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This is my first post so please be gentle with me.

I have read for hours and hours on this forum and have found the answer's to a million of my question's for which I am very gratefull to you all :D

I am in the process of relocating to Thailand to live permanently.

I am setting up a Thai Limited Company with me as the "controlling farang"

I intend to buy property and land and renovate etc and sell on for a profit (in thoery)

My question is this, and hold the flames if the answer is obvious!

If i get married and later on it goes a bit ting tong and i get divorced :o

Is there any way my ex could get any of the companies assets?

I intend to pay myself a salary and have all my funds in the company accounts and not in personal accounts. I will buy a car and register it in my own name.

Apologies if this sounds a bit cynical but I was badly burned in the UK by an ex business parter to the tune of £250,000 GBP so I want all angles covered in the future.

Thanks in advance



My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on. Research mutual funds and look for high return low risk funds. Morningstar is a company who evaluates mutual funds. Look for a 5 year return of 10 percent or better. YES they are out there. Two global funds that I have are a Templeton fund TEDIX and a Van Kampen fund VGFCX.

Many guys who have started the phony Thai companies will live to regret it. The law was not intended for farangs to own homes or property here. Just MHO. Are you aware that if you rent a property (against the law to start with) that you have a tax liability of 12.5 percent of the rent? The government has decided to start collecting those taxes. (yesterdays newspaper)

Yesterday a farang was telling me that Siam Bank bonds sold 5 years ago and now matured are NOT being bought back for even their face value. He said that Siam Bank is saying that they were not the issuing company and that they would not honor the bonds. True? I don't know but he was adamant that it was true.

This is my first post so please be gentle with me.

I have read for hours and hours on this forum and have found the answer's to a million of my question's for which I am very gratefull to you all  :D

I am in the process of relocating to Thailand to live permanently.

I am setting up a Thai Limited Company with me as the "controlling farang"

I intend to buy property and land and renovate etc and sell on for a profit (in thoery)

My question is this, and hold the flames if the answer is obvious!

If i get married and later on it goes a bit ting tong and i get divorced :o

Is there any way my ex could get any of the companies assets?

I intend to pay myself a salary and have all my funds in the company accounts and not in personal accounts. I will buy a car and register it in my own name.

Apologies if this sounds a bit cynical but I was badly burned in the UK by an ex business parter to the tune of £250,000 GBP so I want all angles covered in the future.

Thanks in advance


My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.



My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.

It's an interesting response to say the least.

Neither of you has answered the question.


Thanks for the insight into your personal affairs

Khunt Larry,

Over 70 people have looked at this post and only 2 people have added and a reply. It's just unfortunate for me that you are one of them.

You should not have really bothered.

You dont know me or you have never met me.

You dont know my background my abitities or skills.

Nevertheless you have decided on the strength of my post that I will loose money in Thailand.

My mother always told me that if i did not have anything constructive to say then i should keep quiet. It was a great peice of guidance that has served me well, and I cant think of a better time to share it with you.

That said, it can be better at times to get things off one's chest and out in the open.

How judgemental of you to make such a claim.

As far as loosing money goes the only way i can possibly foresee myself loosing money in Thailand would be if all the girls left the country and the only one left was your wife. Given that her pussy is no longer of any value to anybody i could not earn a living pimping it out.

Then Sir Khunt i would be truly on my arse.

Have yourself the very best of days :D

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.

Oh and by the way when I say "loosing" i am taking the p155 out of you.

The correct spelling is "lose"

You stupid ballbag

Boy, for a first time poster you've really started out with a bang, haven't you.

I hope "Khunt" Larry isn't offended, or was that a typo?

Like i said in my first post i have been reading this forum for many hundreds of hours.

I had even read most of Larry's cynical drivel before he replied to my opener.

It was no surprise to see his name appear with his usual brand of crud attached.

It was no mis-spelling either.

I was amused to see someone call him a "seed-sack" the other day.

