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I would like to do a DETOX... where they flush your body with huge amounts of vitamins etc. Anyone done this in CM?

Just try water ( Naam Plao) the rest is not needed, excess of some vitamins is positively dangerous


Fresh vegetable and fruit juices will have the same effect, but without any danger.

The Spa Chiang Mai - a Thai Visa advertisor - is a very pleasant place to detox in this area.

I would like to do a DETOX... where they flush your body with huge amounts of vitamins etc. Anyone done this in CM?

Just try water ( Naam Plao) the rest is not needed, excess of some vitamins is positively dangerous

I agree. They reckon fasting is the way to go for detoxing. First few days is the toughest while your body takes care of all the crap and also getting used to not eating. A juice fast would probably be easier.

I would like to do a DETOX... where they flush your body with huge amounts of vitamins etc. Anyone done this in CM?

Just try water ( Naam Plao) the rest is not needed, excess of some vitamins is positively dangerous

I agree. They reckon fasting is the way to go for detoxing. First few days is the toughest while your body takes care of all the crap and also getting used to not eating. A juice fast would probably be easier.

Straight water fasts are brutal but effective. A juice fast with diluted juices is far more comfortable and very effective. Fresh Wheatgrass juice is very helpful.

Don't forget about the other various key detoxification pathways of the body like the skin, colon and liver/gallbladder, respiratory system and lymphatic system.

For the skin its sweating removes toxins. Skin is the largest organ of the body. Try a daily sauna or steambath. Excess salts, minerals, heavy metals and many other toxins are removed thru the skin.

For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

For the liver/gallbladder there are different herbs that stimulate secretion. Every country and culture have different herbs. In the west they prefer Milk Thistle and Dandelion. In Europe bitters are commonly used. The liver is key to detox as its the bodies oil filter. Don't underestimate the importance of this organ in detox.

In CM there are various Chinese and Thai herb formulas that can be taken to increase bile flow and cleanse the blood. Try the various Chinese pharmacy or health food stores for different concoctions.

The lungs are also an important detox pathway. Try to spend time around plants and away from sources of pollution. Not an easy task in CM.

Lymphatic system cleansing is also important and the system is stimulated by exercise and particularly good is jumping on a mini trampoline as the motion moves the lymph fluid throw the system.

Get all these pathways detoxing together and health will return in a hurry.

Hope that helps


Hi CobraSnakeNecktie

For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

Whilst a daily poo seems at first glance to be a sign of health where did this information about toxins come?

Who says that in a body optimized by long ages of natural selection it's "critically important"?

Hi CobraSnakeNecktie
For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

Whilst a daily poo seems at first glance to be a sign of health where did this information about toxins come?

Who says that in a body optimized by long ages of natural selection it's "critically important"?

Take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. I have practiced and studied various health disciplines like massage therapy and accupressure, shiatsu etc as well as supporting other health professionals like chiropracters and regular MD's. I base my views on research I have done over the years and working with clients who were trying to detox as well as my own detox experiences. I am sure much more precise information is out there these days.

I was trying to stimulate ideas for people who want to effectively detox and not waste time and money. If it doesn't interest or motivate you then move on to the next subject or webpage. Who has time to argue these days anyway?


Nope, no time to argue. Just barely time enough to tell people to start taking herb formulas from various Chinese and Thai pharmacies.

Investigate before you ingest.

Nope, no time to argue. Just barely time enough to tell people to start taking herb formulas from various Chinese and Thai pharmacies.

Investigate before you ingest.

I thought I would pass on these resources for people to do their on research here in CM.

First is to investigate one of the many Detox type resorts in Thailand. Near Cm is Tao Garden which is out Doi Saket road. A person could go out there and get a free education by asking questions. They have all sorts of pamphlets and posters to educate on proper detox. Of course they sell services which you may or may not want to try. I personally think they are a bit expensive but its a great resource. Tao Garden website

There are a number of other smaller clinic type places in or near town.

One practioner I do know of with an office off Nimmanhemin road is Dr. Eddy Betterman. He has a good and free website with many searchable articles on detox technigues. He is a helpful person and will answer many questions you might have. I think he is from Germany originally. Again I think he can be a bit pricey but tell him your on a major budget and he can steer you to more self administered plans. His website is Dr. Eddy website

Nong who is the owner of the Baan Suon Pak health food store. She speaks very good english and is trained as a conventional Pharmacist. She is rarely in the store these days but you could schedule a consultation and she is very good at keeping things afffordable in terms of supplies you might need.

I guess the big take away lesson here is to not reinvent the wheel and benefit from the wealth of information and experience out there.

In my home country the USA there are probably a 1000 books in the library of Congress on this subject and any visit to a book store like Borders and dozens and dozens of quality books on the subject.

Another good resource is Dr. Joseph Mercola. He is an MD in the Chicago USA area with a more progressive alternative approach and his website is an excellent free resource. Dr. Mercola website

Detoxing is not easy or pleasant. There can be many irritating sensations and symptoms as toxins exit the body. Understanding the process and minimizing mistakes is very important to the process.

Hope that helps some people out there !


In one post, I see CobraSnakeNectie sum up very well pretty much all that I have gleaned about detoxing over the years - and give good, balanced advice. What's the immediate response to that post? Question it and pick holes in it. He/she is not anyone's doctor - and neither is he/she taking anyone on as a patient to prescribe a controlled detox regime for them.

At this rate most of us won't bother to post with answers on subjects about which we have some knowledge and understanding. Or must we now always add a health warning to urge readers to further check out the subject via Google themselves?

:) to CobraSnakeNecktie for being willing to ignore those responses and post a follow-up to identify local resources and further reading. I'm not sure that I would have bothered..........

Nope, no time to argue. Just barely time enough to tell people to start taking herb formulas from various Chinese and Thai pharmacies.

