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Us Navy Helps Kamala


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http://www.phuketgazette.com/news/index.asp?id=4108 :o

Kamala benefited from the fork of 1200 U.S. Sailors. I expect that the night life of Patong benefited from multiple instertions at the usually inflated U.S. Military price of 2000 Sierra Tango. I was in Patong when the USS Kitty Hawk arrived in December '01 after 100 days at sea. A number of Americas finest rented the adjoining poolside rooms at the Thara Patong and began to enjoy the well earned fun time. Being an ex-military man myself I hosted and impromt party.

Got on my AIS mobile calling in a crew of "Bangla Princes Warriors" to sorte with the sailors dubbing the event as a good time was had by all!

Patong said they needed tourists and they got them, 1200 spending, drinking, studly American Heros who spent their days helping the community on the nic of U.S. Taxpayers. Just think, at 8000 baht per day X 1200 X 3 = souhould be about 28.8million baht as a direct Stimulation to the economy whilst on their quest to spred some help and joy with the local female population. I bet that stuffed some money in the bras and warmed up their little money makers!

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