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Ezcema Problem - Urgent Help Needed.


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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

Thanks for replies.

Creams for eczema include Betnovate or Dermovate creams (Steroid topical applications); Betnovate N also contains a local antibiotic; superficial infection is sometimes the cause for the sever itching.

Please be sure this is eczema and not a fungal infection as a steroid cream will make a fungal infection worse!!

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You need to know what type of eczema you have first. I suffered really badly with eczema as a child all over my face and body. When I came out to Thailand as a young man it really flared up badly for a month or so but since then it has all but disappeared. The humidity is what cleared me up.

Many of the topical corticosteroids will help but I would not recommend going on them long term as they tend to supress the natural processes of the skin.

I also find that cold showers help. That is, I do not heat the water when taking a shower (its not really cold) so the natural oils/moisturizers in your skin are not washed away.

Edited by GarryP
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All the creams mentioned can be bought over the counter at most chemists.

You have my sympathy. I know how uncomfortable life can be with eczema. At times my life was miserable because of it.

Edited by GarryP
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My constant eczema problem completely disappeared when I adapted a low-carb lifestyle.

(Just like in a past post, watch the anti low-carb activists, oops, I mean "scientists" feel so threatened by this fact.)

By the way... nope, I am not a proponent of low-carb (anymore) and I am no longer on the low-carb lifestyle either (I eat carbs one meal a day).

Just stating a fact of my past; and I'm not even claiming that the low-carb "cured" the eczema. I was just just surprised that after on and off unsuccessful eczema medication for years, it "mysteriously" and quite suddenly disappeared when I went low-carb before. Until now I don't know why... :)

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from young i have eczema problems on chest , elbows , knees.

healed a couple of years ago but recently after coming to thailand it started to erupt again.

one more thing i have found out, my inner thighs have some dark patches appearing in round and oval shapes. i googled it "nummular eczema" or it could be ring worms but the colour of the patches is brown and round like a coin and itches at times.

So can the same medication like Betnorate or Dermovate be used to treat the preexisting eczema on my back as well as these little round things on my inner thigh ?

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Dietary changes may help in clearing eczema, if, by chnace you are able to eliminate to food you may be sensitive too. Low carb works for some people.

Make sure that the coin-like patches are not ringworm first; if on your back, it is more likely to be ringworm.

Good advice from Gary above; avoid perfumed soaps and too hot water; keep it aired well and do not use these quite potent steroid applications for extended periods. It won't cure the eczema, it just reduces the local inflammatory reaction.

This may flare up and then mysteriously disappear as well but it is really difficult to pinpoint the triggers.

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I use Betnovate (cheaper here than in the UK) ifsomething flares up, but limit the application to a few days. Calendula Cream - made from Marigold flowers and not a chemical - seems to be good at preventing early relapse thereafter, although the websites sat any moisturiser should help.

Have not yet tried to get Calendula Cream in Thailand - I'm sure there must be some Chinese equivalent at least. One of these days I'll summon up the courage to go into one of those amazing shophouses in Bangkok and pull out a foot or thigh for their suggestions!

Edited by SantiSuk
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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

Thanks for replies.

What area of your thighs are you talking about? If it is your inner thighs and up into your grion it is more likely a fungal infection. If this is the case the thing that works best is to invest in a different type of underwear, a boxer/brief. This keeps your junk up and away from your thighs and also keeps your thighs from rubbing together. Anti fungal powder plus new under gear will clear you up in no time.



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I've used dermovate for over 20 years and my UK doctor (skin specialist) used to have me prescribed dermovate 1 part mixed with 8 parts standard moisturising cream. Dermovate is a steriod and if i remember correctly the cream is mixed/weakened to eliminate the body from turning ammune to the dermovate and the skin condition becoming more agressive. I was also told that when i mix the dermovate and moisturising cream the dermovate will gradually loose its strength over a period of 1 month after mixed.

My tuppence worth ....go easy with the dermovate and don't heap it on.


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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

Thanks for replies.

There are a hundred reasons for ezcemia, from food, till allergic reactions, from cosmetics used till air pollution, from sun influence till bad building syndrome.

Only one way: go to see a skin docter. Maybe allergic test, maybe use water+ vegetable oil ( coconut oil ) only, maybe decorations in your house give the house mite an unpredidented growth opportunity, causing skin itching ( so, clean all natural fibres away, use detergents to clean, and STEAM your living quarters out ( € 69 here in NL) to kill as many house mites as possible.

Using whatever cream fights only the outcome, but NEVER the cause.

[email protected]

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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

Thanks for replies.

I have had non specific rashes a few times including skin peeling in white flakes on my chest. Googled rashes, somebody mentioned Dove soap. Tried it, rash et al disappeared. Then could not find Dove for months, used other soap - rashes came back. Found Dove again recently, now all seems well.

You could do worse than try it.

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Maybe due to the heat, my ezcema problem is coming back on my thighs. What creams are available and effectively treat ezcema skin problems? I tried to go to a pharmacy to ask for ezcema creams but to no avail as they did not seem to know what ezcema is. I been told to get a name of the cream to the Pharmicist but in the past my family doctor back home prescribes the medication which i have no idea whats the name.

Anyone with any experience or knowledge pls help , the itch is killing me

Thanks for replies.

I thought I was the only one with the itching eczema problem. I've been to several hospitals here, but each time I was told to take antihistamine for the itching, and I've been on that for as long as I've been here. I was also asked to take 60 pills of fulcine, or 30 pills of ketokonazole for fungi infection, but those were just avenues by the pharmacists to waste my money.

I hope you find the right stuff.

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I have suffered terribly with eczema from birth. Ever since I have come to Thailand it has almost cleared up completely. It only comes back when I am stressed or when i sweat for long periods of time such as doing sports. When it gets particularly itchy I always apply a bit of Betnovate which clears it up after a couple of days. Use sparingly though.

I find using soaps with extra moisturisers (Dove soap) helps a lot as well as prickly heat powder. Keeping track of your diet can be useful. I find that i my eczema gets worse when I consume a lot of dairy products.

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I was talking to a friend and informed her I had occasional patches appearing....she told me she had to cut out fruit juice as it caused real bad eczema.....so I kept an eye on my consumption......I have noticed if I avoid fruit juice the outbreaks are very rare indeed......seems from above that different things work for different people.....good luck :)

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I have had a similar problem, and the itch drove me insane . Doctor prescribed "Topicorte", (skin cream) the itch disappeared immediately and the problem within 3 days. This can be bought from any chemist, they usually sell it in a 5mg small plastic bottle, but you can get a 15mg ( I got mine from the chemist in Tesco's ), cost for the 15m was 125 Baht as opposed to the 5mg at 55 baht. Shower, dry yourself off, and apply a very small amount.

I have to say it worked a treat and very quickly.

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