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Anyone Have A Spouse Looking For Work?

Ulysses G.

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I got this in my e-mail today and I know that Gypsy got his last new employee from an advert on Thai Visa.

Mods please remove anything that is against the rules.

From: //e-mail removed as per forum rules//

To: //e-mail removed as per forum rules//

Subject: staff

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 12:54:17 +0700

dear folks,

we are busy at rose restaurant at rose guesthouse - chiang mai

and we are looking for help.

a waitress for the morning shift 07.30 a.m. until 16.30 p.m.

a waitress for the late shift from 15.00 p.m. until midnight.

we pay good salaries and social insurance. a day off per week plus

staff meals and good tips.

interested ladies with knowledge of the english language please contact

rose guesthouse: khun sirigan 053-273869

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9 hour shifts 6 days a week, for a low wage for a bilingual speaker. I must say that the title thread should read anyone that wants to enslave their wife. What kind of self respecting husband would have his wife work 6 days a week 9 hours a day for less than 9,000 baht a month?

If someone is bilingual shouldn't they earn slightly more than 300 baht a day?

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9 hour shifts 6 days a week, for a low wage for a bilingual speaker. I must say that the title thread should read anyone that wants to enslave their wife. What kind of self respecting husband would have his wife work 6 days a week 9 hours a day for less than 9,000 baht a month?

If someone is bilingual shouldn't they earn slightly more than 300 baht a day?

What an ignorant uninformed post. But I guess you are a newbie so your uneducated response can be tolerated to a certain degree.

As UG pointed out in his response to your idiotic reply, "9,000 a month is more than a lot of people with University degrees make here. This is Thailand."

The official Thai Government minimum wage rate for unskilled workers is approximately 165 baht per day in Chiang Mai.

Have a little knowledge before making stupid replies.

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9 hour shifts 6 days a week, for a low wage for a bilingual speaker. I must say that the title thread should read anyone that wants to enslave their wife. What kind of self respecting husband would have his wife work 6 days a week 9 hours a day for less than 9,000 baht a month?

If someone is bilingual shouldn't they earn slightly more than 300 baht a day?

And I fail to see what this has to do with the husband?

9000 Baht per month is pretty good money here in Thailand.

You should really think about things before making rash and

stupid comments.



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9k BT is hardly enslavement. If someone is smart and has no health insurance they would do the job for at least a year to get themselves in the Social Security system. Leaving after at least a year gives them the ability to make self contributions. This means lump sums when any children are born, small monthly payment while children small, medical bills free (if I'm not mistaken any young children are entitled to free medical too).

So maybe this job will encourage those who are a bit more forward thinking rather than concentrating on the size of their pay packet only. And as mentioned 9k is not a small sum for Chiang Mai, but actually I didn't see it mentioned that the pay was 300Bt per day. I would expect a waitress to get less.

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What kind of self respecting husband would have his wife work 6 days a week 9 hours a day for less than 9,000 baht a month?

The kind of husband who has a self respecting wife who wants to earn a living rather than be given hand-outs perhaps?

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I fully concur with the comments of BB and Will 27.

Some posters should engage their brain (as miniscule as it might be) before booting up their computer.

Whilst the handle newbie 001 and the fact that he has been a member for just a month night not automatically indicate that he knows SFA about Thailand his post would certainly suggest that he is a real FW :)

Edited by john b good
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I fully concur with the comments of BB and Will 27.

Some posters should engage their brain (as miniscule as it might be) before booting up their computer.

Whilst the handle newbie 001 and the fact that he has been a member for just a month night not automatically indicate that he knows SFA about Thailand his post would certainly suggest that he is a real FW :)

Why JBG, surely you aren't suggesting that Newbie001 could be a.................bridge_troll.jpg

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I fully concur with the comments of BB and Will 27.

Some posters should engage their brain (as miniscule as it might be) before booting up their computer.

Whilst the handle newbie 001 and the fact that he has been a member for just a month night not automatically indicate that he knows SFA about Thailand his post would certainly suggest that he is a real FW :)

Why JBG, surely you aren't suggesting that Newbie001 could be a.................bridge_troll.jpg

What me suggesting that, that would be inflammatory and leave me open to all sorts of dire consequences wouldn't it

BB!! jbg (all lower case please) :D

Edited by john b good
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Some points for the OP:

- My Thai daughter in law has a bachelor degree with two major: a). Teaching sport and physical education, and :). Teaching kindergarden level children. She has been working in a goverment shool within the Defence Ministrty (in the profession indicated) for three years, her salary is 6,500Baht. Ultimately she's happy with this because 'it's normal' and it brings a nice pension if she stays until retirement age, which is flexible, but could be at 55 years old.

- Don't ever assume that every farang has the funds whereby there is no need for the wife to contribute a little.

