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Piggy's Fish And Chip Shop


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Hiya, I hope this doesn't get deleted. It's not about my business, but of a good friend so I'm trying to drum up some publicity for him! Him and his wife 'Piggy' have just opened up the above business today. It's a great little place. They've got an excellent menu (I'm vegan myself, but they even cater for me, and everyone has said the fish is really good.) They do cod, plaice, battered sausage, all traditional British stuff. Very reasonable prices and a full bar! Deserts too, apple pie and custard etc.

Give it a go!!

Turn left down Chiang Moi just before Mike's Burgers and it's a few shops down on the right!


hello ,and thank you for putting this post up for me ,im piggy's husband and have read all your amazing comments, now i would like to say this is my wife's shop and she is a very fair girl, if you would like your chips very well done please tell her as half the people are saying they like hard chips and half not. if you require more chips just ask, at the moment the portions are a fair size but we don't mind dishing you a few more its no worry's.

she run out of cod for 1 day that was it .the rest of the time we have had it. we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change. everyone likes to complain on here but please say if your not happy with something in the shop she won't bite your head off.

the place is a bit small sure sorry about that but we don't have the same funding as like burger king we are just trying to make a small bit of money to live on in a very difficult city.

ok sometimes you may have to wait for your food but like in any chip shop that gets busy you have to do that, she's only got so much space in her fryers.

she's got the prices very low when you think of a fish and chip meal you have to think of the beer batter with real beer and paprika etc, the fish the potato's the wages for the girls the rent the sauces real heinz real vinegar etc the gas the gasoline when you go buying. there's a lot that goes in to your meal so 120 baht is as cheap as she can get it.

the chiangmai news are doing a small write up on us so have a look in there.

if you want to have a chat in the shop and im in there just say hello and introduce yourself.

yes it gets hot inside there's some tables outside.

every shop is always not to everyones liking but we are trying to do our best ,all your comments good and bad have drummed up a bit of business for us and we thank you for that.

we have started opening after 4 pm until late, if we get more busy we will try and open more hours.

i hope everyones enjoying this amazing city of chiangmai.

have a great day

cheers from piggy and my good self. :)

That’s all well and good, but I don’t see Charlie posting on here having to defend his restaurant’s reputation.

Everyone to his/her own tastes and if something is good, the word soon gets round, no need to try and justify their faults on ThaiVisa.

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hello ,and thank you for putting this post up for me ,im piggy's husband and have read all your amazing comments, now i would like to say this is my wife's shop and she is a very fair girl, if you would like your chips very well done please tell her as half the people are saying they like hard chips and half not. if you require more chips just ask, at the moment the portions are a fair size but we don't mind dishing you a few more its no worry's.

she run out of cod for 1 day that was it .the rest of the time we have had it. we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change. everyone likes to complain on here but please say if your not happy with something in the shop she won't bite your head off.

the place is a bit small sure sorry about that but we don't have the same funding as like burger king we are just trying to make a small bit of money to live on in a very difficult city.

ok sometimes you may have to wait for your food but like in any chip shop that gets busy you have to do that, she's only got so much space in her fryers.

she's got the prices very low when you think of a fish and chip meal you have to think of the beer batter with real beer and paprika etc, the fish the potato's the wages for the girls the rent the sauces real heinz real vinegar etc the gas the gasoline when you go buying. there's a lot that goes in to your meal so 120 baht is as cheap as she can get it.

the chiangmai news are doing a small write up on us so have a look in there.

if you want to have a chat in the shop and im in there just say hello and introduce yourself.

yes it gets hot inside there's some tables outside.

every shop is always not to everyones liking but we are trying to do our best ,all your comments good and bad have drummed up a bit of business for us and we thank you for that.

we have started opening after 4 pm until late, if we get more busy we will try and open more hours.

i hope everyones enjoying this amazing city of chiangmai.

have a great day

cheers from piggy and my good self. :)

That's all well and good, but I don't see Charlie posting on here having to defend his restaurant's reputation.

Everyone to his/her own tastes and if something is good, the word soon gets round, no need to try and justify their faults on ThaiVisa.

