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Drunk Brits Risk Thousands In Holiday Medical Fees


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8 out of 10 Brits admit to being 'very drunk' on holiday according to a new survey and, of the 1,000 people surveyed, over 70% were unaware that their travel insurance didn't cover them in the event of a drunken accident or injury :)

source & more reading: http://www.4hoteliers.com/4hots_nshw.php?mwi=6116

then it's a good thing you are not a brit mate, you would never be covered. :D

Edited by bkkjames
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8 out of 10 Brits admit to being 'very drunk' on holiday according to a new survey and, of the 1,000 people surveyed, over 70% were unaware that their travel insurance didn't cover them in the event of a drunken accident or injury :)

source & more reading: http://www.4hoteliers.com/4hots_nshw.php?mwi=6116

then it's a good thing you are not a brit mate, you would never be covered. :D

My thoughts, exactly! :D

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It probably never occurs to them that they're not insured because they're used to getting similarly incapable back home and being treated for free. A & E departments of hospitals throughout the UK are plagued by such drunken scum. If the NHS is short of money (which it always seems to be), they should be able to charge for having to treat these antisocial nuisances.

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It probably never occurs to them that they're not insured because they're used to getting similarly incapable back home and being treated for free. A & E departments of hospitals throughout the UK are plagued by such drunken scum. If the NHS is short of money (which it always seems to be), they should be able to charge for having to treat these antisocial nuisances.

More bums from the pampered pc nanny state, never occurs to them because they get their ass wiped from craddle to grave. The pc bleeding heart liberals tell you they are only expressing themselves, no longer allowed to discipline them in school, dead beat parents raising more of the same.

Glad I no longer pay taxes to support these neds.

Just hope the hospitals screw them big time in medical bills to stop them travelling, mind you the social will probably foot the bill to stop them whingeing about being under privelleged and stigmatised.

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It probably never occurs to them that they're not insured because they're used to getting similarly incapable back home and being treated for free. A & E departments of hospitals throughout the UK are plagued by such drunken scum. If the NHS is short of money (which it always seems to be), they should be able to charge for having to treat these antisocial nuisances.

If the NHS is short of money, it's because there is more admin staff there than there is Doctors and Nurses and on a H*ll of a lot more money aswell! I'd rather be treating the 'drunken scum' anytime rather than all the freeloaders that keep finding their way into the UK from the EU. At least the 'drunken scum' pay their Taxes and National Insurance which is more than they do!

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