Oh well....guess i'll be banned soon....ma bpen rai.

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.

It's an interesting response to say the least.

Neither of you has answered the question.


Thanks for the insight into your personal affairs

Khunt Larry,

Over 70 people have looked at this post and only 2 people have added and a reply. It's just unfortunate for me that you are one of them.

You should not have really bothered.

You dont know me or you have never met me.

You dont know my background my abitities or skills.

Nevertheless you have decided on the strength of my post that I will loose money in Thailand.

My mother always told me that if i did not have anything constructive to say then i should keep quiet. It was a great peice of guidance that has served me well, and I cant think of a better time to share it with you.

That said, it can be better at times to get things off one's chest and out in the open.

How judgemental of you to make such a claim.

As far as loosing money goes the only way i can possibly foresee myself loosing money in Thailand would be if all the girls left the country and the only one left was your wife. Given that her pussy is no longer of any value to anybody i could not earn a living pimping it out.

Then Sir Khunt i would be truly on my arse.

Have yourself the very best of days :D

To your question: I don't think it's likely that your future ex might be able to get shares of the company or any equivalent assets/capital. As far as I heard ex-wifes don't really have many rights in Thailand. However, as I am by no means an expert, I recommend that your consult with a lawyer.

To your other messages: I agree that some responses you got were not very helpful or encouraging, but your response to these was much harsher...


I would suggest a pre-nuptial agreement in every case where the husband has assets to protect. The sponsors of this forum provide incorporating services and probably have form pre-nups that their lawyers can adopt for your benefit.

While there are many negative posts regarding a falang's ability to get justice in Thailand courts, especially when the dispute is with a Thai or ex-wife, every year you can see that western style justice is improving. I certainly feel the western style rights, created by contract, will only improve with time and with the globalization of the world, perhaps by the time you need to enforce written agreements with your potential "ex", enforcement may be readily available to falang.

I would suggest a pre-nuptial agreement in every case where the husband has assets to protect.  The sponsors of this forum provide incorporating services and probably have form pre-nups that their lawyers can adopt for your benefit.

While there are many negative posts regarding a falang's ability to get justice in Thailand courts, especially when the dispute is with a Thai or ex-wife, every year you can see that western style justice is improving. I certainly feel the western style rights, created by contract, will only improve with time and with the globalization of the world,  perhaps by the time you need to enforce written agreements with your potential "ex", enforcement may be readily available to falang.

Thanks for the advice, although I had already covered the pre-nup angle.

I have a meeting scheduled with a lawyer from these guys:

http://www.LegalThailand.com upon my arrival in Thailand.

There are many places offering services to farang's in Thailand.

I have only seen this place mention pre-nuptial agreements.....i wonder why?

Boy, for a first time poster you've really started out with a bang, haven't you.

I hope "Khunt" Larry isn't offended, or was that a typo?

No offense taken. And none intended for Khun Im Luvvinit

I didn't mean to offend the guy. It is obvious (to me anyway) from the original post Khun Im Luvvinit has very little knowledge and experience about Thailand. He will surely lose money.

K Im, Thanks for the spelling tip :o


"It is obvious (to me anyway) from the original post Khun Im Luvvinit has very little knowledge and experience about Thailand. He will surely lose money"

I have spent a grand total of six weeks in Thailand, this is probably many years less than you.

I only hope is that in 5 years time Thailand has not turned me into the sort of person who lurks about on forums and only has negative things to say about newcomers.

Your preoccupation with me losing money will drive me forwards through the hard times. I applaud you for giving me the motivation required to be successful.

Seeing as you have got me down for some kind of dipsh1t, let me run a few things past you

I have made extensive notes on a all subjects that are relevant to my cause:

Banking: use a nationwide card if you are from the uk, there is no charge at the ATM. Open a local account and transfer your money in GBP so the exchange happens in LOS.

