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British Couple Fights Bangkok Airport Extortionists


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I doubt that KP wants to submit this video as evidence. No date nor time stamp, published as pure propaganda and with intend to smear the couple.

Its blurred, but you can see the date and time along the bottom of the video

Yes, I can see it. It looks more like a file name '/22.05' is all I can read. Did this happen on the 22 May?

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I doubt that KP wants to submit this video as evidence. No date nor time stamp, published as pure propaganda and with intend to smear the couple.

Its blurred, but you can see the date and time along the bottom of the video

Yes, I can see it. It looks more like a file name '/22.05' is all I can read. Did this happen on the 22 May?

The evening of April 25th according to the story on the first page, which you can see in the stamp as 25/4/"indeciferable" (presumably the year).

The final numbers seem to be the time 22:25 or so with seconds as the final 2 numbers, which also corresponds to the story talking about them flying out in the night

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According to the news article the incident occured in the night of April 25th.

Stephen Ingram, 49, and Xi Lin, 45, both technology professionals from Cambridge, were detained by security guards as they went to board Qantas flight QF1 to London on the night of Saturday, April 25.

Edit: Agree with above poster that the footage timeframe is from that date.

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I'm no CSI expert but after handling something like this, plus all the other articles in the shop, wouldn't there be a decent finger print to take?

This may well be more a case of the authorities and the people involved seeing that they could profit a hel_l of a lot more from getting them to pay their way out, than actually prosecuting real wrongdoing.

The woman on the video looks younger and he looks similarish. But then again, how many other middle aged blokes were travelling with their wives in the terminal that night?

With no other evidence than that, I am not surprised they got out of the charge.

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I'm no CSI expert but after handling something like this, plus all the other articles in the shop, wouldn't there be a decent finger print to take?

This may well be more a case of the authorities and the people involved seeing that they could profit a hel_l of a lot more from getting them to pay their way out, than actually prosecuting real wrongdoing.

The woman on the video looks younger and he looks similarish. But then again, how many other middle aged blokes were travelling with their wives in the terminal that night?

With no other evidence than that, I am not surprised they got out of the charge.

They're not denying they were in the shop and not denying they handled the item, so it doesn't really add anything.

All they're denying is they stole it.

Maybe Kingpower can release a longer version of the tape and see who else was around that area before and after the theft.

Unless there's footage of a staff member picking up the wallet and handing it to a security guard immediately after the couple leave!

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If faked it is pure propaganda meant to deflect from our ongoing list of KP compaints

leaning towards them losing business, and our disbelief at their total innocence in this matter.

Sorry folks,

I looked again and I don't see anything conclusive that a theft occurred,

and LESS that this same British couple are in the video.

And even less again that 8,000 lbs sterling is warrented for ANYTHING.

Why in hel_l would these two Brits go public like this, if they were REALLY THIEVES?

No reasons at all. Grifters would know it was time to move on quietly.

Maybe K.P. should hire the Killer Ladyboys from Carradine's mystery for their next film.

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I looked at this video and nothing is conclusive to me,

any actual placing is out of camera view if it took place.

I saw her hoist her back higher on her shoulder ,

but sorry I did not clearly see any slight of hand.

And the images of the couple are not clear enough to

clearly be the same couple.

So for me inconclusive.


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I'm no CSI expert but after handling something like this, plus all the other articles in the shop, wouldn't there be a decent finger print to take?

This may well be more a case of the authorities and the people involved seeing that they could profit a hel_l of a lot more from getting them to pay their way out, than actually prosecuting real wrongdoing.

The woman on the video looks younger and he looks similarish. But then again, how many other middle aged blokes were travelling with their wives in the terminal that night?

With no other evidence than that, I am not surprised they got out of the charge.

They're not denying they were in the shop and not denying they handled the item, so it doesn't really add anything.

All they're denying is they stole it.

Maybe Kingpower can release a longer version of the tape and see who else was around that area before and after the theft.

Unless there's footage of a staff member picking up the wallet and handing it to a security guard immediately after the couple leave!

The issue is that they were released because there was no evidence against them. This video represents what would appear to be some sort of partial evidence but still doesn't go far enough to prove KP is in the right. Presumably, since all farangs look the same, a fingerprint may have helped to add just a smidgen of weight to even conclusively identifying them.

You are also right about the length of the video, in that the video doesn't even show them yet leaving the shop, which in no way suggests that a crime has been committed. It shows customers picking up and checking wallets. The letter they provide to show their side of the story after they have left the shop is pure hearsay, so doesn't really get any further to proving one way or another what actually happened.