Investigate before you ingest.

You appear anti anything natural, why not just post about where to get the best hamburger rather than belaboring others with your ill-informed skepticism? Everyone wins.

:) to CobraSnakeNecktie for being willing to ignore those responses and post a follow-up to identify local resources and further reading. I'm not sure that I would have bothered..........

It would have been nice if Mr. Necktie had contributed to the colonic thread, but the doo-doo, wee-wee crowd were never going to take that one seriously anyhow.

Hi CobraSnakeNecktie
For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

Whilst a daily poo seems at first glance to be a sign of health where did this information about toxins come?

Who says that in a body optimized by long ages of natural selection it's "critically important"?

Take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. I have practiced and studied various health disciplines like massage therapy and accupressure, shiatsu etc as well as supporting other health professionals like chiropracters and regular MD's. I base my views on research I have done over the years and working with clients who were trying to detox as well as my own detox experiences. I am sure much more precise information is out there these days.

I was trying to stimulate ideas for people who want to effectively detox and not waste time and money. If it doesn't interest or motivate you then move on to the next subject or webpage. Who has time to argue these days anyway?

Loads of people. Espescially here. Just mention 'free water' and stand well back to see what happens. :)

I would like to do a DETOX... where they flush your body with huge amounts of vitamins etc. Anyone done this in CM?

Just try water ( Naam Plao) the rest is not needed, excess of some vitamins is positively dangerous

I agree. They reckon fasting is the way to go for detoxing. First few days is the toughest while your body takes care of all the crap and also getting used to not eating. A juice fast would probably be easier.

Straight water fasts are brutal but effective. A juice fast with diluted juices is far more comfortable and very effective. Fresh Wheatgrass juice is very helpful.

Don't forget about the other various key detoxification pathways of the body like the skin, colon and liver/gallbladder, respiratory system and lymphatic system.

For the skin its sweating removes toxins. Skin is the largest organ of the body. Try a daily sauna or steambath. Excess salts, minerals, heavy metals and many other toxins are removed thru the skin.

For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

For the liver/gallbladder there are different herbs that stimulate secretion. Every country and culture have different herbs. In the west they prefer Milk Thistle and Dandelion. In Europe bitters are commonly used. The liver is key to detox as its the bodies oil filter. Don't underestimate the importance of this organ in detox.

In CM there are various Chinese and Thai herb formulas that can be taken to increase bile flow and cleanse the blood. Try the various Chinese pharmacy or health food stores for different concoctions.

The lungs are also an important detox pathway. Try to spend time around plants and away from sources of pollution. Not an easy task in CM.

Lymphatic system cleansing is also important and the system is stimulated by exercise and particularly good is jumping on a mini trampoline as the motion moves the lymph fluid throw the system.

Get all these pathways detoxing together and health will return in a hurry.

Hope that helps

Right on, that's the way it works :):D:D


It seems that the more obsessive people get about their personal health....the more unhealthy they seem to get.

I'm an American; some of the most neurotic and health-obsessed people on the planet. Why? Because they are some of the unhealthiest people on the planet. And why is that?

I used to spend about $100 a month on special nutrients, vitamins and misc. What a waste.

The whole concept of prolonging life and better health by taking pills, potions and naturopathic treatments is seriously flawed, IMHO.

I humbly offer that stress, greed and wanting to have more than your neighbor is the seed of this disease that Americans seem particularly inflicted with.

And Americans aren't the only one with this soul-sapping malaise. I note many of my dear Brit friends seem likewise afflicted, as well as others.

No, I'm not wearing a hair shirt just now. I'm not a backpacker; am quite comfortable and retired at 57 with zero debt.

I'll get off the podium now- just a few words to ponder...... :)

Nope, no time to argue. Just barely time enough to tell people to start taking herb formulas from various Chinese and Thai pharmacies.

Investigate before you ingest.

You appear anti anything natural, why not just post about where to get the best hamburger rather than belaboring others with your ill-informed skepticism? Everyone wins.

I'll pass on the burger. Unless it's made with all natural ingredients such as arsenic, radium, and cobra venom so I know it's safe.

Ill informed skepticism? Lots of people like to think they possess knowledge that the general public and modern science just don't know about. That's why conspiracy theories are so delicious for so many.

But OK, maybe you are just much better informed.

I will leave you enlightened spirits to share your anecdotes.

Have fun and don't let the scientific method corrupt your judgement or dampen your enthusiasm.

Lots of people like to think they possess knowledge that the general public and modern science just don't know about.


Perhaps, but some people also like to help out with knowledge gleaned and it clearly pisses those off who are out of the loop. A classic case of half empty/half full me thinks.

Cheers for the info, time and effort, CSN. :D

... snip ... I humbly offer that stress, greed and wanting to have more than your neighbor is the seed of this disease that Americans seem particularly inflicted with. And Americans aren't the only one with this soul-sapping malaise. I note many of my dear Brit friends seem likewise afflicted, as well as others. ... snip ...

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun McGriffith,

I think that's very eloquently said ! If I may, may I suggest we extend that one step further and ascribe the dynamic you describe as valid for all nations and all peoples : in fact, one of the basic ingredients of "human nature" which is one subset of the class "primate nature" which is one subset of the class "animal nature" which is a member of an infinite hierarchy of meta-sets going all the way out to where there is a discontinuity which broke the minds of Cantor and Godel both.

If I even have a beginning of understanding of the message behind the message (which is doubtful), a teacher known first as Prince Siddhartha of the Sakyas, and later as Gautama the Buddha, suggested that desire is the question, but that a total absence of desires was not the answer.

My (the Orang) teacher, Ur-Orang, once said : "To be infected with the absence of doubt : there is an incurable disease !"


best, ~o:37;

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