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Korean Golfers


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Recently played a very slow 6 hour round following several goups of korean women. We noticed that 1 player in the group ahead was very good and the other 3 were just hackers. Then the caddy explained that she was the teacher and we then observed that she was giving lessons throughout the round.

6 hours is just farking outrageous!!!!!!!!

if she was giving lessons, its a shame that she didnt include ettiqette. giving lessons on a course and holding up following groups is bang out of order.

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Yesiam - You are entitiled to your opinion.... fortunately, you are in the minority when it comes to "hating" the US. Sure, many people do not agree with the US policies... heck, sometimes I don't... but these people do not set out to kill Americans! You need to understand that most Americans only want peace, a non-confrontational life, and they want to better their lives not only for themselves, but also for their children. As I understand, most Muslims want the same, as do Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, etc.

You do not seem to share any of these positive values, much less care about anything other than destruction! You have so much hate, that I think that even Allah will cast you out from heaven, rob you of your virgins, and leave you destitute. Do us a favor, and crash your cropduster into the nearest tree. Allah will be "nearby" scratching his head, wondering about your stupidity.

Anyhow, back to golfing.... where is the list of guidelines/rules of golfing etiquette??

P.S. My apologies to all for steering the OP's "golf etiquette" complaint off topic. I get a little rattled when I read someone's post, and it collectively bashes a group of people... no matter who they are. Most people the world-over all pretty much want the same... to have a good life... to be free... and perhaps to enjoy a round of golf, and that all important 19th hole.

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what on earth is a call hole ?

I dont get your point about people waiting on tees. sorry but where else should people be whilst waiting for a par 3 to clear?  to ensure you are not hit as theirs.

I believe he is referring to the practice of letting a second group hit their tee shots on par 3's before the preceding group putts (or hits their second shots). On my trip we played on course that was rather crowded and we had to do that on a couple of holes .

One other thing I found very interesting about golf in Thailand was the one-meter gimme. On the first course I played (Lamphun/Chaing Mai), they actually had a circle around the cup about one meter in diameter. It took me a few holes to figure it out but eventually it was clear. If a putt stopped in that circle you were done--your caddy picked up the ball. On a couple other courses the circle wasn't physically present, but it was there nonetheless.

Here's a complete report on my golf trip:

Golf In The Kingdom

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Yesiam - You are entitiled to your opinion.... fortunately, you are in the minority when it comes to "hating" the US.  Sure, many people do not agree with the US policies... heck, sometimes I don't... but these people do not set out to kill Americans!  You need to understand that most Americans only want peace, a non-confrontational life, and they want to better their lives not only for themselves, but also for their children.  As I understand, most Muslims want the same, as do Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, etc.

You do not seem to share any of these positive values, much less care about anything other than destruction!  You have so much hate, that I think that even Allah will cast you out from heaven, rob you of your virgins, and leave you destitute.  Do us a favor, and crash your cropduster into the nearest tree.  Allah will be "nearby" scratching his head, wondering about your stupidity.

Anyhow, back to golfing....  where is the list of guidelines/rules of golfing etiquette??

P.S.  My apologies to all for steering the OP's "golf etiquette" complaint off topic.  I get a little rattled when I read someone's post, and it collectively bashes a group of people... no matter who they are.  Most people the world-over all pretty much want the same... to have a good life... to be free... and perhaps to enjoy a round of golf, and that all important 19th hole.

just google "golf etiquette"...you'll find all the info.

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1. If you arrive at a tee already occupied by the group in front, wait well off the tee for your turn. If you are driving a cart stay even farther back and do not drive up to the tee area.

2. Always play without delay at all times.

3. Don’t take Mulligans when there are people waiting.

4. When you have completed play leave the green area before socializing.

5. When a player is addressing the ball, other players in the vicinity must remain quiet and stand still.

6. If your group has slowed down and there is a faster group behind you let them play through.

7. Don’t take your shot until the group in front has played their shot and have moved well out of range. Don’t hit your approach shot until the green is clear.

8. Generally have a little bit of kreng jai on the golf course. Be kind to your fellow golfers and enjoy the game.

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If u are sick of waiting for them let you through......but they wont......juststart hitting balls intheir direction.......a few beam balls will do the trick !! Or you could do the Michael Douglas thing in "Falling Down' ......Just pull out your sawn off shotgun and give am a blast so the buggy rolls of into the lake in the distance and the golfer has a heart attack !!

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One other thing I found very interesting about golf in Thailand was the one-meter gimme.  On the first course I played (Lamphun/Chaing Mai), they actually had a circle around the cup about one meter in diameter.  It took me a few holes to figure it out but eventually it was clear.  If a putt stopped in that circle you were done--your caddy picked up the ball.  On a couple other courses the circle wasn't physically present, but it was there nonetheless. 

Here's a complete report on my golf trip:

Golf In The Kingdom

Dave, I thought that the circle might be used as a guide to help get your greenside chip ,bunker shot, or the 40 foot putt within the 3 foot putt zone to ensure an easy second putt.

I agree that the gimmie is a little over done.

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