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If faked it is pure propaganda meant to deflect from our ongoing list of KP compaints

leaning towards them losing business, and our disbelief at their total innocence in this matter.

Sorry folks,

I looked again and I don't see anything conclusive that a theft occurred,

and LESS that this same British couple are in the video.

And even less again that 8,000 lbs sterling is warrented for ANYTHING.

Why in hel_l would these two Brits go public like this, if they were REALLY THIEVES?

No reasons at all. Grifters would know it was time to move on quietly.

Maybe K.P. should hire the Killer Ladyboys from Carradine's mystery for their next film.

Anyone who thinks that this video is faked is deluding themselves. She looks younger than the photograph on page 1 post #1 because the camera angle hides her double chin. Notice how the whole incident is so quick, she is in and out in just seconds, he, however stays in the shop and appears to distract the staff at the end of the video.

It seems a lot of people here haven't clicked on the KP letter and read the .pdf file. The security followed him to a toilet where he got rid of the wallet in a toilet bin.

The couple contacted the press in the U.K. because they paid 8,000 GBP in bribes and felt cheated. That is a different matter.

The Thai Police probably couldn't prosecute, and have a case because;

1. The Video footage is not conclusive.

2. The wallet was not discovered 'on' their persons (it was disgarded).

However they could have fingerprinted the wallet (too much effort).

I am not saying that scams do not happen in KP duty free especially the 'free gift' placed in the plastic bag trick. But this case seems conclusive. The couple were thieves and ended up paying the price. 8,000 GBP for a 121 GBP wallet.

Just deserts IMHO.

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I think they are guilty

I wonder if this story made it into the press because they lied about the situation to friends at home so they could obtain the money needed to pay their way out.

If the story had been then passed on to a newspaper reporter , then the couple would have been forced to maintain the lie , hoping that it would not escalate to this with now more information coming to light and casting much doubt on their version of events.

if the police had shown them the footage from the CCTV , why did the couple not mention this in the original newspaper article ?

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i watched the video very closely stoping, repeat, frame frame etc.....

i found it to be inconclusive, clearly they touched wallets... but I saw no wallet being snatched

So I think I will stick to Burger King as my only place to shop while at the air port

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It seems a lot of people here haven't clicked on the KP letter and read the .pdf file. The security followed him to a toilet where he got rid of the wallet in a toilet bin.

Just one point. If the wallet was taken by her and put into her shoulder bag, as alledged by KP, how did he come to be in possession of same? Having pulled off such a healthy snatch, why would he then dispose of the wallet in the toilet bin?

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i watched the video very closely stoping, repeat, frame frame etc.....

i found it to be inconclusive, clearly they touched wallets... but I saw no wallet being snatched

I thought it was very clear she snatched the wallet, after she sets it on the shelf then the husband scopes out the assistants and gives her the go ahead, then they leave separately...the wallet mysteriously dissapears from the shelf and she isn't seen putting it back with the others.

Well pity on them if they did not do it, but a big som nam na if they did. At any rate, I will also completely avoid going into any airport shops from now on too, regardless. Better safe than sorry and who needs to be buying overpiced <deleted> anyway?

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Just one point. If the wallet was taken by her and put into her shoulder bag, as alledged by KP, how did he come to be in possession of same? Having pulled off such a healthy snatch, why would he then dispose of the wallet in the toilet bin?

They changed their shirts thinking that would 'disguise' them, and sat at different tables (and why would they do that?). Maybe they started getting paranoid that they were seen by someone, so if they sat separately with him carrying the bootie then when they checked her they wouldn't think about checking him, obviously wrong. I don't know, I'm assuming a lot but hey they needed to make something up if they actually did do it and get caught. If they are two professional Cambridge people after all, they have their reputation to defend! :)

Has the couple issued any more statemments since the release of the video? Are they coming back to Thailand to fight the "injustice" they received?

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Having pulled off such a healthy snatch, why would he then dispose of the wallet in the toilet bin?

which indicates you have not read the statement by KP.

they had been located by the KP staff and probably saw themselves being pointed out to police so he attempted to get rid of the incriminating item - that would be my guess

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It seems a lot of people here haven't clicked on the KP letter and read the .pdf file. The security followed him to a toilet where he got rid of the wallet in a toilet bin.

Just one point. If the wallet was taken by her and put into her shoulder bag, as alledged by KP, how did he come to be in possession of same? Having pulled off such a healthy snatch, why would he then dispose of the wallet in the toilet bin?

