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In the US Nonimmigrant Visa Application form DS156 question 38 check box 1 asks “Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any crime... , or been a prostitute or ....”

If someone had worked as a prostitute, but has been for a year gainfully employed with a reputable and verifiable company, is it better to be honest or is it better to lie? Say this was someone with a solid work history in factories and such however there with gaps in their employment and circumstances that would indicate a likely line of work for at least some period of time. Is there a little of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” here and if all else is on the up and up (current employment, reason for travel, length of relationship, etc.) or is it better to look someone in the eye and be honest and talk about the change in their life and where they are headed? Does honesty earn you anything in this situation or is it just a case if you answer “Yes” the visa is a “No”? In other words no incentive to be honest.

Anyone heard of anyone with any experience on this question on this form and how the US Embassy reacts?


In the US Nonimmigrant Visa Application form DS156 question 38 check box 1 asks “Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any crime... , or been a prostitute or ....”

If someone had worked as a prostitute, but has been for a year gainfully employed with a reputable and verifiable company, is it better to be honest or is it better to lie?  Say this was someone with a solid work history in factories and such however there with gaps in their employment and circumstances that would indicate a likely line of work for at least some period of time.  Is there a little of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” here and if all else is on the up and up (current employment, reason for travel, length of relationship, etc.) or is it better to look someone in the eye and be honest and talk about the change in their life and where they are headed?  Does honesty earn you anything in this situation or is it just a case if you answer “Yes” the visa is a “No”? In other words no incentive to be honest.

Anyone heard of anyone with any experience on this question on this form and how the US Embassy reacts?


By government mandate, the US assumes you are already lieing on your visa application, and your intention is not to return to Thailand. It's up to you to convince them you are being honest. And that is totally subjective, too. They don't have to justify any reason for turning down your application....

So, will your lie convince them you're telling the truth? You're not dealing with fools there.... And they see hundreds just like your GF every month.... What do you think? If caught in a lie on her application, that's the end of any chance for her, likely forever...

Do you feel lucky?

By the way, many many many farangs get scammed by Thai 'ladies' seeking a visa to a western country...

By government mandate, the US assumes you are already lieing on your visa application, and your intention is not to return to Thailand. It's up to you to convince them you are being honest. And that is totally subjective, too. They don't have to justify any reason for turning down your application....

So, will your lie convince them you're telling the truth? You're not dealing with fools there.... And they see hundreds just like your GF every month.... What do you think? If caught in a lie on her application, that's the end of any chance for her, likely forever...

Do you feel lucky?

By the way, many many many farangs get scammed by Thai 'ladies' seeking a visa to a western country...

Everyday I wake up and open my eyes I feel lucky. Lucky in the sense to be alive and living a good life overall. And lucky in the sense "that the harder I work the luckier I get". anyway....

So Ajarn your advice is answer the questions honestly? as in "Yes". Do you know from experience, second hand or otherwise, that this isn't an instant rejection? My gut goes with what you're saying I just wouldn't want someone to be stupid.


By government mandate, the US assumes you are already lieing on your visa application, and your intention is not to return to Thailand. It's up to you to convince them you are being honest. And that is totally subjective, too. They don't have to justify any reason for turning down your application....

So, will your lie convince them you're telling the truth? You're not dealing with fools there.... And they see hundreds just like your GF every month.... What do you think? If caught in a lie on her application, that's the end of any chance for her, likely forever...

Do you feel lucky?

By the way, many many many farangs get scammed by Thai 'ladies' seeking a visa to a western country...

Everyday I wake up and open my eyes I feel lucky. Lucky in the sense to be alive and living a good life overall. And lucky in the sense "that the harder I work the luckier I get". anyway....

So Ajarn your advice is answer the questions honestly? as in "Yes". Do you know from experience, second hand or otherwise, that this isn't an instant rejection? My gut goes with what you're saying I just wouldn't want someone to be stupid.


From personal experience, and from the experiences of hundreds in your shoes over the years, interviews are without any ideas of 'innocent until shown guilty', and the interviewer can decide whatever they want, for any reason they want, and they don't have to justify it to you, or even tell you why...

I won't advise you to lie or not lie. That has to be your informed choice. But, I generally advise others to go with the gut...

For myself, my policy is to play it straight, and let the chips fall where they may...

Good luck :o


I am sorry but I would encourage you not to bother trying to get a tourist visa. Last year I made an application with my girlfriend, who is poor but isn't a pro, and rarely have I had a more unpleasant experience. As for your question my honest guess is: if the answer is "yes" they're reject it immediately, if the answer is "no" they'll reject it after a few minutes. If you do make the application bring plenty of patience.


Federal immigration law specifically addresses prostitution.

Section 212(a)(2)(D) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that "Any alien who . . . has engaged in prostitution within 10 years of the date of application for a visa . . . is inadmissible."

Nonetheless, a Waiver of Ineligibility might be granted even if someone's inadmissable under Section 212(a).

I don't know how involved a procedure this would be in Bangkok.

In any event, since there's a statutory provision, consular officials couldn't simply overlook the declaration on the visa application.

Federal immigration law specifically addresses prostitution.

Section 212(a)(2)(D) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that "Any alien who . . . has engaged in prostitution within 10 years of the date of application for a visa . . . is inadmissible."

Nonetheless, a Waiver of Ineligibility might be granted even if someone's inadmissable under Section 212(a).

I don't know how involved a procedure this would be in Bangkok.

In any event, since there's a statutory provision, consular officials couldn't simply overlook the declaration on the visa application.

Thanks for the info - I'll look into the waiver process and see what that is. I have to think this is not uncommon. Is there anyone out there that a) knows someone who answered "Yes" and got a visa?

My GF and I very much want to be honest. Even if it increases the risk I think it's just good to have the cards on the table. She feels much better about being honest and just telling her story. But if it's a 100% automatic rejection then there is just no reason to be honest - one would take their chances with a lie because what's to lose.

Thanks for this info - any other experiences really apprecaited.


I did some homework on this. There is a waiver process (form I-601). The bummer of course is that the person needs to be denied, then file the waiver with the embassy who then send on to INS and well who knows how long. From the list below there are categories that do allow waivers.

Still would like to know if there is anyone out there who knows anyone who answered "yes" and got a visa approved. Or now someone who went through this waiver process. Without going into details I feel OK about the rest of the application. The applicant has some of the usual "reason to return" challenges but overall I think a good application can be put forward to give the best chance based on what I've learned on this and other web sites. Of course it's a crapshoot but that goes without saying.

got this from a legal web site. Clearly if you're a Nazi spy terrorist who's a crackhead looking to live off the dole you've got a tough case to prove... :o

Some Grounds of Inadmissibility Waivers Available?

People with communicable diseases like tuberculosis and AIDS Yes

People with physical or mental disorders Yes

Drug abusers or addicts No

Drug traffickers No

People without proper vaccinations Yes

Crimes involving moral turpitude Yes

Prostitutes Yes

People with multiple convictions Yes

Spies No

Terrorists No

Nazis No

People likely to become dependent on welfare No

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