Whether or not the argument in defence is solid or not, the guy has a right to have his say!

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I tend to concur with much of what MM has to say.

I also visited as indicated in an earlier post (s) and the food was to my liking and it would be a crying shame if it falls over.

Someone in an earlier post said the beer was expensive. I do not agree with that and would suggest to the person who claimed it was expensive is "this would draw me to conclude you must be a real cheap charlie and or pinching the beer where ever it is your drinking it at a lower cost"

On the matter of the name Piggy I know that Moo is Thai for pig and 99% of the other Thai knick names and what they are associated with (guy, kung, pla, naam fon, fon, naam waan, nong and yes and the list is endless) "but I still stick with my comment that Piggy is not the name that I would chose for any girl. Moo OK.

But I guess if I was to take the missus back home and introduce her to the folks I might be a bit embarrassed to say "meet my wife, her name is Piggy" But I guess each to his own I guess. Live and let live etc.

I mean it would not be a great world if everyone dresses as they do / did in China.

The police only had three sizes of clothes and the sleeves generally hung six inches below their hands. But again each to his own.

I know the restaurant in question is not a 'Le Coq d'Or" but I don't think the proprietor there will be changing the name to "P@#$*&s" any time soon.

Call it what you like, I, will as General Douglas Macarthur was quoted as saying "I will return" nuff said :)

I may not be a pom but I do know how I like my F & C wherever they may be on the menu. I hope to some how get the telephone number so I can order and get the GF to pick them up. All I will be expecting is the same quality and wrapped in plain newspaper (not an old copy of the Nation or BP) next to the product and the said newspapers can do the outer wrapping and the contents hot when the GF gets them home.

Edited by john b good
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That's all well and good, but I don't see Charlie posting on here having to defend his restaurant's reputation.

Everyone to his/her own tastes and if something is good, the word soon gets round, no need to try and justify their faults on ThaiVisa.

Charlie is welcome to start his own thread, why do you always feel the need to shout his praises. His food of acceptable, but nothing to write home about. :)

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I tend to concur with much of what MM has to say.

On the matter of the name Piggy I know that Moo is Thai for pig and 99% of the other Thai knick names and what they are associated with (guy, kung, pla, naam fon, fon, naam waan, nong and yes and the list is endless) "but I still stick with my comment that Piggy is not the name that I would chose for any girl. Moo OK.

But I guess if I was to take the missus back home and introduce her to the folks I might be a bit embarrassed to say "meet my wife, her name is Piggy" But I guess each to his own I guess. Live and let live etc.

It's not that kind of name!! Her name is Lisa. It's just a pet nickname between her and her husband only.

Anyway, first of all the guy is told to take these comments on board and then when he defends some of the comments he's told he's promoting his business. Seems you can't please anyone no matter what you do on here!

Anyway, see you at Piggy's.....

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I have tried several restaurants in Chiang Mai over the years that serve fish and chips, but for me it has to be Cheerful Charlie`s.

Poor ole Charlie hasn`t been in the best of health lately and had to close for a while.

He will be opening again next Monday (17th).

I will be there in the evening and looking forward to a fish and chip meal, plenty of booze to wash it down with and a good ole laugh again.

It's seems to me that Charlies is more like a social club for the older fraternity, have a drink, have a chat and the food is secondary.

You don't go to a chippy in the Uk for a chat so why here.

I for one don't want to go to a F&C shop and hear a load of old codgers rambling on about nothing :)

For the record Piggy F&C are 60 baht cheaper than charlies for Thai fish and a bigger piece of fish at Piggy's.

Mate, have you even been to CC?

If you haven't, you can't compare

the quality and size of the portions,

let alone what goes on there.

You mentioned in a previous post

Piggy's was more like a chippy in UK.

If you have that's ok, fair call.

And you need to pull your head out of your

clacker and look around. You're not in the

UK now so it's no point saying "you don't go

to a chippy in the UK for a chat so why here".

You are in Thailand!



