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Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand. I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia. It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me. It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there. The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'. The guy asked me how much did I go for! I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.

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Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.

You know Puddleduck that 'Are you from Russia?' has gotta be line, I've been aked that question loads since being in asia, at first I thought it was cos guys thought I looked russian, but now I realize it's maybe a 'safe' way of asking 'how much are you?'

I've always said 'No I'm English' and they just smile and walk off, so I don't know for sure but my guess is it's definatly a line!

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It's happened to me a few times that I can remember. Now that you mention the Russian thing I have to think again :D

Funny enough, the first time I was approached by a young Indian male in the Silom area. I was just walking down the road, going about my business, and he passed me and then turned around and approached me. He was a young, very good-looking guy, and he had an older male with him. He asked me if I would like to have dinner with him. Even though he seemed interesting, I know that for most Indian men meeting a Western woman on the street would be the same as picking up a prostitute. So I told him no, because I don't meet men on the street.

Another time, when I was too early to meet a friend near the Nana BTS station, I went into the local Starbucks to pass some time. BIG MISTAKE. That place is like a swap meet of men and women looking to wile away some time I'm sure. I will never go back to that place again unless I am with people. Actually, I don't even like to go to Nana at all, because you walk down the street and all the old geezers are like "young lady, young lady". I'm sure they thought I was Russian :o

Another time, a young Greek guy (anyway, that's what HE said), started talking to me while I was buying DVDs in the Silom area. He seemed contemporary and aware, so after some conversation I agreed to meet up with him for dinner. At first I declined, because I told him that I don't meet men on the streets because I don't like giving the wrong impression. He assured me that if he wanted to meet a working girl, Bangkok was full of them. Seemed logical to me, so I agreed to meet him. Turns out, after some sort of address confusion, he wanted me to meet him in the lobby of his hotel. I took that as a sign and called it a night and went home - without him! I was burnt though, because in this particular case it seemed like any other "normal" male/female interaction that would happen anywhere, but this isn't normal, it's Bangkok.

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It's happened to me a few times that I can remember.  Now that you mention the Russian thing I have to think again  :D

Funny enough, the first time I was approached by a young Indian male in the Silom area.  I was just walking down the road, going about my business, and he passed me and then turned around and approached me.  He was a young, very good-looking guy, and he had an older male with him.  He asked me if I would like to have dinner with him.  Even though he seemed interesting, I know that for most Indian men meeting a Western woman on the street  would be the same as picking up a prostitute.  So I told him no, because I don't meet men on the street.

Another time, when I was too early to meet a friend near the Nana BTS station, I went into the local Starbucks to pass some time.  BIG MISTAKE.  That place is like a swap meet of men and women looking to wile away some time I'm sure.  I will never go back to that place again unless I am with people.  Actually, I don't even like to go to Nana at all, because you walk down the street and all the old geezers are like "young lady, young lady".  I'm sure they thought I was Russian  :o

Another time, a young Greek guy (anyway, that's what HE said), started talking to me while I was buying DVDs in the Silom area.  He seemed contemporary and aware, so after some conversation I agreed to meet up with him for dinner.  At first I declined, because I told him that I don't meet men on the streets because I don't like giving the wrong impression.  He assured me that if he wanted to meet a working girl, Bangkok was full of them.  Seemed logical to me, so I agreed to meet him.  Turns out, after some sort of address confusion, he wanted me to meet him in the lobby of his hotel.  I took that as a sign and called it a night and went home - without him!  I was burnt though, because in this particular case it seemed like any other "normal" male/female interaction that would happen anywhere, but this isn't normal, it's Bangkok.

No surprise for Indian guys, but are you any thai guys approach you this way?

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when i lived in bkk it happened to me a lot of times :D

especially being approached by indian, arab and african men in 7-11, on the street or in markets. also almost every time i went for a night out to grand hyatt. worst was in pratunam or sukhumvit soi 3. some were rude and asked rightaway for my phone number, once i was followed by an indian looking man through pratunam market for around 40 minutes.

when i told them that i'm from western europe and not interested to meet any men as i have a boyfriend already they were usually kind but still tried to make an appointment :D . on the road or in a shop you can easily say 'not interested' and walk off but if you're in a bar it can become quite annoying :D

i was even approached by eastern european girls to join them and their 'boyfriends' for a drink in their hotel room...

