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Having a bit of a small family problem - which reminds how hard people can work if they want too have too.

The niece who many have met finished High school a few months back - her last year she averaged 4.0 out of 4.0 grade point average. Slacker!

She's at Uni now - but due to the bad economics etc etc - I've moved the business out of Bangkok leaving her there alone in the big city.

Originally she had a friend sharing a tiny but very clean flat but that girl's family couldn't afford her to be away so now the niece is on her own.

Studies at Uni from 7am to noon Monday to Friday.

Then at 4pm goes to work in a restaurant till 1am Mon - Thursday - and 2am Friday and Saturday to help support herself.

Tough hours - but she's not quitting and I'm pretty proud.

She's lonely at night - like most Thais she likes to share a room - and also like many believes in ghosts and thinks the room is haunted.

But she won't stop - and for that I am very proud. For a very dirt poor Isaan girl she works pretty hard as many do - thought I'd share it as we hear often they are lazy - (bubi not aimed at you) - but many work hard - value education - and try to better themselves.


Same goes for those kids from a well-to-do family - non-issan - who don’t expect everything to be handed out to them on a silver spoon,…. but would rather study hard, work smartly and make it on their own.

You can get the similar story from both sides, really….nothing new and too surprising. There are many exceptions everywhere.

As long as you don’t pre-judge and get sucked up by many negative stereotyping of the said group milling around. I always try to judge people on his/her own merit, until proven otherwise.


I firmly believe on investing in “education”…that having education is one of the main keys in solving many problems in life. Even though it can’t guarantee you will be rich, but at least you won’t be too poor…generally

Kudos to your niece as well :)


I agree - a few Thai friends are CTO's E-Vp of major Thai companies - however they got there on merit even though many of them come from wealthy backgrounds.

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