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Any General Advice Would Be Great!

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First of all...hi!

Nationality: British

Age: 23

Ok, I'm currently working in Korea, and when my contract is up in August I'm considering joining my girlfriend in Thailand. She will finish up there next March, and I will want to return to the UK with her then. I'm thinking I might work there for that time.

If I choose to, is there any way I can do private teaching legally, or get a short term contract? If so, what kind of visa should I apply for?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Your best option will be to get a triple entry tourist visa.

On arrival you will get a 2 months entry stamp, which can be extended at the local

immigration office for a further month.

Then you will need to do a border run, out and in the same day, to Malaysia or Cambodia.

You will then get another 2 months, plus a one month extension.

Just before the visa expires you can do a third border run getting another 2+ 1 months.

This should cover the 8 month you need.

Getting a job here is difficult.

Check out the teaching section for advice.

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Visa is not what makes it so you can work alone. you need the company to do you a work permit as well. Can you state your qualifications and exp? Any infomation that will show the others what exactly you hope to do. Then i am sure some one can answer your questions better.

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Thanks. Sorry for being a bit unclear, it's because I'm kind of feeling my way in the dark here.

I'm in Korea at the moment, will have a year of ESL teaching experience by the time I finish here. My qualification is a BA degree from the UK.

Thanks for all the feedback, I'm beginning to get a clearer idea of what I will need.

Basically, I'd be happy to stay with my girlfriend and get by on voluntary work or something, but obviously paid employment would be better. As it would only be for 6/7 months, I don't want a full year's contract. As nothing is finalised, my questions are still very vague, sorry.

The Triple Entry Tourist Visa sounds like a good way to go.

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Well, since we're not being that specific, you might want to have a passport and a nationality. You might want to go somewhere in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Udon, Ubon, Hat Yai, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen, or ะีนำรพะีุึภถ/ It helps if you can speak a language, and look human.

Anything else general and vague?

Oh, about visas, yeah - you might want to visit UlanBator in Mongolia and try to get a semi-immigrant type C quasi-work quintuple-exit visa for 7 months, renewable in 17 months at the honorary consulate in Brunei on odd-numbered Whitsundays.

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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