from thai men i had it only twice, once when i arrived back to bkk from pattaya at the bus station, a taxi driver asked 'where you go?' when i said 'ratchada' he said 'oh, you from russia' and went talking with his mates and gave me not-so-kind looks :D

another time when i visited bkk for some days, on my last morning i had to buy some guitar strings for my b/f and the owner of the musician shop was very unfriendly and even asked me if i was from russia. when i kindly replied, no i'm from germany, he said 'don't believe you' :D but then maybe it was my pale and hungover look that morning after all night good-bye partying... who knows :o

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Funny, even walking around alone I have never had this happen. but then I don't frequent the sukhumvit area. Besides, I suspect if some guy tried this on me my husband would hunt him down and rip his head off (he is from Surat Thani after all!)

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It's happened to me a few times that I can remember.  Now that you mention the Russian thing I have to think again  :D

Funny enough, the first time I was approached by a young Indian male in the Silom area.  I was just walking down the road, going about my business, and he passed me and then turned around and approached me.  He was a young, very good-looking guy, and he had an older male with him.  He asked me if I would like to have dinner with him.  Even though he seemed interesting, I know that for most Indian men meeting a Western woman on the street  would be the same as picking up a prostitute.  So I told him no, because I don't meet men on the street.

Another time, when I was too early to meet a friend near the Nana BTS station, I went into the local Starbucks to pass some time.  BIG MISTAKE.  That place is like a swap meet of men and women looking to wile away some time I'm sure.  I will never go back to that place again unless I am with people.  Actually, I don't even like to go to Nana at all, because you walk down the street and all the old geezers are like "young lady, young lady".   I'm sure they thought I was Russian  :o

Another time, a young Greek guy (anyway, that's what HE said), started talking to me while I was buying DVDs in the Silom area.  He seemed contemporary and aware, so after some conversation I agreed to meet up with him for dinner.  At first I declined, because I told him that I don't meet men on the streets because I don't like giving the wrong impression.  He assured me that if he wanted to meet a working girl, Bangkok was full of them.  Seemed logical to me, so I agreed to meet him.  Turns out, after some sort of address confusion, he wanted me to meet him in the lobby of his hotel.  I took that as a sign and called it a night and went home - without him!  I was burnt though, because in this particular case it seemed like any other "normal" male/female interaction that would happen anywhere, but this isn't normal, it's Bangkok.

No surprise for Indian guys, but are you any thai guys approach you this way?

No, Thai men are not usually that direct. They will generally give you a couple of glances first, and if you don't respond, they leave you alone. And I am almost always dressed according to Thai polite standards.

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Good point Kat. I must say I have never been harassed in any way by a Thai man. I have only ever had one touch me once (drunk old guy on the boat touched me on the shoulder, when I reacted in an offended manner he backed off immediately). I travelled in Thailand alone before I met my husband and was never hit on in any pushy way (had a flasher playing with himself in Malaysia tho :o ). Unlike in the US where I still get hit on pretty regularly.

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Good point Kat. I must say I have never been harassed in any way by a Thai man. I have only ever had one touch me once (drunk old guy on the boat touched me on the shoulder, when I reacted in an offended manner he backed off immediately).  I travelled in Thailand alone before I met my husband and was never hit on in any pushy way (had a flasher playing with himself in Malaysia tho  :o ). Unlike in the US where I still get hit on pretty regularly.

The worst, most embarrasing thing that ever happened to me here was this time when I had to pop in a store on Sukhumvit rd and my hubby couldn't park there, so I crossed the road and waited at a bus stop for him to do a U turn and pick me up. There were a few other peeps at the bus stop and some market venders right behind me, suddenly I felt a hand grab my, ahem, crotch from behind, I was shocked initially as I thought it was my hubby, that he's parked and walked to get me, so I didn't jump at first, though thought it was really weird as he is Thai and would never do something like that in public, so I turned slowly about to say 'OMG! Nut!!' and behind me was this scraggly madman, dressed in rags and smeared in dirt, I was so shocked I didn't know what to do at first, I knew every1 had seen it happen and seen me not flinch, and god knows what they thought, I was soooooo embarrassed! I lashed out with my handbag (Only thing at hand!) to whack him one but he dissapeared into the market, as my hubby pulled up I told him what had happened and he went bazerk! Tried looking for the guy, grabbed a policeman who was near by, but couldn't find the dirty f***er, lucky for him as I know my hubby would have gone skitzo on him.

