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Chiang Mai Governor Downplays Earthquake Risk


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Apparently we had an earthquake yesterday? or am i going mad(der)


Earthquakes Rock Chiang Mai, Mexico & Southern California

Chiang Mai, Mexico and Southern California were all hit by earthquakes in the last two days. The one in Chiang Mai was minor at 3 on the Richter scale, striking today, whereas for the other two places the quakes, which happened yesterday, were large, of a 7.2 magnitude.

Chiang Rai, 5 April 2010, [PDN]: Chiang Mai was gently rocked by a magnitude 3 earthquake, today, at 6.45am, with its epicenter in Muang district. Although the quake only lasted 5 to 10 seconds, the quake was sufficiently significant to cause people to dash out onto the street in alarm; however there were no reports of any damage or casualties. There are nine active fault lines in Thailand, the one near Chiang Mai being the Mae Tha Fault, about 30 kilometres away from the city. About 55 kilometres long, this fault has generated 23 quakes during the past 28 years, the most severe having been a quake of magnitude 5.2 on the Richter scale in December 1995.

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Chiang Mai governor downplays earthquake risk

CHIANG MAI: -- Chiang Mai Governor Suwat Tantiphat today downplayed last week's warning from the Department of Mineral Resources that 16 districts in the northern province were in an earthquake risk zone, describing the report as 'just scientific data'.

Mr. Suwat said that the warning, which also noted that 10 districts were at risk of land subsidence, was intended to ensure that officials and the public were prepared for any contingency, but did not mean that there was any immediate threat.

On 5 March the province will conduct an earthquake drill for people living and working in tall buildings.

--TNA 2005-02-28


'just scientific data'. Well I guess that Khun Suwat still thinks the world is flat. Leastaways it must only be 'just scientific data'.

How do these people get these jobs??? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

What concerns me are all these plate movements lately. Hope nothing is building up. Have cracks all over the house, I presume from the quake here a few years ago.

Interesting the case of the Italian earthquake

I wonder if one of the universities has a radon detector:


Italian earthquake: expert's warnings were dismissed as scaremongering

An Italian scientist, Giampaolo Giuliani, predicted the earthquake which has killed at least 92 people in the Abruzzo region but he was reported to the police for scaremongering, it has emerged.


Giuliani has developed and patented a radon detector which he says enables him to predict earthquakes by detecting the radioactive gas leaking from underground sources.

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2006 Quake

Earthquake hit Chiang Mai; no casualties Moderate Chiang Mai earthquake alarms residents, but none injured

CHIANG MAI, Dec 13 (TNA) - Provincial and national disaster agency officials have assessed damages from Tuesday night's earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale near this provincial seat where alarmed tourists and local residents alike felt the tremors and hastily evacuated buildings, but no injuries were reported.

More than 10 major aftershocks occurred, the latest at 5am (0500 hours) Wednesday morning, which earthquake experts said was quite unusual.

It is Chiang Mai's first earthquake. Tremors here are usually weaker effects from earthquakes in neighbouring Myanmar, but Suparerk Tansriratanawong, director-general of Thailand's

Meteorological Department said this was the first centred in the province.

Centred in Mae Rim district Tuesday night, he said the earthquake could be felt in nearly all parts of the province.

National Disaster Warning Centre director Smith Thammasaroj said the earthquake occurred on a fault line and that its centre was 30 kilometres beneath the surface of the earth. The tremor damaged some houses.

However, the disaster director said residents need not evacuate their homes or business places now. but from now on, the public should brace for a possible earthquake which could take place at any time.

Government officials and earth science experts are investigating why there were more than 10 aftershocks because normally, only one or two aftershocks follow the moderate earthquake.

Meanwhile, cracks were found in some dormitories at Mae Jo University and portions of some ceilings collapsed.

Mae Jo University engineer Theerachai Tanruangporn said the minor cracks were unlikely to cause structural damage to the buildings, but said that his team are conducting more thorough inspections. (TNA)-E004 __________________

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I have felt earthquakes in CM many times over the years, but nothing like in San Francisco. This is the first time that I have ever read that they are actually centered in Burma. :)

I have also felt my share of quakes. The largest, 1989 quake in San Francisco. Now were talking shaking. :D

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I guess I must be lucky :) I was in the 1987 Whitter (LA) quake 6.0. Yes all most but not all quakes in northern Thailand their epicenter are in Myanmar or Lao. The quake that Chiang Ria felt a couple weeks ago 3.1 was in Lao. The quake that we had in 06 (5.1) its epicenter was of all place Mai Rem. I was 11 floors up when it hit and brought back great memories. :D

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