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Islamism Spreads In Buddhist Thailand


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Thailand it is fighting one of the many "forgotten wars" of which little is known. Thailand is a country with a large Buddhist majority of 65 million inhabitants and a small percentage of Muslims (4.5 percent), concentrated in the three southern provinces, bordering Malaysia. The demands of Islamic people to become part of Malaysia stretch back many years, because in the past those territories belonged to the Islamic Malay sultanate under the protection of England, such as Malaysia, the Malaysian Borneo and Brunei. After the last world war, the sultanate was occupied by Thailand.

Already in the 1970's there was a strong campaign for regional autonomy on the part of Muslims, with bombings, violence and brief periods of warfare. Then a period of calm followed, only for the problem to be rekindled in the wake of the collapse of the twin towers in New York on September 11th 2001, which was seen a sign by the followers of Islam in countries where they are a minority to assert themselves: for example, on the island of Mindanao in the southern Philippines and the region of Xinjiang in China.

The current situation in southern Thailand is very serious. The Muslim separatists recruit new fighters in the Islamic schools, in an attempt to raise the level of confrontation with the Thai government and the army. According to a study prepared by Thai Army experts, Thai Muslim separatists guerrillas are playing on Malay nationalism and pride as well as the sense of belonging to the old sultanate. "They tell the students of the [Muslim] schools that it is the duty of every Muslim to take their land back from the Buddhist infidels."

I speak to PIME missionary, Father Claudio Corti di Lecco, who has worked in northern Thailand for 11 years and is on holiday in Italy. He says: "Every day, newspapers report on the attacks, fires in schools, increasingly Buddhist monks will not leave the monastery unless under police escort as they have been killed too; several inhabitants of the three provinces of the south have fled and are in the north because the situation is untenable. To entice people to go to work in the South, the government gives much higher wages and many people take up the offer. There is a large industry in rubber there and it pays very well. Our tribal people in order to earn more money or because they are unaware of the situation go there and then some come back when they realise the dangers. There is a real guerrilla war against the government, the military, Thailand. With accusations that the government has never helped to develop the south, because the South is a fairly depressed area of Thailand. And even the parliamentary minority accuses the majority of this".

"But in the end - continues the missionary - it has become a clash between Islam and Buddhism. In fact the government, to try to overcome this moment of crisis, gives a lot of support to the Islamic schools and Islam. What Muslims want they get. The most striking example is that Muslims have been recognised as Thai, before being Thai meant you were Buddhist, for over two years now, Muslims are recognised as Thai. It is a concrete example. Every day, at eight o'clock in the morning and every evening at six the national anthem is broadcast. The country stops, radio and television stations broadcast the national anthem and everyone sings. The television show images of Thailand. There is the king, there are the Buddhist monks, and now there are also Muslims with their distinctive dress, there are the Buddhist pagodas and Muslim mosques".

This is not the case for our tribes. Christianity is considered a foreign religion, even if now there are few foreigners: our priests and nuns are almost all local. In Thailand, there are about 300,000 Catholics nearly one million Christians all together out of a population of 65 million, Muslims are about three million. In the diocese of the South, founded by the Salesians, Catholics number about 6,000, while in our Diocese of Chiang Mai in the north there are 50,000 baptised and 25,000 catechumens. Chang Mai is the second biggest diocese in Thailand after Bangkok".



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Perhaps a good start is for the missionary to stay in Italy and quit trying to convert the locals. I am sure Pope Benedict and his followers are lovely people, however, they might want to consider working with the unwashed masses in Europe first. All those lapsed Catholics with their fornication, sodomy, children born out of wedlock and adultery. It's sinful I tell you. This missionary priest should stick close to home. I once saw two guys kissing in Rome. I was going to tell them they were doomed to hel_l, but this woman with an immense set of eyecatchers walked by and I was distracted.

This is one of those threads where I don't know if I should laugh or just scratch my head as to the mindset. I don't know about other folks, but the statements paint Thai muslims as evil killer types. On Phuket, the population is about 25% muslim and I have never once had a problem with a Thai muslim. The ones I know drink and fornicate just like Christians and Buddhists. I even know 2 that are gay and I borrowed 200 baht from one of them to buy some flowers for a girl 2 weeks ago. (Which reminds me, I forgot to pay him back - ooops.) Thai muslims are nothing like what you find in certain arab countries, so maybe the priest needs to sensationalize less and perhaps consider working to raise money to compensate the tens of thousands of children abused by the bible thumpers of the Church.

Can I get a hallaleujah?

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Amen Brother Gerri.

Before I comment, I should show my colours: I am staunchly, nay religiously, atheist.