But anyway thats the worst thing a guy has done to me over here, uurg so embarrasing.

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Don't worry Shola, just about every woman alive has had at least one humiliating episode. Usually more. Most freakish or abusive men like nothing more than violating women to humiliate. Don't hold on to it.

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So, having read all the replies it begs me to ask the question, is this what the average Thai lady would have to put up with from the average farang sexpat?

This is a great thread ladies and has opened my eyes up to what life could be like as a lady in Thailand.

I myself was lucky enough to meet my wife before I ever came to Thailand so perhaps I missed the old seedy side of life here.

Having said that, I have been to an agogo bar twice, both times with my wife and one of those times with her father, sister and cousin.

As a male I would like to apologise for the treatment you ladies sometimes suffer at our hands, but would hope that it is only a minority that actually behave like this.

More power to you girls!!!


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So, having read all the replies it begs me to ask the question, is this what the average Thai lady would have to put up with from the average farang sexpat?

This is a great thread ladies and has opened my eyes up to what life could be like as a lady in Thailand.

I myself was lucky enough to meet my wife before I ever came to Thailand so perhaps I missed the old seedy side of life here.

Having said that, I have been to an agogo bar twice, both times with my wife and one of those times with her father, sister and cousin.

As a male I would like to apologise for the treatment you ladies sometimes suffer at our hands, but would hope that it is only a minority that actually behave like this.

More power to you girls!!!


Thanks Tuke! :D

I sometimes think I'm a complete 'wierdo magnet' though I've had loads of strange encounters with wierdos, not just in LOS, and none worse than that mentioned above, but one time on the river ferry here, a guy who was standing next to me blatently sniffing glue from a plastic bag, I turned away from him, but couldn't move away as the boat was jam packed, I kept feeling someone patting my ars, I kept turning to look at him but he'd always turned away, but in the end I shouted at him, I couldn't speak any Thai at the time.

What got me most was that everyone on the boat could see this going on with him sucking on his bag every minuit and no one said a word!!!

That was before I new about TIT, but for some reason, if an unsavoury charecter gets on a bus or train I'm on, they always home in on me!!!

It's actually a standing joke with my friends back in the UK!

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Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.

All I can say is that you must be a rather lovely looking specimine!....do you fancy a drink some time?....are you from Russia by the way?

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Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia. 

Was that you?

Sorry about that :o

No probs Larry. According to one of my collegues I have the 'Russian look' which is skinny and pale apparently. :D

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Few ladies who met me down in Pattaya for a TV Meet - were mistaken as working ladies from Russia.

:o Forgot about that.

Same thing has happened in Bangkok, but less aggressively.

I’m unfortunate to have a Russian name, which is also the term used to refer to Russian prostitutes in Turkey – that explained the big smile on the men’s faces when I’d introduce myself. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.

You know Puddleduck that 'Are you from Russia?' has gotta be line, I've been aked that question loads since being in asia, at first I thought it was cos guys thought I looked russian, but now I realize it's maybe a 'safe' way of asking 'how much are you?'

I've always said 'No I'm English' and they just smile and walk off, so I don't know for sure but my guess is it's definatly a line!

Personally, don’t think that such experiences contain a sexual connotation .

As a person who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong impression is that after a male farang , or other equivalent male, has gotten to know Thai and other oriental ladies, they have very little affinity left for European, American, or western European, members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was probably not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines, but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person.

You should understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?” is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No, I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

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Personally, don’t think that such experiences contain a sexual connotation .

As a person who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong impression is that after a male farang , or other equivalent male, has gotten to know Thai and other oriental ladies, they have very little affinity left for European, American, or western European, members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was probably not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines, but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person.

You should understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?” is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No, I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

I totally understand your reasoning Figaro. The fave Thai question of 'Where you come from?' has been asked of me many times by both sexes.

The difference with the 'Are you Russian?' question is that it has only ever been asked to me exclusivly by men and some were not even Thai, after finding out that other girls experience the same 'line' I have to conclude that this is more than mere coincidence.

The fact is there is a substantial population of Russian girls that are 'working' over here, the Thai's and others living here know that, so I'm sure it's way to check 'the facts' first.

I have no doubt that if I had answered 'Yes' to some of these guys they would have continued talking to me and eventuallty propersitioned me with cash for services.

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Personally, don’t think that such experiences  contain a sexual connotation .

