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Has Living In Thailand Made You Lazier?


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Simply enough question. Has anyone got any lazier since living in Thailand due to the lifestyle? I personally have. I used to always be up early when in the UK but now I sleep in most chances I get. I also get severely bored of everything (especially visiting Central every day of every week because of nothing else to do) and said boredom makes me feel I have not slept for days. For example on Mother's Day I got up at 1pm, went to Central with my girlfriend, left around 5pm (after visiting the same shops for the Nth time) and I am so tired though boredom that by 7pm I just want to sleep.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any advice?



I know exactly what you mean and regardless of what some on here says, there is nothing wrong with you.

I’ve lived in Chiang Mai for the last 6 years.

Back in England I had a very active social life and was working.

Like many who have moved to Thailand, I decided to get out of the rat race with thoughts of all the new wonderful adventures I was going to have with my future life in Thailand.

Although I am extremely happy here and would not wish to live anywhere else, the new high pace, partying all night, meeting lots of exciting new people, phone doesn’t stop ringing with social invitations; didn’t exactly happen.

It is easy to become stuck in a void here and stagnate into the old fart mode.

I try not to become a computer junkie or a shopoholic becoming unfit as many others have here. I venture out into the town a couple of times a week and have lots of fun, although these days in Chiang Mai the night scene has greatly depleted over the last 10 years.

I can assure you that you are not alone in your situation, but we all have to plod along and search for alternations if our present routines become boring. It’s all out there, depends on how much effort one wishes to put into finding it.

If you ever visit Chiang Mai, pm me and we could meet up for a few drinks and a bit of debauchery in the town.

Edited by sassienie
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since moving to Thailand 7 years ago, my life has got busier and busier. I usually get up at 6am, maybe even 5.30am. In the office by 7am, work till 6pm, do some work in the evening, in bed by midnight.

I cannot even think to imagine what to do without work :) My late father was working a full day until he died at 89 years....

When you enjoy work - it isn't work :D


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Yes, me too, i put most of it down to the heat, too hot to walk, etc, in the uk i would walk my dog for hours up on the moor, or walk along the river dart on sundays ,here cant be bothered,however i do have a hobby, off road motorcycling,i go to cambodia for 10 days at a time, i ALWAYS find the energy for that,so theres a tip, get a hobby, may work for you,. :)

I agree. THE HEAT, makes contstant activity more difficult.

I'm glad my favourite hobby is reading. :D

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Lazier? Yes, by design. And the plan is going well.

Went from: Working 12 hours a day in a high-stress job full of headaches, bitchy customers, and dodgy management. Endured a 2-hour to 3-hour commute each way in heavy traffic. Made good money but only saved 10% of my income. and money always seemed tight. Social life limited to work-related stuff (business parties, cocktail parties, etc.). Little exercise, bad diet.

Went to: teaching wonderful Thai students about 15 hours a week. Laissez-faire management (do what you want as long as you don't bother us). Laid-back upcountry lifestyle. No stress. 5-minute commute on motorbike. Lots of Thai friends which whom I eat out often. Enjoy satellite TV and (slow) internet. Making less money but saving 60-70% of it. No bills. No debt. Occasional international trips in Asia (about twice a year). Exercise vigorously 1 hour a day, every day; eat lots of veggies and fruit (huge improvement in diet).

Thanks Thailand!

My motto?

If it sounds difficult


requires too much energy,

put it off!


Edited by toptuan
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Not even!

Since we got 4& 1/2+ Rai a couple of years ago I find myself watering the trees & plants installing endless water systems & in general working harder than I was when I was 18. But I do not mind at all My choice- better for me to keep fit & busy & try to take a day off a week & just lounge around. Life has been easier since we sold 1/2 the lot to some friends. 1/2 the maintenance. Now I can devote my full attention to building the 2nd house. First small one was to test the water. The water was tepid at best on the last build -so I will be doing most of my own building to avoid stupid 85 degree corners!

So its you who is knicking the land off thais,pretending its your ladies money :)

Exactly :D

Good man,the thais would only nick it off you if they had a chance lol

happy life mate

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Hate to sound like a wet blanket, but are you sure smoking & drinking make you happy?

I do both from time to time, but drinking has never given me anything other than the passing illusion of happiness. I.e. I'm acutely conscious that it is short & not that real.

Smoking doesn't give me even the illusion: it's an awful compulsion that it not enjoyable at any stage.

Is that only me?

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.
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I was pretty lazy before I got here. Now I just pace myself better.

Same as you but I'm too lazy to pace myself.