Non imigrant visa's: If your from the UK, Hull will issue you with one if you are not married, just print out the letter of "repatriation" from their site and state you are visiting a girlfriend. Dont worry if you need a work permit, you can still get a permit on an "O" you dont need a "B".

Visa runs: go Penang

Work permits : let sunbelt handle your application: they claim never to have one refused.

Limited company formation:again Sunbelt they only charge £35 quid for thier work.

Leasing land for 90 years- cant be done! please read an understand the regulations in section 540. you can only have an OPTION to renew for additional 30 years. The pre paid 30+30+30 is garbage and will be thrown out of court by a judge.

Building property: get a translated copy of the zoning regulations for the area you might want to build in: section45 of the EQQPA which relates to land usage and structure dimensions, you cannot build higher than 6meters high in zone 1, which is anything between the beach and 50 metres inland.

I know that a building on Koh Samui will cost me a minimum of 15,000 baht per sq m2, although in Khon Kaen the same building can be constructed in the same materials for 7,000 baht per m2.

I know that land in zone B on Samui can be had for 4000 baht talang met, land in Udon Thani can be had for 1200 baht per talnag wah.

Get your self a good lawyer, pay him well, pay his travel expenses to come and see you if you have any doubts about a deal or whatever.

Dont part with any money or sign anything that your lawyer has not personally witnessed, unless you can afford to treat the money involved in the deal as a gift to one of the locals

If your gonna get involved with running a business, dont start a new one, its doomed already. Buy one thats already operational and get your lawyer involved all the way.

Lastly girls, if you can find a non smoker that does not drink alcohol, has no tattoo's, does not play cards, speaks little english ( especially when her phone rings and she is with you at the time!) and is very new to the bar scene, then you might just be able to turn her into decent girlfriend material(even then, be extremely cautious with the inlaws, they have been known to kill daughters to get at your cash!)

anything else : shag em,pay em, and kick em out ya bed.

When i decide to do something, i do my homework, and i do it well. sure i have lost out in the past, but that was because me and my family were threatened with violence if i did not quit a company i helped build.

That company has since gone bust, primarily because my ex business "partner" seriously underestimated my input to the business

I am under no illusions, many many people have failed in LOS and only the people with dedication, commitment, single mindedness,energy and positive attitude will survive.( and at 3- 4 milloin baht to start with!)

In thailand you cannot place your trust in anybody, you have to come prepared or you will get skinned in broad daylight right outside Don Muang, i know that.

I know i have the required skills, I appreciate Larry that you have on this forum witnessed posting's from some of the most foolish, love-lorn, desperado farangs that ever fell out of the sky.

Please dont tar me with the same brush, i am a different breed to those guys.

And i apologise for my harsh words earlier, i dont "do" critiscism very well, i tried to delete the post straight afterwards but i could not figure out how. (and i have worked in IT for 3 years :o

So Mr Larry, i hope my mini rant has at least convinced a cynical guy like you to reconsider your observation that i have "very little knowledge and experience about Thailand"

I appreciate that even now, I only know a little, but i will be ok. :D

Good day to you

"It is obvious (to me anyway) from the original post Khun Im Luvvinit has very little knowledge and experience about Thailand. He will surely lose money"

I have spent a grand total of six weeks in Thailand, this is probably many years less than you.

Swatdee Khun IM Levant

Well, I'll admit it seems you may have a better chance than most, but 6 weeks is still a very short time to get the lay of the land.

Like you said, I don't know your capabilities, was only commenting on your brief post and the very high expected failure rate of farangs giving it a go in LOS.

I believe the real-estate business will be most difficult. There are more scams in real-estate than many other industries as you will need to make a substantial upfront payment.

Naturally I wish you the best of luck.

How is my spelling coming along?


Well it's true many (maybe most) wannabe "businesmen" get burned badly. But in my experience they were people who wouldn't be able to be self employed in their homecountry without getting bankrupt within a fortnight!

