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Run Over Dog


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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

The ants ? vultures ?? :D

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

Don't post things like that, it makes me feel blo0dy horroble.

I know it was an accident, but poor things :D

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

Sorry Simbo. But i'd have to stop. and at least move the poor thing to the side of the road. But then again thats just me. I love dogs. I used to have a dog with the ex. So no longer with her i dont see him. I do miss him but not the ex. I've seen some dogs run over befeore. I hate to see that. One was in Charansanitwong soi 41 where i used to live. The poor thing was lying there, and some Thai woman had put a flower in its mouth( i thought this was a nice thing to do) . Later someone had removed the dog and dug a grave for it. Who says Thais dont like soi dogs?

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :D

Sorry Simbo. But i'd have to stop. and at least move the poor thing to the side of the road.

A friend of mine (TG) had a very bad experience when she stopped to check after running over a dog last year. This happened one evening on the open stretch of Onnut - Ladkrabang road just beyond Pattanakan. It was obviously a stray, but she was accosted by a couple of roughnecks demanding compensation. I believe Baht 10k was the stated ransom. She refused to pay and wanted to wait for her insurance. While this was happening, a couple of other thugs parked their motorcycles sideways in front of and behind her car, probably to prevent her from legging it. When the insurance guy arrived an hour later, the thugs had all vanished, but not without scratching the door of my friends car. :o

By the way, only the other day there was a documentary on one of the Thai TV stations about (not) running over dogs while driving. The "expert" advised that one shouldn't brake because it may cause an accident of a more serious nature. I suppose in a secluded area, one shouldn't stop after the accident either! :D

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I don't have a full understanding of why, but my father in law ran a dog over with our car and the first thing he did was go straight to the Wat. The monks cleansed (?) the car and he then continued on the to panel beaters to get the car fixed.

What did he do at the Wat any ideas? Was it to stop the dogs ghost haunting the car?

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

So brutal. If I saw that, I would call police immediately. My friends and I often wait for a big lizerd which is one-meter long crawling accross the road. The lizard has a family there. We all like it.

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In Australia there is flying frogs,frog jumps on the road get hit by a truck,the sun dry the frog up,you can then pick it up and throw it away like a freesbee...never heard about flying dogs?

Sorry doglovers..this is just a story I heard on a beerparty.. :o

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

So brutal. If I saw that, I would call police immediately. My friends and I often wait for a big lizerd which is one-meter long crawling accross the road. The lizard has a family there. We all like it.

yeah i'd be inclined to stop - more so to put the animal out of it's misery. Tough i know, but if any ex-pats visit this place, and go to a nice (the only nice) bar downtown, you'll see a dog, obviously hit by a motorist, with one rear leg pointing skywards. I've also seen a dog with no front legs (i took a double take at first and thought it was a small wallaby as it hopped around :D ) But the worst one, obviously hit within the last few hours was seeing it eating it's own inards.

If i hit an animal and killed it outright, i would stop, move it to the roadside, say my sorries how best i can, and move on.......

As far as waiting for the lizard to cross - yeah we got one near our house, huge bugger. I stop just to watch the fascinating creature...

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I saw a huge moniter lizard on highway 7 on the way back to pattaya from bkk, it had obviously been hit and its innards and tongue were hanging out of its mouth, i was in a cab but hopefully someone put it out of its misery it was well over a metre long.

I've never hit a dog and would be devestated if i did, if i could screech to a halt safely i would but i understand that some times you cannot.

I'm sad to say that i would'nt have the courage to put one out of its misery (too soft) the only way i could would be to shoot one, but i have'nt got a gun so fingers crossed it never happens.

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them. :o

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy...I will buy you a pint for that..one less mangy flea bitten cur to keep me awake at night

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Last night, I ran over a dog. It just bolted over the road in front of me. My immediate reaction was to stop. but thought, what the heck for, and continued on.

This is the first time in over three years driving here. Has anyone else killed a dog, and who scrapes them up. On my travels, I've seen hundreds squashed on the roads, but never saw anyone removing them

Never mind, we all have to start somewhere you will be an expert in no time.

Don't worry there is an inexhaustable supply of mangy vicious dogs in this country whose owners idea of "taking care" of them is to feed them every now and then.

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from what ive read about this subject on the net,i dont think it would be atall wize to stop and go back 'as its possible that some thug/s will attempt to claim that the animal was his/ their pet ,and try to bribe money from you or worse :o -- just drive on ,human life is more important than a dog /cat/lizard/ etc

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If it walks, flies or slithers there's a good chance I've run over it at least once. :o

I remember a couple of dogs, a cat, chicken, snakes, etc, etc.

