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English Material For Thai Comedien.


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Thanks all.

I think very few would work for a Thai comedian with poor English and pronunciation, but never mind, keep em coming.

Can anyone think of some one liners relevant to a farang being in a mainly Thai audience?

In that case try the usual Thai comedians one-liner.

To farang in audience: "You know, my father's a Farang. And my mother's a Papaya". :o

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Q: Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

A: To hide in rambutans trees.

Q: Why do elephants paint their toenails many colors?

A: To hide in jelly bean jars.

Q: Have you ever seen an elephant in a jelly bean jar? No?

A: Pretty good hiders aren't they!

Edited by aughie
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Q: How do you find a farang in a room full of Thais?


Your friend has to come up with the answer, after all, he's the comedian.


He'll be the one smiling like a <deleted>' idiot trying not to stand out and because he won't have a clue what's being said. :o

In fact...it'd probably be me. :D

Edited by Gazza
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