I too scratch my head...what was the point the OP was trying to make? That the "Islamist Threat" is insidiously creeping into Thai culture..... a bit like the Reds Under The Beds McCarthy era scare mongering? Buddhists and Catholics alike, BEWARE!!!

What was the angle of Father Claudio? That Christians, particularly Catholics, are not militant and not recognised or being absorbed into Thai culture? Is he trying to imply that Catholics are thus better? Or is he complaining?

God knows, I don't.

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Perhaps a good start is for the missionary to stay in Italy and quit trying to convert the locals. I am sure Pope Benedict and his followers are lovely people, however, they might want to consider working with the unwashed masses in Europe first. All those lapsed Catholics with their fornication, sodomy, children born out of wedlock and adultery. It's sinful I tell you. This missionary priest should stick close to home. I once saw two guys kissing in Rome. I was going to tell them they were doomed to hel_l, but this woman with an immense set of eyecatchers walked by and I was distracted.

Funny, but not so nice to denigrate any religion, muslims, jews, cristians, catholics, etc etc.

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Perhaps a good start is for the missionary to stay in Italy and quit trying to convert the locals. I am sure Pope Benedict and his followers are lovely people, however, they might want to consider working with the unwashed masses in Europe first. All those lapsed Catholics with their fornication, sodomy, children born out of wedlock and adultery. It's sinful I tell you. This missionary priest should stick close to home. I once saw two guys kissing in Rome. I was going to tell them they were doomed to hel_l, but this woman with an immense set of eyecatchers walked by and I was distracted.

Funny, but not so nice to denigrate any religion, muslims, jews, cristians, catholics, etc etc.

What religion is being denigrated here? Catholics DO commit the "sins" mentioned.

For that matter, what's denigrating in telling the truth?

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The demands of Islamic people to become part of Malaysia stretch back many years, because in the past those territories belonged to the Islamic Malay sultanate under the protection of England, such as Malaysia, the Malaysian Borneo and Brunei. After the last world war, the sultanate was occupied by Thailand.

Thailand has been "occupying" the southern states of Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani, Satun and Songkla long before the end of WWII. In fact, Thailand (Siam) also controlled the Sultanates of Kedah, Kelatan, Perlis and Terengganu until the latter were ceded to British control by the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909. This treaty further eroded Thai (Siamese) claims to these areas that were agreed to under the Burney Treaty in 1826.

The problems in the south are a result of numerous influences the most important of which is culture not religion. For decades the Siamese and later Thai governments have tried to dilute and discourage the indigineous culture and promote Thai cuture by systematically promoting Thai schools, the Thai language and Buddhism at the expense of local Islamic schools and the local Yawi language. The whole situation has been exacerbated by the heavy handed tactics used in the past by the army and police which led to the massacre of detainees at Tak Bai in 2004 and other high profile killings of locals in the south. Taksin deserves a lot of blame for his handling of the situation but it goes back long before he was ever in office so he shouldn't be made the sole scapegoat. You are correct that there has been a lot of outside influence from hardline Islamic extremists who capitalize on the resentment of the local population which has made things even worse.

While I do not approve of the way in which the current Thai government came to power I welcome their attemps at trying a new approach. The old way certainly wasn't working.

The current Malaysian government has also made it clear that they have no interest in accepting the southern Thai provinces into their country. Why would they want the headache of governing such a poor and chaotic area. It's a Thai problem that the Thais need to fix.

I agree with geriatrickid that the Italian missionary needs to stay out of it.

Edited by Groongthep
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The southern insurgency was one token bomb every other year, until Thaksin stirred them up. I think the turning point was when he labeled them disorganised rabble or something and they raided the armoury.

Of course, suffocating a bunch of them and shooting up a few mosques didn't help relations much either.

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"But in the end - continues the missionary - it has become a clash between Islam and Buddhism. In fact the government, to try to overcome this moment of crisis, gives a lot of support to the Islamic schools and Islam. What Muslims want they get.

The most striking example is that Muslims have been recognised as Thai, before being Thai meant you were Buddhist, for over two years now, Muslims are recognised as Thai.

It is a concrete example. Every day, at eight o'clock in the morning and every evening at six the national anthem is broadcast. The country stops, radio and television stations broadcast the national anthem and everyone sings. The television show images of Thailand. There is the king, there are the Buddhist monks, and now there are also Muslims with their distinctive dress, there are the Buddhist pagodas and Muslim mosques".



This is pure ignorant racist rubbish! I suspect the author has never gotten past page one of a book on Asian History.

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Chuenjit - no dispute regards your comments, but what is the point you are trying to make?

To start a discussion on an important subject that does not seem to be discussed very often - After the bombings in Jakata and now this news Malaysian extremist behind Indonesia attacks: official http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Malaysia...3798/story.html

the situation in southern Thailand needs more attention .

