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Good Busniess In Thailand

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I am wondering what is the best buisness to start for a newbeginner in thailand.

I was thinking about a bar but there seem to be a couple of mills of them already.

Then i tought why not start doing what i am doing at home , buying things and fixing them for resale or maby export .But then i need a lot of machines and space.

What is good buisness in thailand.What would you suggest?

regards jonik

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...maybe my reply will not make you happy but I will tell you my opinion...

...Thailand is a wonderful country, have beautiful people and stay here is really nice..but if you need to work is better you do that in your home country and come here sometimes on holidays...

...unless you don't come here working for foreign company or you have a "well full wallet"...

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There is money to be made in Thailand.....its just whether you have the business acumen, capital, perseverance and luck to make it happen.

Don't expect somone to reply to your post with "setting up a business in X is the best for thailand".....if there was simple answers everyone would be doing it.

Have a look at Sunbelts website, think of something that you would enjoy doing. Take your time and don't jump into anything. :o

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Start a costume rental service close to a university. Have a big stock so when it is graduation day you can rent out a lot. And when i say a lot i mean A LOT. There are other cerimonies and people need to be dressed properly for that. Combine selling and renting and you will do good.

So many things you can start here. But starting is not the problem, making profit is. And that can be very hard indeed. Once you have a good concept expect to have someone copy it really quick right next door.

Best bet is to do something you are already familiar with. If it is fixing things you probably should do that but think a little bigger. You would be the boss and instruct your employees to fix things. That way you can fix more and have more potential to make money as labor is relatively cheap. Even if someone copies you they would not have the same skills. Your skills are your best asset.

Starting a bar can be very succesful, but you need to bring a lot of money to start because location is the top priority. And you have to have a strong personality for that too. I would not recommend it if you don't have some experience running a bar before.

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be careful with real estate projects. Now some ppl would be happy to invest your savings in whatever they might think profitable.

bar is good. you could create small community like guys in Ptt and HHin - bar and few rooms for rent on the second and third floors.

fixing things - if it's not high tech lasers, there's some one already doing it. Try buy second hand from Japan, fix/restore it here and export abroad. Might work


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I am wondering what is the best buisness to start for a newbeginner in thailand.

I was thinking about a bar but there seem to be a couple of mills of them already.

Then i tought why not start doing what i am doing at home , buying things and fixing them for resale or maby export .But then i need a lot of machines and space.

What is good buisness in thailand.What would you suggest?

regards jonik

Do you have ANY experience in running a business? I mean, ANY? If not, don't feel bad -- you're just one more farang who arrives here and gets instantly transformed into a BUSINESSMAN! :o

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Thanks for the comments good or bad .

Yes i do have some buisniess experience but i've got the feeling that almost everything has been tryed or exists in thailand.i have some ideas like a retirement home for old people like a sort of hotel.Disabled people that don't get to much out.

Kinder garden for young famelies who parents wants some time alone.Singel parents that needs babysitters(cost a fortune at my home)Does this exist in thailand or is it just a stupid idea , feedback!

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Thanks for the comments good or bad .

Yes i do have some buisniess experience but i've got the feeling that almost everything has been tryed or exists in thailand.i have some ideas like a retirement home for old people like a sort of hotel.Disabled people that don't get to much out.

Kinder garden for young famelies who parents wants some time alone.Singel parents that needs babysitters(cost a fortune at my home)Does this exist in thailand or is it just a stupid idea , feedback!

Not much demand for this as the family takes care of the elderly and very young.They start kinder. here at 3yrs. old and most schools have them. it's very cheap compared to abroad,maybe 5,000 for the year.

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:o I know this but i was thinking about a home for old farangs,in the same line of what they are doing in spain.A lot of old people stay in spain trough the winter even tough it's quite expensive.Sometimes the goverment/state pays for there stay because it's cheaper than having them at home.
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So many things you can start here. But starting is not the problem, making profit is. And that can be very hard indeed. Once you have a good concept expect to have someone copy it really quick right next door.

Right on. You have to be ready to take that profit and diversify (since your original idea will be original for about 20 minutes) as well. Foreigners often (not always of course) make the mistake in blowing all their profit on everything else conceivable besides investments that will make their future more prosperous here.


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Thanks for the comments good or bad .

Yes i do have some buisniess experience but i've got the feeling that almost everything has been tryed or exists in thailand.i have some ideas like a retirement home for old people like a sort of hotel.Disabled people that don't get to much out.

Kinder garden for young famelies who parents wants some time alone.Singel parents that needs babysitters(cost a fortune at my home)Does this exist in thailand or is it just a stupid idea , feedback!

Not much demand for this as the family takes care of the elderly and very young.They start kinder. here at 3yrs. old and most schools have them. it's very cheap compared to abroad,maybe 5,000 for the year.

True. But if you want to get in on the ground level, now would be the time. Plenty of couples nowadays opting not to have kids and many family units are less cohesive than in the past. There's one operation near the Sutthisan intersection in Bangkok.... the Golden Years Hospital (and nursing home). Those interested in this business may want to stop by and check it out how well it is run or how it can be improved.


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I've made a new topic out of it explaining my idea wich i think is quite good no matter what all you guys think,but ofcourse i listen to smartminded folks.I have been surrounded with idiots to long making my thinking clouded.

It's only one way , your own...........

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...ehi,Jonik..why such bad feelings????

...everybody just express their opinion...than it's up to you take that in consideration or not...what's wrong???

...and I tell you again..if you need to work better you do in your origin country...this is definitively what I think...and If you think I am an idiot that not want help...this will be your opinion....

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It's only one way , your own...........

You are absolutely right... :o

Especially in a country where you don't speak/understand, read or write the language and don't know sh.t about the laws...regulations, corruption and so many other things (exhausting heat and humidity for instance).

I would say only one thing: WATCH YOURSELF AND YOUR WALLET :D

good luck :D


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