- Wife may in fact have good feeling / personal satisfaction from making a contribution.

- There can be value in working rather than sit at home all day bored - not suggesting that every stay at home housewife is bored, but it can be true and it's often (long-term) not emotionally healthy.

- Don't assume that English language skills will automatically bring a big jump in salary. Rightly or wrongly this sadly is not true.

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Some points for the OP:

- My Thai daughter in law has a bachelor degree with two major: a). Teaching sport and physical education, and :). Teaching kindergarden level children. She has been working in a goverment shool within the Defence Ministrty (in the profession indicated) for three years, her salary is 6,500Baht. Ultimately she's happy with this because 'it's normal' and it brings a nice pension if she stays until retirement age, which is flexible, but could be at 55 years old.

- Don't ever assume that every farang has the funds whereby there is no need for the wife to contribute a little.

- Wife may in fact have good feeling / personal satisfaction from making a contribution.

- There can be value in working rather than sit at home all day bored - not suggesting that every stay at home housewife is bored, but it can be true and it's often (long-term) not emotionally healthy.

- Don't assume that English language skills will automatically bring a big jump in salary. Rightly or wrongly this sadly is not true.

Scorecard, it's not the OP who made stupid remarks about the salaries and working conditions being offered at the Rose GH. I have known Gypsy for a long time, he has always been very fair to his employees. It was the comments made by Newbie001 that were a little controversial due to his/her complete ignorance (which could read, stupidity) which prompted the various responses. No doubt the word troll does come to mind.

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What me suggesting that, that would be inflammatory and leave me open to all sorts of dire consequences wouldn't it

BB!! jbg (all lower case please) :)

jbg, from the heart of my bottom, I apologise. I was merely trying to elevate you to a level where I once thought you should be, but having given it a little more thought, lower case is far more appropriate in your situation.

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What does someone's joining date to a forum have to do with his/her knowledge and length of stay in Thailand.

Yes, I am a new member, but I am not as completely ignorant as you assume or that you clearly are yourselves. For the record, I have lived here for more than 8 years. My wife is Thai and makes more than 25,000 a month. I guess I am so ignorant not to marry a low class laborer.

Yes, for someone right out of college 9,000 is the starting wage for many low level jobs, but the majority of the people that I know that are educated and have skills such as multi languages or business savy, make a lot more than 9,000.

But for that wage would you really want your spouse to work 9 hours a day 6 days a week as a waitress. That is a starting low level job for someone right out of college or without any degree at all.

In my circle there are very few people other than the labor class we hire to do stuff, making that low of an income. Comparing unskilled labor at 165 baht a day to someone who is bilingual is ridiculous.

For all of those complaining that I am ignorant, then why don't you ask your wive's if they want to work those hours for that wage? If they would, then I will apologize. And how many members on this site would be proud for their wives to be waitresses?

If the title of the thread was, anyone have a young family member that wants an entry level position, then I wouldn't have said anything. However, I have yet to meet a married woman that is educated and bilingual that would want such a low level position with a low wage.

Again, my argument wasn't necessarily about the salary.I agree that 9,000 isn't a bad salary for an entry level position but my problem was the long hours and 6 days work week.

I would want my wife to earn a lot more for a lot less work. Wouldn't you? That was my point. Not about wages or what young girls make out of college. The heading of the post stated for wives.

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No sweat newbie, if you hang out in TV for a while you notice certain local forums are run by few guys making majority of the posts and certainly not that tolerant towards anyone who dares to disagree and especially when it is about their businesses or friends business they get the whole gang out in force. Just watch what will happen to me after posting this :D

So :) to :D

Back to topic, i do agree with the guys that 9k is going rate for restaurant work and good money as such in CM. So anyone who married a waitress might be interested.

Salary levels are low in Thailand but with bachelors degree it is fairly easy to make 30k to 40k per month in normal office work by gaining some seniority and supervisor or higher level position and all can be done within few years after graduation depending if you are up to the task and tad smarter than your collagues. That is BKK, propably CM same positions pay 25k to 35k... Anyways i know several thai ladies making 30k+ with bachelor degrees and few years under their belt. Including the wife, who happened to start by working in pizza hut for less than 10k per month after graduating...

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Newbie001,

"What does someone's joining date to a forum have to do with his/her knowledge and length of stay in Thailand."

Absolutely nothing : which is why it is an important criterion here. As you come to know us, you will appreciate that we use only the finest serendipitous self-contradictory criteria to guide our responses so that the people moving the topic's goalposts around will not be able to predict where we take our next shot.

"Yes, I am a new member, but I am not as completely ignorant as you assume or that you clearly are yourselves."