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ASEAN foreign ministers condemn bombings in Jakarta

PHUKET, July 18 (TNA) - Foreign ministers of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Saturday issued a statement condemning Friday’s bombings in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta in which many people were killed and wounded.

"The ASEAN Foreign Ministers strongly condemn the bombings in Jakarta on 17 July 2009, which caused loss of innocent lives and injuries," said the statement.

The statement said the ministers supported the Indonesian government’s effort to “bring the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice.”

It said: “ASEAN stands united with the government and people of Indonesia and remains steadfast in our continued fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.”

Foreign ministers of ASEAN will hold meetings in the Thai southern resort of Phuket from Sunday to Thursday in the coming week. (TNA)

Political News : Last Update : 15:18:25 18 July 2009 (GMT+7:00)


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"Islamist extremism is an exceptionally resilient and powerful ideology.

It is doing well in Pakistan and North Africa, and while suffering some reverses is still powerful in the Arab Middle East. Islamist terror groups remain strong in southern Thailand and the southern Philippines.

It is overwhelmingly likely that these latest bombings will turn out to be the work of Jemaah Islamiah or one of its breakaway groups. "


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Chuenjit - no dispute regards your comments, but what is the point you are trying to make?

To start a discussion on an important subject that does not seem to be discussed very often - After the bombings in Jakata and now this news Malaysian extremist behind Indonesia attacks: official http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Malaysia...3798/story.html

the situation in southern Thailand needs more attention .

That reason is as good as any - fair enough.

Okay - you've quoted media reports of recent - whats your standpoint on the subject?

What direction do you see the Southern Thailand "struggle" taking ... kick the discussion off with some original input .......

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I'm no expert but think that everyone should have a right to their own beliefs and standards as long as it does not infringe on others . So in S . Thailand Muslims should intergrate and live as they do on Phuket and Samui - and I think it starts with education and equality .

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Perhaps a good start is for the missionary to stay in Italy and quit trying to convert the locals. I am sure Pope Benedict and his followers are lovely people, however, they might want to consider working with the unwashed masses in Europe first. All those lapsed Catholics with their fornication, sodomy, children born out of wedlock and adultery. It's sinful I tell you. This missionary priest should stick close to home. I once saw two guys kissing in Rome. I was going to tell them they were doomed to hel_l, but this woman with an immense set of eyecatchers walked by and I was distracted.

This is one of those threads where I don't know if I should laugh or just scratch my head as to the mindset. I don't know about other folks, but the statements paint Thai muslims as evil killer types. On Phuket, the population is about 25% muslim and I have never once had a problem with a Thai muslim. The ones I know drink and fornicate just like Christians and Buddhists. I even know 2 that are gay and I borrowed 200 baht from one of them to buy some flowers for a girl 2 weeks ago. (Which reminds me, I forgot to pay him back - ooops.) Thai muslims are nothing like what you find in certain arab countries, so maybe the priest needs to sensationalize less and perhaps consider working to raise money to compensate the tens of thousands of children abused by the bible thumpers of the Church.

Can I get a hallaleujah?

So the muslims that you know aren't really muslims, they just claim to be when it suits them.


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The problems in the south are a result of numerous influences the most important of which is culture not religion.

totally agree with that. many are using the word religion to get support from the local population. to create a divide 'us vs them' mentality. works better when you want to get people to blindly follow you.

For decades the Siamese and later Thai governments have tried to dilute and discourage the indigineous culture and promote Thai cuture by systematically promoting Thai schools, the Thai language and Buddhism at the expense of local Islamic schools and the local Yawi language.

perhaps some 40 years ago. but I dont know if you can still say that of modern day southern thailand. there are numerous Islamic schools in the 4 provinces. what the government (of various years) have been trying to do is get the Islamic schools to also incorporate the national curriculum so that students attending Islamic schools will have the same capability and chances to proceed to colleges and universities.

also in terms of culture: did you know that the TV channel 11 (government channel) broadcasts a few programs in the local Yawi dialect? including the calls to prayer on Fridays? If I recall correctly there was a time when government offices in the south closed on Fridays to accommodate the Muslim religios day. (not sure about this last one though...but it might have happened at one point).

Taksin deserves a lot of blame for his handling of the situation but it goes back long before he was ever in office so he shouldn't be made the sole scapegoat.

partially agree with this too. except I would say he is 'partly' to blame rather than 'a lot' to blame.

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The problems in the south are a result of numerous influences the most important of which is culture not religion.

totally agree with that. many are using the word religion to get support from the local population. to create a divide 'us vs them' mentality. works better when you want to get people to blindly follow you.

...... he is 'partly' to blame rather than 'a lot' to blame.

I'm sure that is the case...it is a recognised ploy, as evidenced by the Bush Administration.

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