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I don't like to jump the gun, but I'm 38 and am having some serious lower right hand abdominal pain and it hurts to move and it definetly hurts to press on the area (about a 6 on scale of 1 to 10).

I've been researching and most websites say people up to the age of 30 get it so I'm hoping it's something minor. I have had the symptoms for about 36 hours.

I'm new to CM so I have no idea where to get it checked out. I have BUPA so i'm nor worried about costs.

What are best options if in the morning (it's 4:00 am now) and it is still bad or worse?


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Don't mess about get yourself to the hospital ASAP.

Years ago I went to hospital in the middle of the night and told them I thought I had appendicitis. After examining me they gave me a painkilling shot in the arse and told me I had constipation. :)

Two days later, still in absolute agony a nurse friend rushed me back to the hospital and screamed at the doctors. Within an hour I was operated on. The appendix had burst causing peritonitis and the onset of septicaemia. The consultant told me if I had left it overnight there was a good chance I could have died. So really get yourself down to hospital and get it checked out.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun LukeSkyWalker,

Strongly suggest you get to Sriphat medical center in the Maharaj Hospital complex on Thanon Suthep near (on the opposite side from) Wat Suan Dok ... ASAP ...

I would not recommend you go to any other hospital, since they ... I believe ... have a strong bia$ towards operating whenever possible.

best, ~o:37;

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This is unrelated but in some ways related. Years ago I had the same symptoms in Australia, went to the hospital with a referral from my doctor as suspected appendicitis. After a 5 hour wait at socialized medicine with suspected life threatening appendicitis I was finally examined and diagnosed with... appendicitis, and they recommended an exploratory (also known as the buggered if I know what it is so lets open him up and have a look). The pain then subsided so they sent me home and said come back if it repeated.

6 months later, in Pattaya, symptoms returned, went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital and was diagnosed quickly with acute diverticultis (correct). Spent 3 days there and released feeling much better.

Moral, Thai hosptitals and doctors are good, and things aren't always what they seem. If not sure go and get checked up, it is affordable.

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What did the doctors say and how were the results? All my siblings went through appendectomy operations. They took after my father's side of the family. As others have pointed out, it CAN be life threatening if not fixed. But, it is a simple operation when done soon enough before a rupture. I was lucky and never had medical problems. My first ex wife was a registered nurse and could instantly diagnose appendicitis. Several times she had to correct a local doctor in a small town we lived in. The doctor had a good bedside manner but was incompetant. He buried more patients than he cured.

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I don't like to jump the gun, but I'm 38 and am having some serious lower right hand abdominal pain and it hurts to move and it definetly hurts to press on the area (about a 6 on scale of 1 to 10).

I've been researching and most websites say people up to the age of 30 get it so I'm hoping it's something minor. I have had the symptoms for about 36 hours.

I'm new to CM so I have no idea where to get it checked out. I have BUPA so i'm nor worried about costs.

What are best options if in the morning (it's 4:00 am now) and it is still bad or worse?


For 3 years in a row, I dismissed those symptoms (which re-occured at the same time and at the same place). I did go to the hospital (in a Western country) and they misdiagnosed it (2 times out of 3). Finally they operated on me, but it almost cost my life. This sounds like it could be an appendicitis. Check it out.

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I don't like to jump the gun, but I'm 38 and am having some serious lower right hand abdominal pain and it hurts to move and it definetly hurts to press on the area (about a 6 on scale of 1 to 10).

I've been researching and most websites say people up to the age of 30 get it so I'm hoping it's something minor. I have had the symptoms for about 36 hours.

I'm new to CM so I have no idea where to get it checked out. I have BUPA so i'm nor worried about costs.

What are best options if in the morning (it's 4:00 am now) and it is still bad or worse?


For 3 years in a row, I dismissed those symptoms (which re-occured at the same time and at the same place). I did go to the hospital (in a Western country) and they misdiagnosed it (2 times out of 3). Finally they operated on me, but it almost cost my life. This sounds like it could be an appendicitis. Check it out.

it's a serious and scary health crisis. I hope the Original Poster (OP) updates us.

For all the people having troubles in the Caecal valve area between the Large intestine and Small intestine then give the Colon Hydrotherapy a look for maintaining this important part of the body. If the Caecal valve becomes sluggish and backlogs the movement of digested food then its a great environment for the appendix to get infected. From studying cadavers many years ago our instructor showed how a jammed or sporatic Caecal valve will cause the digestive system to force food into the appendix which just precedes the Caecal valve. This was many years ago but the instructor seemed to think a lot of appendix problems arise from watermelon and other fruit seeds etc which want to transit faster than other foods. The seeds and high water content go fast but the Caecal valve does not want to open until the signals from the Small intestine tells by way of hormones that its ready to clear the food. If you have protein and fat in the pipeline then the body wants more time to process it. The seeds keep traveling but nowhere to go except the little detour into the appendix.

Bottom line learn about food combining and don't eat watermelon after a big meal of protein fat etc. Watermelon should only be eaten on a empty stomach. Yes I know a bunch of cavemen are going to flame me for suggesting a different way to eat.

Periodic maintenance using Colon HT with infection killing ozonated water, toning the large intestine with holding and expelling the hydrotherapy water and most importantly re introducing probiotic bacteria into the large intestine thru colon HT can prevent such a life threatening and frightening disease.

Unless it's a bursted appendix many medical systems around the world use colon hydrotherapy/enema to reduce the infection environment in conjuction with antibiotics to treat the disease.

Be well

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Thanks for all the helpful replies! I was really worried but it turns it was a bad case of gastroenteritis. Some pills and everything is slowing returning to normal, but man was it painful in the beginning!!!

It sounds like appendicitis is still an evolving science! I bet a lot of appendices get removed for no good reason.

But, seriously, thanks to all who posted. This is what makes TV so great!

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Thanks for all the helpful replies! I was really worried but it turns it was a bad case of gastroenteritis. Some pills and everything is slowing returning to normal, but man was it painful in the beginning!!!

It sounds like appendicitis is still an evolving science! I bet a lot of appendices get removed for no good reason.

But, seriously, thanks to all who posted. This is what makes TV so great!

That is good to hear. Thanks for the update. We'd hate to lose you for such a simple cause.

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