Strange thing though: Try to run over a dog intentionally and you'll find it's really not so easy!

Murphy;s law on dogs, I suppose.

BTW I love dogs too, one is looking at me rather stupidly as I type this. :D It thinks it still has a shot at finishing my mama noodle bowl.. well... not tonight honey.

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> its possible that some thug/s will attempt to claim that the animal

> was his/ their pet ,and try to bribe money from you or worse

Ha! Fat chance!!! If they claim it then theyll be paing for any bodywork repairs needed!!

(Though that's unlikely as my bull-bar also works great on dogs)

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hi its me the animal person again:


if possible: put towel over its head and then do what u want (vet, side of road, gun shot or whatever) or tie mouth shut using looped pantyhose, socks or rope over muzzle w/slip knot and then pull shut then plan B.

i hit a jackal last year it ran straight into my car; i continued on and returned later to see if it was on side of road or had run off.... same dilemna, rabies ....

in thailand my (thai) friend and i saw someone hit a puppy as we drove past on his motorbike, it just ran into the (loaded w/thai boys) bike; i wanted to stop, my friend said, keep going... awful...he said: thats the way it is in thai villages...

i always worried about the buffalo: if momma is on one side and baby runs to get to her and we on the bike are in the middle.

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....One was in Charansanitwong soi 41 where i used to live. The poor thing was lying there, and some Thai woman had put a flower in its mouth( i thought this was a nice thing to do) . Later someone had removed the dog and dug a grave for it. Who says Thais dont like soi dogs?

You ever seen what happens to a dead dog after day or two? Like an over-inflated toy, and then...eeeeww!

You think they bury them because they like them? :o:D:D

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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Edited by sriracha john
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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Well I`m on the side of the dog here...It`s not their fault that they are trying to survive and begging food and running across roads.

It always amazes me that people can be so callous when it comes to the poor dogs.

They`re loved when they are cuddly puppies and when they grow older a lot of them are then cast out to fend for themselves, having to duck from the stones which are hurled at them and having to cower away from the bas*tards who beat them with sticks.

It must come as a relief to a lot of them to be put out of their misery by death.

I remember once in Pattaya a few years ago I was sat at a bar and a food vender came along selling cooked chickens. I bought a piece and soon there was a dog there.....I gave him a piece and then I was feeding about 5 of them. So what they were hungry.

The chicken vendor said to his mate that I was mad "Farang ba-klang" when I told him to make sure that the chicken was well cooked for the dogs....There were 5 happy dogs in Pattaya that day.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.( and that`s coming from a Fox) :o

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I don't have a full understanding of why, but my father in law ran a dog over with our car and the first thing he did was go straight to the Wat. The monks cleansed (?) the car and he then continued on the to panel beaters to get the car fixed.

What did he do at the Wat any ideas? Was it to stop the dogs ghost haunting the car?

It might be to remove the bad spirit, bad spirit's bring bad luck, bad luck for the dog this time, who know's next time.

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Never swerve to miss a dog/cat if it might cause an accident - your own safety has to come first.

I would use this principal to decide if I stop too. Ideally you would need/want to - but, would it be safe? Owners can be upset by someone killing their dog and its no always possible to calm them down with a couple of hundred baht.

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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Well I`m on the side of the dog here...It`s not their fault that they are trying to survive and begging food and running across roads.

It always amazes me that people can be so callous when it comes to the poor dogs.

They`re loved when they are cuddly puppies and when they grow older a lot of them are then cast out to fend for themselves, having to duck from the stones which are hurled at them and having to cower away from the bas*tards who beat them with sticks.

It must come as a relief to a lot of them to be put out of their misery by death.

I remember once in Pattaya a few years ago I was sat at a bar and a food vender came along selling cooked chickens. I bought a piece and soon there was a dog there.....I gave him a piece and then I was feeding about 5 of them. So what they were hungry.

The chicken vendor said to his mate that I was mad "Farang ba-klang" when I told him to make sure that the chicken was well cooked for the dogs....There were 5 happy dogs in Pattaya that day.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.( and that`s coming from a Fox) :o

What a ridiculous post. would you say rats have a right to take care of themselves? they are vermin too, but can be quite cuddly to those who like them.

Stray dogs are a menace and in packs can be dangerous. Why don't they cull them

every now and then, or send them to Nongkai, where they eat them :D

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