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Bigbike Dealer Explains Double Pricing

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My wife won't buy a watermelon without negotiating the price. Who's he trying to kid.

You're right. My wife is the same. What you guys don't seem to understand is the difference in haggling. The Thai will haggle hard in a SINGLE shop to get the best price. She will NOT play one shop against the other. They think it rude and risky (they may be cousins). Ask you wives if this is not true. The farang will check SEVERAL shops and the Internet and play one against the other to find the truly best price. Now, personally, I think it ungentlemanly to NAME opposing shops in this process, but I have no problem saying, "I can get these Bridgestone tires about 2 km down the street for less than you are offering; you want my business, you'll have to come down, or I'm down the street." When I pull this sh!t in the presence of my wife, she gets quite embassed, says it's "Mai supop." Where the Thai will settle for the best price the shop will offer, the farang is down the street. Capitalism is alive and well here. Too bad there's no democracy to go with it.

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Come on, guys: are you really going to buyan expensive big bike with no Green book?

My MIL played the underground lottery and won. Only to be told they cannot pay out the full winnings :)

If this is a dealer, pay 40 k more and get a green book. The local second hand shop sells all these Japanese reimports without books, but green books are optional

Get a legit bike, if you have 290 k cash, you can get one.

Ride on, Chris

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Not the bike the OP is referring to but I'm sure he knows who's selling that one :D

I may have an idea alright.. :D

CF are you sure you want a ZX10R? These bike will bite the weak.

Get summat a bit more tame like neverdie's bike, the Desmo. :)

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