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African Americans In Thailand (bangkok)


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are there any specific meeting places and hangouts or clubs for us here? i have seen some brothers here and there and it appears there are enough of us around.


Like what i said in your other post and some others said too....be careful who you mix with!

There's some Nigerian scammers who will gladly take your money...and some of them are into nasty things!

be careful!

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I have noticed a lot more African Americans visiting Pattaya but I can't pinpoint a specific hangout. The accent of course is the giveaway ...

I am really happy to see them, now all we need are more Latinos and its just like home!

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ignore it.

the term often used to refer to negativity.

specifically, the word is used to refer to the arch fallen angel, lucifer,

who wanted to be equalled with God and was thus expelled from

heaven together with those who supported him. if my memory

served me correctly.

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I am Scottish-Irish/Amerian. Are there any of you out there.

Why can not we just be Americans?? :D

Because its racist to deny someone of their heritage.

Anyway where are all the English/Americans.

They are busily denying their heritage! Who'd blame them :) Lousy weather, lousy food, lousy sporting prowess. :D

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Be nice kids. I can sympathize with someone's desire to be around other folks that won't be calling him "chocolate man" or making other derisive remarks. My Thai friends still consider people of colour odditiies worthy of a comment. It's not meant with malice in the same way one sees in the west, but its still cringe worthy. So, sometimes you just need a respite and a break from the hassles that can occur, the same way the German folks like to get together and scorf down bratwurst and sing those melodic beer hall songs.

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Be nice kids. I can sympathize with someone's desire to be around other folks that won't be calling him "chocolate man" or making other derisive remarks. My Thai friends still consider people of colour odditiies worthy of a comment. It's not meant with malice in the same way one sees in the west, but its still cringe worthy. So, sometimes you just need a respite and a break from the hassles that can occur, the same way the German folks like to get together and scorf down bratwurst and sing those melodic beer hall songs.

Very true. The morons who begin to throw stones at the OP should consider where they are throwing stones: Thai Visa, an expat forum where people get together in the hope of a little bit of familiarity and some compass bearings on living in Thailand.

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Be nice kids. I can sympathize with someone's desire to be around other folks that won't be calling him "chocolate man" or making other derisive remarks. My Thai friends still consider people of colour odditiies worthy of a comment. It's not meant with malice in the same way one sees in the west, but its still cringe worthy. So, sometimes you just need a respite and a break from the hassles that can occur, the same way the German folks like to get together and scorf down bratwurst and sing those melodic beer hall songs.

No need to ridicule Germans. The vast majority isn't like that.

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You might try visiting Washington Square, Sukhumvit Soi 22. A lot of Americans used to hang out there including blacks but I dont know of any specific places although you might try the Texxan.

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alright people let me remind every one not to turn this into a racial slur of any sort, against any type.

if you know the answer to the OP then share it, if you dont, well move along to the next thread shall we?

Mike - in Silom (Patpong in particular) I have seen lots of african americans at a bar with live music (its a bar with live music, nothing more nothing less). I cant remember what its called, but as you walk in from silom road its on the right hand side, quite a big place, on the corner, no doors. you wont miss it. go late rather than early. say around midnight or so.

not sure where else they hang out at. but try there and you should make some acquaintances and they will be able to tell you more (they are always happy to talk I notice....)


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Hey Mike,

I know how you feel. Maybe you could try making a facebook page or using couchsurfing. It's a bit more social than this anonymous forum. There is also Meetup in Bangkok, but nothing specifically Black, and nothing specifically moving too much.

Good luck.

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I am African (Black) American.

Hey mike

You could try Q bar on a sunday night. Its hip hop night there and there are usually quite a few african americans that I have met. otherwise there are a lot of africans in silom soi mahesak ( Daimond district) but they are into sketchy things. THere is no specific hangout really that I know of just gotta go out and meet people I guess. its an international city open your mind to other nationalities!!

good luck

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I am Scottish-Irish/Amerian. Are there any of you out there.

Why can not we just be Americans?? :D

Because its racist to deny someone of their heritage.

Anyway where are all the English/Americans.


It's not where you're from. It's where you're at :)


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I am Scottish-Irish/Amerian. Are there any of you out there.

Why can not we just be Americans?? :D

Because its racist to deny someone of their heritage.

Anyway where are all the English/Americans.

They are busily denying their heritage! Who'd blame them :) Lousy weather, lousy food, lousy sporting prowess. :D

Coming from an Aussie? Yeah, right :D

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To the OP - Sukhumvit soi 3, near the Grace Hotel, has a lot of African Africans, and some bars where you won't find any caucasians. Not sure where African Americans hang out though.

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Mike - the real question to answer your question is "why" are you needing to find a group that specifically fits your request. I would think in this day ad age - of semi normality that most ppl would look past points such as this. My best friend (literally family!) is African American - Jewish - NYPD and is THE most honourable man I have ever known... Point and case, if that is a sincere question - cool :-) , but if u are trying to bring the concept of segregation here in LOS, wrong move as a few members - ca't speak for all - have been through this being the farang. I myself, never have ever once questioned where to find ppl of my ethnic background - WITH the exception of the 4th July - today - which I am not banner waving, but would like to meet ppl from home for a simple get together...

You can PM me if you feel indifferent to the post - however, respectively saying, this is a very bias question in a country that we are not from. (and YES - for those that seem to get the idea that the good ol' US of A is a melting pot - agreed - based upon heritage - we are not from their either - but can find peace at being established in one place)...

Best of luck (truly) on your search... :)

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