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English Material For Thai Comedien.


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A friend of a friend is a Thai comedien usually performing in Bangkok (drum roll - cymbal). He speaks very little English but has asked for a funny line or two he can say to any farangs in his audience.

So, any ideas? Must be short and simple, not necessarily put downs.

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Hope your buddy's english is good enough for this one:

A Thai guy was trying to exchange baht for sterling and asked the


"Why it change, yestoday I get two hunat pound fo baht - today I get a Hunat


The teller says, "fluctuations"

The Thai guy says "fluc you white guys too"


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Peter Stringfellow and Elton john walking down kensington High Street

Peter sees a Blonde with her head stuck in some railings

so he gets her from behind and starts shagging her when he finishes he says cmon elton your turn.

elton replies no way am I putting my head in those ######in rails.

Elton John goes to a tattoist and asks for a tatto on his Dick.

the tattoist replies what do you want.

Elton replies a car

Tattoist says which one a porche ferrari etc

Elton replies better make it a 4 wheel drive its got a lotta shit to go through.

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What do you call a Pakastani lesbian?

Minge eeta.

Whats pink and hard?

A pig with a flick knife.

How do ya make a horemone?

Kick her in the fanny.

Do you have any Scottish in ya?(for the women)


Do ya want some?

I'll get back to ya with more.

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So I walks up to this lovely Thai girl and says "Prung Nee Wang Mai"

She says "Wang Kha" with a sexy look in her eye.

I says "Fukc Off you Bitch! Nobody calls me a <deleted>"

I walks up to this other girl and says "Do you wanna go for a pizza and then back to my place for a good fukc?"

She slapped my face and stormed off.

hmmpf! How was I supposed to know she doesn't like pizza? :D

Next time you eat rice contemplate something. Where does the rice farmer working in a field go when he wants to go to the toilet? :o

Edited by Gazza
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a country joke:

Q How do you get 100 old cows into a shed?

A Put a 'Bingo' sign out the front.

Tommy Cooper joke (also works in Thai)

I went to the doctor and said 'It hurts when I press here, here, and here.' He said 'You've broken your finger'

So I rang up my local swimming baths. I said 'Is that the local swimming baths?' He said 'It depends where you're calling from.'

Q: Did you hear about the Buddhist monk who refused Novacane during root canal treatment?

A: He was attempting to transcend dental medication!

When I was young I used to pray for a bike, then I realized that God doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness

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Thanks all.

I think very few would work for a Thai comedian with poor English and pronunciation, but never mind, keep em coming.

Can anyone think of some one liners relevant to a farang being in a mainly Thai audience?

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Katoey has to pee and is with farang. Katoey tell farang she going powder her nose. Katoey returns and farang aksk "are you finished powdering your nose?"

Katoey replies yes. Farang says " You should close your purse you lipstick hanging out."

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