I do know of a lot of savvy businessminded persons who are doing pretty alright, and incidentally a lot of them are involved in real estate. Be it in a developing role or a brokering role...

A lot of people are relocating to Thailand or are planning to, so this is certainly a market with still a lot of future in.

I see people doing alright in real estate, people who I guess would go broke within 2 months in the place they came from meaning it can't be to hard....

In Im luvvinit's case the most important thing is research, planning and getting to know the legalities which will get you somewhere without getting burned, and at least he demonstrated a little bit of those capabilities....

His drawback is indeed the limited time spent over here. Knowing the ways of the local population can bring you a long way, and I guarantee it takes a long time to get them to know just a little bit...They do seem to have sixth sense in detecting people who are new to the country, and they WILL take advantage of you if they can....

My advice would be to get over here, live over here at leat 6 months non-stop before even thinking of deciding to go into business or not! Get to know the people, go look at construction sites to see how they work over here (gonna be a real big eye opener :D ) etc.

And I don't mean to go and hang out in the girlie bars in the center of town, but go find the pubs in the area's where a lot of construction / development is going on. You'll meet your competitors over there, the farang developers, you'll meet people who are building their own houses and the horror stories that go with them...

Well anyway, good luck to you...

And for your original question, out of the experience of a close friend, your wife does not hold any rights over the initial investments you make, but she is entitled to 50% of the revenue these investments generate during your marriage...

My personal advice would be to simply never marry :o

It'll take you a long time anyway to find yourself your Real Love....

Them girls over here are just the absolute best natural actresses in the world :D


Thanks for the advice, many poeple have told me to take time to get to know and understand how things work in LOS. This in itself tells me all is not quite what it seems. I will tread carefully and put as little temptation as i can in the hands of my smiling hosts.

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.

I know a number of farang, one in the real estate/hotel business, who have built decent businesses and in one case become very wealthy indeed. He speaks fluent Thai and has been here for over 10 years. It can be wrong to generalise and business is also about luck, timing and hard work and not just about knowledge, skill and networking.


I really have no idea why you posted here. You obviously know ALL the answers already. You are correct. I don't know you or your abilities but I do know a little about how things work here in the "Land Of Smiles". Stick your sarcasm up your ass. :o Good luck, you'll need it!

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

Well said.

It is obvious from the post, if he moves to Thailand to start a business he will certainly loose money.

It's an interesting response to say the least.

Neither of you has answered the question.


Thanks for the insight into your personal affairs

Khunt Larry,

Over 70 people have looked at this post and only 2 people have added and a reply. It's just unfortunate for me that you are one of them.

You should not have really bothered.

You dont know me or you have never met me.

You dont know my background my abitities or skills.

Nevertheless you have decided on the strength of my post that I will loose money in Thailand.

My mother always told me that if i did not have anything constructive to say then i should keep quiet. It was a great peice of guidance that has served me well, and I cant think of a better time to share it with you.

That said, it can be better at times to get things off one's chest and out in the open.

How judgemental of you to make such a claim.

As far as loosing money goes the only way i can possibly foresee myself loosing money in Thailand would be if all the girls left the country and the only one left was your wife. Given that her pussy is no longer of any value to anybody i could not earn a living pimping it out.

Then Sir Khunt i would be truly on my arse.

Have yourself the very best of days :D


The court would look at what is "personal property" and what is "communal property". If you acquire the shares before marriage, there is zero chance of your future wife getting them awarded in a divorce. And even if you obtain them after you were married, the Court would still look at the shares as being "personal" to you - and would be extremely unlikely to give them to your wife.


Gary A , I apologise, the rant was aimed at Khun Larry, not at you.your contribution did not answer the question but did offer an alternative, which i am grateful for.