Ya you didn't read the statement by KP. It makes sense the way they tell it. If what they say is true. Having said that, the video to me is not clear. The guy is standing around looking exactly the way I look when forced to shop with my wife. As for her it kinda looks like she put it in her bag but it also kinda looks like she just adjusted the bag on her shoulder. For sure it does not look at all like the womans picture in the original article. Looks like a completely different woman. At this point I don't know what to think but it really is not clear and she really does not look like the same woman, she looks very thin compared, the shoulders are whats misleading, older women like in her photo have thick boxy shoulders, the video looks like lean shoulders of a younger woman.

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For sure it does not look at all like the womans picture in the original article. Looks like a completely different woman. At this point I don't know what to think but it really is not clear and she really does not look like the same woman, she looks very thin compared, the shoulders are whats misleading, older women like in her photo have thick boxy shoulders, the video looks like lean shoulders of a younger woman.

It is an older woman, notice the way she walks into the store, notice her gait and stride.

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The picture on my computer is not that good. It looks to me that when they are both on the right side of display shelves the man picks up a wallet with his right hand and transfers it to his left hand. He then puts it back in his right hand and just before the woman moves to left side of the shelves he slips it in her left hand. by this time the woman seems to have put back al the wallets she picked up, but as she comes round to the left side she clearly has a wallet in her left hand. She then seems to put a wallet into her shoulder bag and walk out.

Perhaps someone who gets a better picture on their computer can say if I am right or wrong.

Notice also how the man waits for the woman to arrive before picking up any wallets. They then both pick up and put down several wallets without really looking at them, presumably to mislead any staff who are watching. As a layman I would say they are guilty, that it was well planned and that they had probably done it before. There seems plenty of practice in their actions.

I will say on the CCTV footage alone a good lawyer might raise some doubt at a trial. If the King Power story about them changing clothes, sitting at different seat and the mans going to the toilet where the wallet was found provides a good deal of circumstantial eveidence. In a set up someone would have"seen" him dropping the wallet into the rubbish bin.

As to it being the same couple, again my computer is not helpful. But seeing them together I do not have much doubt it is them. Again at a trial a good lawyer might raise doubts.

As an aside, I hope the newspapers that published one side of the story will nopw print the other side.

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On the second video of the British couple I see 2 people that entering the shop. I don't know if they belong together because they leave via different ways.

I think the woman on that video was shoplifting. The video is not clear enough to be 100% sure these people are the same people in the first post.

If it's true that the guy went to the toilet and they found the wallet in the bin of the toilet he went to, they are probably guilty.


On the first video I see a guy arranging his bags on the floor. He had a trolley with him and a plastic bag (maybe a king power bag?). He never looked at the object he put in his bag until the moment he left. A thief would at least first look at the object he would like to steal. So in this case I think there has been a misunderstanding. The guy was apparently arranging his bags on the floor after buying something and he picked up what he thought was a free gift or something that was part of his purchase. I think this video proves king power was too quick concluding this guy is a thief.

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i watched the video very closely stoping, repeat, frame frame etc.....

i found it to be inconclusive, clearly they touched wallets... but I saw no wallet being snatched

So I think I will stick to Burger King as my only place to shop while at the air port

If you did not see her take the wallet after reviewing the video frame by frame you need to take a trip to Sukhumvit and buy yourself some cheap glasses. It is a plain as the nose on your face. The wallet gets shifted from one side of the display to the other then gets lifted. Clear as crystal.

The video is conclusive. Everything after the video is speculative because only the tea leaves involved know what happened. Clearly they are thieves, and their subsequent protestations prove them to also be liars, so you really cannot and should not believe a single word they say. Given the evidence I'd specualte that it is stupidity in the extreme to attempt to defend these thieving toerags. They got what they deserved, whatever it was.

If you believe anything else join the UFO nutcase crowd or the JFK conspiracy looney club.

Apologies to the poster I replied to. Except for the first sentence "you" does not apply exclusively to him/her.

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I'm sure there must be additional video evidence from throughout the airport that would confirm or absolve their guilt (confirm identities, clothing etc.)

The video shows a theft.

If they plan to argue, get additional video to refute it....I'm sure passport control has photos, as well as the restaurant and common areas.

It may be a different couple in the video....it may not......I'd like to hear what the "victims" argument is now.

Passport control would also have photos of the "real theives" as well, if they exist.

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