Well will I have eaten at both and I like CC's but also like Piggys I will frequent Piggys way more often because its WAY cheaper for the SAME quality just a matter of economics

both good both serve good portions but Piggys cheaper simple as that

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Lets not forget that Charlie's is an established business while Piggy's is brand new and just trying to survive. A lot of new places initially offer cheaper prices or bigger portions to attract customers, but cut back once they are on the tourist trail.

It is fine to take advantage of Piggy's cheaper prices while you can, but you also should give them some leeway as far as a lack of glasses and other growing pains.

They are not right on top of each other and both seem to be tasty, but in different ways. There is no reason why we need to choose one or the other. There is not a lot of competition in the fish and chips department in Chiang Mai!

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Lets not forget that Charlie's is an established business while Piggy's is brand new and just trying to survive. A lot of new places initially offer cheaper prices or bigger portions to attract customers, but cut back once they are on the tourist trail.

It is fine to take advantage of Piggy's cheaper prices while you can, but you also should give them some leeway as far as a lack of glasses and other growing pains.

They are not right on top of each other and both seem to be tasty, but in different ways. There is no reason why we need to choose one or the other. There is not a lot of competition in the fish and chips department in Chiang Mai!

You make some excellent common sense points here and to add:

In the not so distant past here in Chiang Mai, before the big clamp down and tourists were still visiting the city, many entertainment establishments and restaurants as far as ex-pats were concerned had a take it or leave it attitude towards their regular customers. This was because holiday makers are inclined to leave tips, would only visit once or twice before returning to their home countries, therefore these establishments were not too concerned about their service because they were almost guaranteed a steady flow of new customers throughout the year and especially during the high season.

These days the situation has changed dramatically. No longer can they rely on a steady rate of new tourist customers, so now they are trying to attract the ex-pat market, a format that will bring in loyal regular customers, because this is mostly the only option left for them.

But of course us ex-pats living here are on limited budgets, which has been made worse by the dreadful bank exchange and interest rates, plus the ever spiralling increases in the cost of living. As a result we are more cautious how we spend our hard earned money and expect value for bahts. Anyone now running or considering opening a business should take into account that it’s going to be much more competitive than it was a few years ago.

My wife’s theory is that because Chiang Mai is one of Mr Thaksin`s old constituencies, that the opposition has conspired against Thaksin to ensure that Chiang Mai does not boom anymore. But this is off topic and something for debate on another thread.

Edited by sassienie
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I frequent Cheerful Charlie's quite often, and we are good friends. Last night however my Thai BF and I decided to try Piggy's. We were very pleasantly surprised, as the fish was absolutely delicious!! I had the regulat 120 baht fish, which I actually preferred to the cod. Even their spaghetti dish look good! The service was prompt and friendly. I would suggest that they add another fryer, as take-out service backed things up somewhat.

I like Piggy's since they are open to midnight and we don't have to worry about being prompt. We will definitely return to Piggy's bu will continue to visit Charlie's as well. Both places have delicious fish and chips and I've made myself hungry for it again!!

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we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change.

Are we talking coffee mugs here or proper beer mugs? If the former, surely beer in glass is default unless Buddha day. Never known anyone to request their ale in a coffee mug, even those unfortunates from Llandysiliogogo.

Anyway, all the best, I'll be sure to give it a go :)

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we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change.

Are we talking coffee mugs here or proper beer mugs? If the former, surely beer in glass is default unless Buddha day. Never known anyone to request their ale in a coffee mug, even those unfortunates from Llandysiliogogo.

Anyway, all the best, I'll be sure to give it a go :)

ok well we have small glasses we have big glasses and we have the infamous yellow coffee mugs! i will even get plastic beakons in if you need them! :D

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we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change.

Are we talking coffee mugs here or proper beer mugs? If the former, surely beer in glass is default unless Buddha day. Never known anyone to request their ale in a coffee mug, even those unfortunates from Llandysiliogogo.