Since being in Thailand, I continue to be too lazy to do the things I am too lazy to do.

Luckily, bicycling, eating, sex (not necessarily in that order) and a number of other activities continue to be uneffected.

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Simply enough question. Has anyone got any lazier since living in Thailand due to the lifestyle? I personally have. I used to always be up early when in the UK but now I sleep in most chances I get. I also get severely bored of everything (especially visiting Central every day of every week because of nothing else to do) and said boredom makes me feel I have not slept for days. For example on Mother's Day I got up at 1pm, went to Central with my girlfriend, left around 5pm (after visiting the same shops for the Nth time) and I am so tired though boredom that by 7pm I just want to sleep.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any advice?



Well said ,, it takes balls to come on here and admit it ,, I would be the same as you bored out me skull in Thai all the time , thats why I made the choice to live in the Uk with the wife the majority of time. Even though I have many hobbies , I love to be the breadwinner and provide a good home and standard of living for my wife, which means for me a routine of up early and working 5 and half days per week. Having said all that I am not as ignorant as some on here and recognise a one size does not fit all , as I know of other people that have made the full time life in Thai and they are more than happy with it. Mabe you would be better off back here as I am doing about a 80 UK 20 THAI ratio thats about right for us.

Good luck in whatever you choose.

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Not even!

Since we got 4& 1/2+ Rai a couple of years ago I find myself watering the trees & plants installing endless water systems & in general working harder than I was when I was 18. But I do not mind at all My choice- better for me to keep fit & busy & try to take a day off a week & just lounge around. Life has been easier since we sold 1/2 the lot to some friends. 1/2 the maintenance. Now I can devote my full attention to building the 2nd house. First small one was to test the water. The water was tepid at best on the last build -so I will be doing most of my own building to avoid stupid 85 degree corners!

So its you who is knicking the land off thais,pretending its your ladies money :)

Exactly :D

Good man,the thais would only nick it off you if they had a chance lol

happy life mate

Too True!

To you cheers!

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An interesting question. Since coming here I opened a business and for the first 14 months worked seven days a week up to 15 hours a day. Now we are established i take two days off a week, though I still do some work on those days and my phone is a 24/7 thing. So in terms of occupation i work harder than i have ever done before.

However because i have staff I have not made a bed, ironed a shirt or done any housework or handyman stuff since I have been here I cannot even lift a bag out of my car without someone running over to take it from me. I also don't do any cooking.

I feel I am lazier but I work harder!!! Does that make sense?

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Lazy is my middle name - and I do not really like it. I have tried getting a part time job but no one seems to want to employ anyone for 3 days a week. I certainly do not want a full time job again.

Laziness is my middle name too - perhaps we are related

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Simply enough question. Has anyone got any lazier since living in Thailand due to the lifestyle? I personally have. I used to always be up early when in the UK but now I sleep in most chances I get. I also get severely bored of everything (especially visiting Central every day of every week because of nothing else to do) and said boredom makes me feel I have not slept for days. For example on Mother's Day I got up at 1pm, went to Central with my girlfriend, left around 5pm (after visiting the same shops for the Nth time) and I am so tired though boredom that by 7pm I just want to sleep.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any advice?



Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.

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My mother coined two very true sayings... "If you want something done then ask a busy person." and "The less you do the less you want to do."

Both have proven very true. Busy people will always find time to something more, but people with nothing to do can never find time to do anything.

Edited by IanForbes
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Both have proven very true. Busy people will always find time to something more, but people with nothing to do can never find time to do anything.

How true. When younger people find out I no longer work, they inevitably ask me what I do with my time. My standard answer is, "I am so busy doing nothing all day, I just don't have time to do anything else !"

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I used to take care of the car, loved to wash and wax it every weekend. would spend two or three hours...Now I just send it to the car wash place where 5 guys clean it from top to bottom for 2 hours and charge 200b......Other things as well like the pool I used to vacum and brush it twice a week now the wife does it......As for any heavy lifting I get a few Thai guys to to the moving and they are happy with 50b........So yeah I have gotten a lot lazier for certain things but have the time to do others....I don't miss mowing the lawn either..

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Well, I swim laps 4 times per week, go for walks and do situps, curls, pushups. In my free time I renovate condos doing all the labor intensive stuff like sanding and painting myself. I must be mad, what ever happened to relaxation?

Have lost heaps of weight though, laziness is a hard habit to break but it can be done if you want to. No long term future in sucking beers from lunchtime perched on a stool. Try getting a good days labor in before sucking on those beers, treat it as a reward system.

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