I was fascinated by your response and indeed checked out Morningstar as you suggested. I have only ever heard negative things about NASDAQ so maybe i need to take professional advice here in the uk on that one. I dont have ALL the answer's at all, in the grander scheme of things i know nothing, which i why i read this forum regularly.It's just a shame that there seems to be a negative "clique" of obviously bitter characters whose postings offer nothing of any constructive benefit. These people know who they are and your not one of them in my eyes, i have read all your posts and learnt a lot. I have read larrys posts and well.......enough said

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

I have 5 Million baht. I dont think that this is enough to retire on, and besides i am only 36 so would be bored sitting on the beach all day. i dont drink so bar's are a non starter too. Maybe living off dividends and interest is a better option than starting/investing in an existing business?

I could always get a job doing something that i enjoyed earning a little pocket money as i go.

BOBCAT: Thanks for the detailed info, its just what i wanted to hear. :D:D:D


Sounds like you've got got your head screwed on in the right place which makes a welcoming change...way too many bitter and twisted people around for my liking!


Since you don't drink you are at an advantage. You also have enough money to live here for a while and scope things out. Check things out carefully and listen. You will hear many more horror stories than success stories. That I can assure you of.

I came here in 1991 and worked until the economy tanked. (late 1996) I had a job offer in California and accepted. Two weeks after I got off the plane I asked myself what the ###### am I doing in S. California. I really hated it there. I knew a Thai lady who had a bar/mini-hotel. She had mentioned to me that she was getting older and wanted a partner to buy in with her and to be active running the place. I should add that there was no romance involved, she was about 60 years old at the time. To make a long story short it lasted two years. I lived in one of the apartments on the premises and eventually I came to learn that she couldn't be trusted. Even though I had paperwork and evidence of money transfers my chances of recovering my million and a half baht were slim indeed. I tucked my tail between my legs and accepted another California job. I moved back here to stay (retired) in August 2003. I have a condo in Jomtien and my girlfriend has a home in Loei province. I spend most of my time up country and I doubt that I can spend more than $500 US per month living here.

Strictly by accident I had an idea for a business. It was mainly to help a Brit friend of mine. The thing is snowballing and since he is still a young man he has his future pinned on this business. I really wish that I had kept my mouth shut. I DON'T need a job or the money. I DON'T want to work. I'm retired. This is not a bar business or anything foolish but rather a manufacturing business with a product not now available in Thailand. I have engineered the product and a second generation improved product is in the works. There are opportunities here. I can tell you for certain that I'm NOT going to get involved in a business that requires a company or a work permit. Another young man who has mechanical aptitude and who can work with my Brit friend will most likely be required to take my place. I can sit here at my computer, draw and tinker in the shop but I DON'T want to work. PERIOD! My Brit friend is a marketing guy and sadly doesn't know one end of a wrench from the other.

Gary A , I apologise, the rant was aimed at Khun Larry, not at you.your contribution did not answer the question but did offer an alternative, which i am grateful for.

I was fascinated by your response and indeed checked out Morningstar as you suggested. I have only ever heard negative things about NASDAQ so maybe i need to take professional advice here in the uk on that one. I dont have ALL the answer's at all, in the grander scheme of things i know nothing, which i why i read this forum regularly.It's just a shame that there seems to be a negative "clique" of obviously bitter characters whose postings offer nothing of any constructive benefit. These people know who they are and your not one of them in my eyes, i have read all your posts and learnt a lot. I have read larrys posts and well.......enough said

My advice to those who want to come to Thailand to make money is to forget it. If you are well funded enough to get started in a business then you already have enough money to retire on.

I have 5 Million baht. I dont think that this is enough to retire on, and besides i am only 36 so would be bored sitting on the beach all day. i dont drink so bar's are a non starter too. Maybe living off dividends and interest is a better option than starting/investing in an existing business?

I could always get a job doing something that i enjoyed earning a little pocket money as i go.

BOBCAT: Thanks for the detailed info, its just what i wanted to hear. :D:D:D

Since you don't drink you are at an advantage. You also have enough money to live here for a while and scope things out. Check things out carefully and listen. You will hear many more horror stories than success stories. That I can assure you of.