Anyway, all the best, I'll be sure to give it a go :)

ok well we have small glasses we have big glasses and we have the infamous yellow coffee mugs! i will even get plastic beakons in if you need them! :D

mmmmm sorry i meant plastic beakers :D:D:D

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Hiya, I hope this doesn't get deleted. It's not about my business, but of a good friend so I'm trying to drum up some publicity for him! Him and his wife 'Piggy' have just opened up the above business today. It's a great little place. They've got an excellent menu (I'm vegan myself, but they even cater for me, and everyone has said the fish is really good.) They do cod, plaice, battered sausage, all traditional British stuff. Very reasonable prices and a full bar! Deserts too, apple pie and custard etc.

Give it a go!!

Turn left down Chiang Moi just before Mike's Burgers and it's a few shops down on the right!


How many dedicated shops/bars of F & C are there to your knowledge in the Chiang Mai area? where is the major concentreation of these shops ?


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I watched Piggy prepare and fry the fish. She knows what she is doing. Whoever taught her the fish and chip business knew his stuff. Beer batter was good and made a good taste

Service was good and friendly and attentive. Can imagine it gets hot inside but they have fans. And better than having to eat in the hot sun with no shade. Background music was pleasant and created a good atmosphere.

The food is fresh, tartare sauce was home made, portion sizes good. Served on a large plate. There is a choice of variety of fish you want. Not a choice you usually get.

Dessert and main menus posted on the walls. Most extensive i have seen here.

Open till midnight.

I will certainly make it a regular call.

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I watched Piggy prepare and fry the fish. She knows what she is doing. Whoever taught her the fish and chip business knew his stuff. Beer batter was good and made a good taste

Service was good and friendly and attentive. Can imagine it gets hot inside but they have fans. And better than having to eat in the hot sun with no shade. Background music was pleasant and created a good atmosphere.

The food is fresh, tartare sauce was home made, portion sizes good. Served on a large plate. There is a choice of variety of fish you want. Not a choice you usually get.

Dessert and main menus posted on the walls. Most extensive i have seen here.

Open till midnight.

I will certainly make it a regular call.

My father was British born so I grew up with fish and chips, kippers, etc. This sounds good. I'll give it a try.

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we have glasses, if you get a mug ask for a glass or if you get a glass and want a mug please change.

Are we talking coffee mugs here or proper beer mugs? If the former, surely beer in glass is default unless Buddha day. Never known anyone to request their ale in a coffee mug, even those unfortunates from Llandysiliogogo.

Anyway, all the best, I'll be sure to give it a go :)

Bugger me.....Llandysilogogo, there is a name I have not seen in a while.

Spent quite some time there many many moons ago...at the time it had one of the highest percentages of Welsh speakers in the country. Woe to anyone that spoke English on Saint David's day. For a place so close to the sea it had absolute rank fish and chips anyway but still enjoyed many sessions with semi decent chippies outside the Cliff Hotel which had a spectacular view which would, even in the poorest weather, compensate for sub standard chippies.

Wales is not England....

Cymru am Byth

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Bugger me.....Llandysilogogo, there is a name I have not seen in a while.

Seemed a little longer when I was there last :)


Chips are always better wrapped in the South Wales Echo, or if you are really crachach the western Mail

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Bugger me.....Llandysilogogo, there is a name I have not seen in a while.

Seemed a little longer when I was there last :D


Aaaah !! that be "The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave"

I take it MM that's where you are referring to :)

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Chips are always better wrapped in the South Wales Echo.........

Now there's a paper that was worthy of wrapping chips in :) Along with a pennyworth of pickled chitlin from Jones the butcher :D

Has Piggy got faggots and peas on the menu.

Is Jones the Butcher the one who has a shop next to Dafydd the Milk or the one round the corner next to Evans the Coal?

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Has Piggy got faggots and peas on the menu.

Is Jones the Butcher the one who has a shop next to Dafydd the Milk or the one round the corner next to Evans the Coal?

Now there's a meal :) Jones the butcher was opposite Williams the Paper in case you didn't remember, at the end of the high street.

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This is all nice isn't it.

I'm tried to recount and recall a beautiful scene in Wales.

The thread ends up about faggots and buggery.....

Now all I can think and recall is of my last two years of religious education with Father Morrison of the Christian Brothers

At least in the founding British Navy you got rum as well as the sodomy and the lash :)

Anyhow ...off to the pub now .....bottoms up to all

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