As a  person  who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong  impression is that after a male  farang , or other equivalent male,  has gotten to know  Thai and other oriental ladies,  they have very little affinity left  for  European,  American, or western European,  members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was  probably  not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often  is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines,  but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person. 

You should  understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when  in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?”  is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No,  I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

:o Here we go again. Why on earth are you posting here, then? You remind me of the male expats that spout the same bullsh*t, and then turn around and try to pick up Western women behind their wife's back :D Please, go back to La-la land, where I'm sure you are valued for your charming personality :D

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Personally, don’t think that such experiences  contain a sexual connotation .

As a  person  who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong  impression is that after a male  farang , or other equivalent male,  has gotten to know  Thai and other oriental ladies,  they have very little affinity left  for  European,  American, or western European,   members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was  probably  not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often  is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines,   but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person.  

You should  understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when  in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?”  is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No,  I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

:whistling: Here we go again. Why on earth are you posting here, then? You remind me of the male expats that spout the same bullsh*t, and then turn around and try to pick up Western women behind their wife's back ;) Please, go back to La-la land, where I'm sure you are valued for your charming personality :lol:


I'm posting here because I genuinely believe that some of the ladies are making too much of a song & dance about being asked whether they were Russian. BTW, could be something of a sour grapes attitude unconsciously being exhibited by the ladies.

I have NEVER attempted to & NEVER will try and pick up a western , or Australian

lady, after having been in Asia & in Latin America. Frankly, there's no comparison.

Why should I go back to La-la land? I love holidaying in LOS.

Have you ever bothered to reason as to why men who have interacted with

asian ladies lose all interest in European / American womenfolk?

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Have you  ever bothered to reason as to why men who have interacted with

asian ladies  lose all interest in European / American womenfolk?

I can see this thread going on.... not! :o

With comments like that Mr figaro I suggest that you do a bit more reading of similar topics on TV before your post comments like that. :D

They may be your thoughts but they have no business being posted on the Ladies forum.

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Coming back to the original post... Well, it's not limited Thailand.

I am frequent traveller all around Asia and frequently asked if I am Russian any country I go.

I am not surprised anymore to be asked systematically by Indian and African descents / but when 5 stars hotels start refusing you entrance when you walk in alone, or when even local people in remote villages (in Vietnam) ask if you come from Russia as well, it's kinda embarrasing :D

A simple 'oh no, I am from Western Europ' is often not enough to convince them, they usually ask for all my curriculum as well.

It seems the working Girls from Russia are everywhere and got well-deserved reputation.

For my part I have been mistaken for them so many times but only saw one in these 4 years travelling around (in HK airport at the immigration counter - she was just wearing an open jacket exposing the cleavage of her huge boob job, while shooting in Russian in her tiny handphone / probably trying her best assets to cross immigration :o )

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well if it's farang women being mistaken for russian working girls,

or honest thai women being mistaken for a thai working girl,

Or a honest thai woman in a farang country being mistaking for a working girl

Or a european man in his home country being mistaken for a sex tourist because he has a thai wife.

The trick is to not listen to small minded people and tell them to back off. :o

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well if it's farang women being mistaken for russian working girls,

or honest thai women being mistaken for a thai working girl,

Or a honest thai woman in a farang country being mistaking for a working girl

Or a european man in his home country being mistaken for a sex tourist because he has a thai wife.

The trick is to not listen to small minded people and tell them to back off:o

There are much better words than Back off Dark... :D

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Personally, don’t think that such experiences contain a sexual connotation .

As a person who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong impression is that after a male farang , or other equivalent male, has gotten to know Thai and other oriental ladies, they have very little affinity left for European, American, or western European, members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was probably not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines, but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person.

You should understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?” is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No, I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

I'm aware that in Thailand people try to be friendly and are genuinely curious about where you come from. It's one of the things that I love about this country. I sometimes find that while sitting on a bus that the person sitting next to me starts asking questions, usually to try and practice their English, but in this instance the guy followed me down the street and up the stairs to the BTS station and had to say 'excuse me' a few times to get my attention. He definately wasn't just a curious guy wondering where I was from. This has happened to me before and it has never been Thai guys, only Indians for some reason. Also, if you're going to ask if someone is from a particular country, Russia, is a strange one to pick. As far as I'm aware not a lot of tourists come from there. Why not Britain, USA, Sweden or Australia for example as I understand that a lot of female tourists who come to Thailand tend to come from these countries.

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