I came here in 1991 and worked until the economy tanked. (late 1996) I had a job offer in California and accepted. Two weeks after I got off the plane I asked myself what the ###### am I doing in S. California. I really hated it there. I knew a Thai lady who had a bar/mini-hotel. She had mentioned to me that she was getting older and wanted a partner to buy in with her and to be active running the place. I should add that there was no romance involved, she was about 60 years old at the time. To make a long story short it lasted two years. I lived in one of the apartments on the premises and eventually I came to learn that she couldn't be trusted. Even though I had paperwork and evidence of money transfers my chances of recovering my million and a half baht were slim indeed. I tucked my tail between my legs and accepted another California job. I moved back here to stay (retired) in August 2003. I have a condo in Jomtien and my girlfriend has a home in Loei province. I spend most of my time up country and I doubt that I can spend more than $500 US per month living here.

Strictly by accident I had an idea for a business. It was mainly to help a Brit friend of mine. The thing is snowballing and since he is still a young man he has his future pinned on this business. I really wish that I had kept my mouth shut. I DON'T need a job or the money. I DON'T want to work. I'm retired. This is not a bar business or anything foolish but rather a manufacturing business with a product not now available in Thailand. I have engineered the product and a second generation improved product is in the works. There are opportunities here. I can tell you for certain that I'm NOT going to get involved in a business that requires a company or a work permit. Another young man who has mechanical aptitude and who can work with my Brit friend will most likely be required to take my place. I can sit here at my computer, draw and tinker in the shop but I DON'T want to work. PERIOD! My Brit friend is a marketing guy and sadly doesn't know one end of a wrench from the other.

Very interesting stuff indeed, especially about the requirement for a young man who has a mechanical aptitude.

I did a 10 year stint in the toolroom as an apprentice for Alcoa here in the UK. I have a wealth of skills and knowledge in that field, although these days i only call on them to earn extra money fixing cars for family and friends.

let me know if any investment / employment opportunities arise....i'm all ears.

Must be nice to be able to say you dont need the money!

I wish i could say the same


I sent you an email through this site. Let me know if you got it. By the way, money is nice to have and more certainly doesn't hurt anything. I have worked all my life and I'm tired of working, that's the problem. I could not live well in the USA with my current assets but I do quite well here. I have told my kids that if they inherit anything from me it will surely be an accident. :D As things are going right now I am not spending enough and am saving money in spite of my plan to spend it all. :o

Since you don't drink you are at an advantage. You also have enough money to live here for a while and scope things out. Check things out carefully and listen. You will hear many more horror stories than success stories. That I can assure you of.

I came here in 1991 and worked until the economy tanked. (late 1996) I had a job offer in California and accepted. Two weeks after I got off the plane I asked myself what the ###### am I doing in S. California. I really hated it there. I knew a Thai lady who had a bar/mini-hotel. She had mentioned to me that she was getting older and wanted a partner to buy in with her and to be active running the place. I should add that there was no romance involved, she was about 60 years old at the time. To make a long story short it lasted two years. I lived in one of the apartments on the premises and eventually I came to learn that she couldn't be trusted. Even though I had paperwork and evidence of money transfers my chances of recovering my million and a half baht were slim indeed. I tucked my tail between my legs and accepted another California job. I moved back here to stay (retired) in August 2003. I have a condo in Jomtien and my girlfriend has a home in Loei province. I spend most of my time up country and I doubt that I can spend more than $500 US per month living here.

Strictly by accident I had an idea for a business. It was mainly to help a Brit friend of mine. The thing is snowballing and since he is still a young man he has his future pinned on this business. I really wish that I had kept my mouth shut. I DON'T need a job or the money. I DON'T want to work. I'm retired. This is not a bar business or anything foolish but rather a manufacturing business with a product not now available in Thailand. I have engineered the product and a second generation improved product is in the works. There are opportunities here. I can tell you for certain that I'm NOT going to get involved in a business that requires a company or a work permit. Another young man who has mechanical aptitude and who can work with my Brit friend will most likely be required to take my place. I can sit here at my computer, draw and tinker in the shop but I DON'T want to work. PERIOD! My Brit friend is a marketing guy and sadly doesn't know one end of a wrench from the other.

