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Chiang Mai Swineherds May Put Pigs At Risk !


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Given the large number of farang swineherders, and "groupies," here, I felt it best to share the above link. And for those of you who have something against our Sus Scrofa Domestica brothers and sisters, and who read the above article, and shake your head, and mutter something like : "well, what goes around comes around" : all I can say is that "honi suet qui mal y pense." The ridiculous allegations that pigs enjoy wallowing in mud (they wallow because they have no sweat glands and no other way to get cool) is an example of the vicioius propaganda perpetrated by bovist and ovine supremacists. I'd say compared to the way some farangs wallow, pigs are exemplars, paragons, of "skillful means."

Given the importance of swine to the internal economy (China, with the largest number of pigs in the world) and to the export economy (Canada, the largest pork exporter in the world) of some countries, one can only wonder if those countries may close their borders to swineherds incoming. These statistics may help guide you making your vacation plans (if the owner of your herd gives you a vacation, that is) :


I know it could be hurtful, traumatizing, devastating, if you should have to leave your herd, and I would like to express my willingness to be available for counselling by e-mail if you are feeling overcome. I will try to help you to see this event as an opportunity for others to share the joy of swineherding and companionship with our most amiable of animal relatives.

regards, ~o:37;

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i am no pig expert although i do like a bit of bacon (the english stuff rather than the american version). Having said that, it does not surprise me to find that pigs can catch pig flu, but i dont know how that effects the pigs health. Also it seems that virtually all nations except the usa are self sufficient in pigs so there is little trade (provided you call the eu a nation).

Edited by alant
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