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Cs Loxinfo


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After searching around and listening to everyone here bitch about TRUE, I opted for Loxinfo.

Today the technician came and connected me.

He spoke no english, I speak no Thai.

After several hours of him not being able to connect the computers with the router and modem I already own, he called the main office who talked to me and said I only paid to have one computer connected, and that I needed to pay a technician to come and connect all of them via the router.

"Fine" I said, "how much and when can they come", I said. She said "call one of the IT shops."

What is this?

Anyway, I now have a PC connected to the internet (he couldn't figure out how to connect any of the three Macs) when what I need is a Mac online. ALL of the Macs online.

Any suggestions? Does anyone know of any decent technicians who can 1) speak english and 2) know what they are doing?

frustrated in Bangkok ...


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I did read that for macs using a Billion free modem with TRUE the vpi setting should be changed to 0 and the vci to 100 as the mac drivers had a different default. Not sure about Loxinfo but you could always ask. Could be the default settings for this are different too.

Let me know how you get on as I have to go and set up my friends pair of macs with loxinfo next month so I am keen for you to solve the problem. Otherwise if you fail, I can let you know next month when we try it. PM me if you need to - I am here most days.

the vpi and vci settings in the billion for TRUE can be found with opening adsl configuration (in programs) and pressing alt +p . Sorry can't help more than that.

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I did read that for macs using a Billion free modem with TRUE the vpi setting should be changed to 0 and the vci to 100 as the mac drivers had a different default. Not sure about Loxinfo but you could always ask. Could be the default settings for this are different too.

Let me know how you get on as I have to go and set  up my friends pair of macs with loxinfo next month so I am keen for you to solve the problem. Otherwise if you fail, I can let you know next month when we try it. PM me if you need to - I am here most days.

the vpi and vci settings in the billion for TRUE can be found with opening adsl configuration (in programs) and pressing alt +p . Sorry can't help more than that.

I came across the below information online which may help. The problem is I am NOT a technecian and I'm used to the plug and play of Macs and cannot find my way around a PC.


Silly me, I thought this would work like it's always worked. Right the first time.

I'll keep you informed if I'm able to solve anything.


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Is the PC connected via the router or directly to the ADSL modem?

The technician couldn't figure out how to connect it to the router, so the modem goes directly into the PC, even though I stressed it would be useless for what I needed (much hand waving, etc). In addition to the router, I also have airport (and bought a powerbook so I could use it) and without the router it's just a useless pile of plastic.

He came out three times, two of which he attempted to fiddle with what I have here as well as their modem. After several hours he gave up on trying to connect their modem to my Mac as he couldn't get the settings right (even with talking to their helpline).

The loxinfo site says they can connect Macs so I got a Thai friend to call them and get the name of their technician who knows the most about Macs but he is not returning my calls. I'll attempt to call again today as I'm sure he's very busy if he's their top (english speaking) technician.

But now I'm worried that if they cannot figure it out, how can I when I cannot speak Thai (my fault, I know) and am not a technician AND I need to be connected asap or run the Macs off of dial-up cards until I am. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'll call the Mac helpline today but I've called them before and it ended in confusion (most likely generated from my end).


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In order to get more than one machine on at a time you're going to have to use a router. The modem you were given is, I belive, a USB modem. That means its only output is via a USB port. Your router doesn't have a USB port and expects input via an Ethernet port.

So, you're going to need to get an ADSL modem with an Ethernet output, or a combination ADSL modem/router (as described in the article you cited).

Am I correct in assuming that you have a USB modem?

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As I read it he has a pc and several macs. He also has a (free) usb modem and alos bought a router for connecting to the macs. Currently all they could do was connect the usb modem to the pc, and could not configure the router for the mac.

In my opinion it was a mistake to even show them the pc and usb modem because they will connect them as they know how, and feel their job is done - they got you working so now it's your problem. Next time they come, hide the pc and usb modem altogether.

