you are just a farang anyway. Nobody of the gas station staff gives a rat as they also get a commission.

Increase the medication.

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So much bad against Thailand.

Why do Farangs stay if it is so bad ?

Would I stay in USA if I hated it ?


Why so many Farang are force to stay in Thailand when they are not happy ?

What stops not happy Farangs from leaving Thailand ?

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