Well, here I must tell you, speaking as a friend, that this comes across as a kind of false modesty : you are in the presence here of such complete ignorance as to bugger description; I hope, with time, you will admit to the fact that you are capable of just as deep ignorance as the paragons of intellectual-abysmalness exhibit here. No need to put yourself down at the start, my friend. We're here to help you realize that you, too, can be a living example of a mental vacuum.

"For the record, I have lived here for more than 8 years. My wife is Thai and makes more than 25,000 a month. I guess I am so ignorant not to marry a low class laborer."

I think you should not feel ashamed that in a momentary lapse of judgement you did not marry a low-class laborer. Love is like that, you know : it has its way with us.

"For all of those complaining that I am ignorant, then why don't you ask your wive's if they want to work those hours for that wage? If they would, then I will apologize. And how many members on this site would be proud for their wives to be waitresses?"

Perhaps you see the "glass as half-empty" here ? Those you perceive as complaining you are ignorant, from the "glass as half-full" perspective, may be simply welcoming you to the fellowship of foolish wisdom we embrace here, with a sense of humour. The question of whether many posters here could even ask their wives for anything beyond "bring me another Singha" is another issue entirely.

"I would want my wife to earn a lot more for a lot less work. Wouldn't you?"

I want all God's children to have shoes !

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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My wife is Thai and makes more than 25,000 a month. I guess I am so ignorant not to marry a low class laborer.

Sarcasm right?

Let me get this straight, what you are saying is the fact that you didn't marry a low class labourer shows that you are not ignorant???

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In that no specific salary was mentioned in the original posting - many of you have assumed this to be 9000 Baht. It may well be that the actually salary offered is a lot less.

Indeed, and would it do any harm to post the salary offered?

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What does someone's joining date to a forum have to do with his/her knowledge and length of stay in Thailand.

Yes, I am a new member, but I am not as completely ignorant as you assume or that you clearly are yourselves. For the record, I have lived here for more than 8 years. My wife is Thai and makes more than 25,000 a month. I guess I am so ignorant not to marry a low class laborer.

Yes, for someone right out of college 9,000 is the starting wage for many low level jobs, but the majority of the people that I know that are educated and have skills such as multi languages or business savy, make a lot more than 9,000.

But for that wage would you really want your spouse to work 9 hours a day 6 days a week as a waitress. That is a starting low level job for someone right out of college or without any degree at all.

In my circle there are very few people other than the labor class we hire to do stuff, making that low of an income. Comparing unskilled labor at 165 baht a day to someone who is bilingual is ridiculous.

For all of those complaining that I am ignorant, then why don't you ask your wive's if they want to work those hours for that wage? If they would, then I will apologize. And how many members on this site would be proud for their wives to be waitresses?

If the title of the thread was, anyone have a young family member that wants an entry level position, then I wouldn't have said anything. However, I have yet to meet a married woman that is educated and bilingual that would want such a low level position with a low wage.

Again, my argument wasn't necessarily about the salary.I agree that 9,000 isn't a bad salary for an entry level position but my problem was the long hours and 6 days work week.

I would want my wife to earn a lot more for a lot less work. Wouldn't you? That was my point. Not about wages or what young girls make out of college. The heading of the post stated for wives.

You really are ignorant! You know absolutely nothing about the way the things are up here. I think these people who are telling you that they are making 25,000 per month in Chiang Mai are pulling your leg! In Bangkok there are higher salaries but the cost of living is higher.

I know one person in particular who has a Masters Degree from CMU, speaks perfect fluent English and earns 8500 per month plus private medical insurance, access to low-interest loans, and other options. He also gets a room to stay in during the week. He gets many days off per month. He told me that is quite a good salary in Northern Thailand, considering he ends up working about 4 days per week. I also know a Veterinarian in C.M. who works in a clinic (not a partner of the clinic) and she told me that she gets 10,000 per month.

Go back to your "circle" of high-class snobs. God forbid you should associate yourself with the "labor class". You don't know what you're talking about. What an idiot.

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My wife is Thai and makes more than 25,000 a month. I guess I am so ignorant not to marry a low class laborer.

Sarcasm right?

Let me get this straight, what you are saying is the fact that you didn't marry a low class labourer shows that you are not ignorant???


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"Anyone Have A Spouse Looking For Work?"

I guess you meant "Anyone Have a Female Thai Spouse Looking For Work?"

:) (I just cant help myself sometimes :D)

If you cannot help yourself, then I shan't help mine. Why pose the question in relation to spouses at all? Why not just ask whether anyone is looking for work? :D

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I would want my wife to earn a lot more for a lot less work. Wouldn't you?

What you really mean is that rich farang's wives should not have to work for the same salary as other Thais. With an attitude like that, no wonder so many Thais feel that we should pay 10 times the going rate for absolutely everything. :)

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