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Banking Question: Cashing A Usd Cheque In Thai Bank

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I did search.

This is a genuine question about cashing a cheque, in USDollars, written to me from a company in the US, in a Thai bank/place. What exchange rates are used? Where is the best place to do it? Are there any charges?

Cheers :)

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You do at the bank you have an account with - for deposit into your account after a 3 or 4 week wait. There will be a charge of about $10 to accept it for process and there may be a further charge upon payment. They may also hold a portion or your account as advance payment in case of a dude check. You will not have access to money until processed a few weeks later and the exchange rate of that time will be used and the baht deposited into your account.

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I had this problem a few years ago before I got direct deposit set up. I would mail the check, DHL, to my bank in the states. I would have access to the money in less than a week. :)

I just had to do this, although in my case the complicating factor was that HSBC Thailand said I had to have an account with them for a year before they would be able to cash it...because of US fed's requirements. So I Fed-Exed several checks back to the States...to HSBC-US.

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Exchange rate vary from day to day, bank to bank. Most bank will process the check for a healthy fee, and in most all case process time is two to three weeks, funds from the check will show as not available(ie, until the check clear) this also hold true for some U.S. government issue checks. Some be ready for a waiting period for your money in hand. :D:)

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