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Why Do Thais Drive With Their Parking Lights On?


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I often see blinkers used for going the opposite direction. So if someone turns right, they turn on their left blinker as if to say, hey, you go around me to the left.

For all the bad driving stories I hear, one thing I do appreciate is how trucks often give you blinker signals when it's ok to pass. That's quite nice.

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In the UK they are called sidelights rather than parking lights. UK Law states that sidelights must be used between sunset and sunrise - headlights must be used at night (defined as 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise).

In practice I was always taught that if there was a need to use lights ie, to see or be seen, then why use sidelights as a half measure when headlights would be more effective in all cases.

Thailand does not have twilight the same way northern climes, like the UK do.

In my book either my headlights and sidelights are on, or they are all off,

no in between.

to see or be seen

They definitely go on in heavy rain and other similar poor visibility conditions

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For all the bad driving stories I hear, one thing I do appreciate is how trucks often give you blinker signals when it's ok to pass. That's quite nice.

Yeah, straight into the path of an incoming vehicle around the blind corner. It has happened!!

Beware, do not trust your life to some unknown truckie, possibly off his face on ya ba.

Is the life of you and your passengers worth so little to justify the risk?

Better to arrive late than dead on time.

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The scariest one for me is at night when some motorcycles have a white light at the back instead of a red one. Out in the sticks with no street lights until you get closer you think there's some bastard coming straight towards you on full beam. Though come to think of it sometimes there is......

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