Very interesting stuff indeed, especially about the requirement for a young man who has a mechanical aptitude.

I did a 10 year stint in the toolroom as an apprentice for Alcoa here in the UK. I have a wealth of skills and knowledge in that field, although these days i only call on them to earn extra money fixing cars for family and friends.

let me know if any investment / employment opportunities arise....i'm all ears.

Must be nice to be able to say you dont need the money!

I wish i could say the same

I sent you an email through this site. Let me know if you got it. By the way, money is nice to have and more certainly doesn't hurt anything. I have worked all my life and I'm tired of working, that's the problem. I could not live well in the USA with my current assets but I do quite well here. I have told my kids that if they inherit anything from me it will surely be an accident.  :D As things are going right now I am not spending enough and am saving money in spite of my plan to spend it all.  :o 

yep, got the message, thanks.

I sent a reply detailing my situation right now.

looking forward to discussing things further upon my arrival.

not spending enough???

you should spend an afternoon in MBK with my girlfriend. She would put an abrupt end to that scenario :D

I sent you an email through this site. Let me know if you got it. By the way, money is nice to have and more certainly doesn't hurt anything. I have worked all my life and I'm tired of working, that's the problem. I could not live well in the USA with my current assets but I do quite well here. I have told my kids that if they inherit anything from me it will surely be an accident.  :D As things are going right now I am not spending enough and am saving money in spite of my plan to spend it all.  :o 

yep, got the message, thanks.

I sent a reply detailing my situation right now.

looking forward to discussing things further upon my arrival.

not spending enough???

you should spend an afternoon in MBK with my girlfriend. She would put an abrupt end to that scenario :D



I have been here for 1 year now and this is my experience doing buisiness in Thailand

For the Girls , 100% of them are after the money, Thai Girls are heavily in debt some of them spend for the future , the 5 girls that were my friends all from the KTV , Massage, University, all aafter the money, however I do meet some decent girls, however you must choose carefully and test them, not easy to find a good one

Buisiness , I am still bleeding , in the red, although there are signs of recovery in sight, my firends buisiness here (been here for 10 yrs already) is booming, however mine is not doing well

Focussing, and decipline , dedication will bring the buisienss up


My thai buddy did a translation for me while the ladies were speaking in Isaan and they said, this person has alot of money and must order alot of food and find ways to get money from him , he did not know my friend knew the Isaan language

Like they say never get a Thai lady from the Bars, KTV lounges and Massage parlours as they are likely to gvie you problems, take your time to choose the girl of your dreams, there are many nice girls in BKK, however you must know where to look for them

Having said that care to meet for a drink, and perhaps we can compare notes and do some networking




I have decided not to persue any business opportunities in Thailand.

I am going to take your advice and do nothing.

5% interest on my capital will give me enough money each month to rent a little place in Isaan and live a peaceful life with my girl. Maybe we will have a couple of kids.

In 10 years time i will still have the same amount of money in the bank.

No work, no stress, no worries, Heaven!

Thanks for your advice, I think it has made me see the light.

Thailand is a corrupt place and the odds are stacked against the farang.

I'm sure that i could make money if i really wanted to, but i am leaving England and the material trip behind. I dont have to work. I am retiring at 36....I feel good about my new life, a better way of life.

I cant be bothered to continue trading insults with you.

There are many wind up merchants on this forum, everybody thinks they are right.

There are many expats on this forum who have been in Thailand a long time but have nothing positive to say about Thailand, business, relationships, family etc etc.

Is this because the happy and successful people are too busy living their lives to be bothered posting on here?

Or is it that Thailand turns people into cynical, negative, miserable individuals?

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