Still, it should not be a majour problem to connect the mac via loxinfo - the mac hardware is top notch. I think that there is just some setting that needs to be adjusted and you are set. If you give me the number of loxinfo service I can call and get the vpi/vci settings which I still suspect are the problem.

Certainly (ish) the mac should be able to use the usb modem directly.

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As I read it he has a pc and several macs. He also has a (free) usb modem and alos bought a router for connecting to the macs. Currently all they could do was connect the usb modem to the pc, and could not configure the router for the mac.

I have all of what it takes to make this work as all I did was pack it up and ship it all out here after using it together for a good long while. I have a Paradyne modem and a NETpassage router, all were working fine with all the computers online at the same time (including airport). Their chap couldn't get it to work, so connected the free modem. And then walked away.

In my opinion it was a mistake to even show them the pc and usb modem because they will connect them as they know how, and feel their job is done - they got you working so now it's your problem. Next time they come, hide the pc and usb modem altogether.
I was thinking the same thing after this happened, but I just landed in Thailand and in any other country that I've lived in this has not been a problem. Their technician comes out and I get online asap. Live and learn, right?
Still, it should not be a majour problem to connect the mac via loxinfo - the mac hardware is top notch. I think that there is just some setting that needs to be adjusted and you are set. If you give me the number of loxinfo service I can call and get the vpi/vci settings which I still suspect are the problem.

Excellent. The official Loxinfo customer support (24 hrs) is 0-2263-8222 and the one I've been calling is 0-2263-8299

Certainly (ish) the mac should be able to use the usb modem directly.

I have my fingers crossed you are correct. Thanks for this.


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I have just called my friend who is using loxinfo with a router and PC with Linux installed. The loxinfo person I spoke to had no idea. My friend said the only thing he had to change from when he was using TRUE was the vpi and vci - to 0 and 35 respectively. Otherwise it connected as usual. I have never used a mac so I don't know its foibles - in a PC you just go to the installation program and change in the settings there. Though you might have to consult the modem maker's website to find out how to access the settings. With the Billion modem for instance it is not intuitive (ALT +P)

Try it with the usb modem first as that should be easier to set up. And let us know!

As for living and learning - yep we say here "TiT" = This is Thailand, such pre-emptive measures come with experience. My other friend who has a mac (dial up internet) has endless problems with no one here being able to help him - he uses mostly Final Cut Pro, and Motion which he insists are the only real options for a professional film editor. He does have to take the computer to the Mac centre in the World Trade Centre. He has a computer technition working for him who is experienced with PCs but is getting better on a Mac. If push comes to shove I can phone him and ask for advice.

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the only thing he had to change from when he was using TRUE was the vpi and vci - to 0 and 35 respectively. Otherwise it connected as usual. I have never used a mac so I don't know its foibles - in a PC you just go to the installation program and change in the settings there. Though you might have to consult the modem maker's website to find out how to access the settings. With the Billion modem for instance it is not intuitive (ALT +P)

I've tried the Paradyn website, but no luck yet.

Try it with the usb modem first as that should be easier to set up. And let us know!
Hmm, good and bad there. I think I'd better try it with the one I have. That way if I screw it up (oh, and I will), I still have one modem properly set, even if it's halfassed!
As for living and learning - yep we say here  "TiT" = This is Thailand, such pre-emptive measures come with experience.

I'm learning, just slooooooooooooly.

My other friend who has a mac (dial up internet) has endless problems with no one here being able to help him - he uses mostly Final Cut Pro, and Motion which he insists are the only real options for a professional film editor. He does have to take the computer to the Mac centre in the World Trade Centre. He has a computer technition working for him who is experienced with PCs but is getting better on a Mac. If push comes to shove I can phone him and ask for advice.

I've not had any problems with dial-up, but I need all of the computers live, not just the one. And besides, dial-up is a dog when you need to transfer a 50mg file asap. Takes hours and hours. So this saturday I'll try Pantip as well as the World Trade centre (thanks for that). Right now I'm in the dark a bit as to what I change, or not. And how to find it.


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give us the make and models of your routers/modems as best as you can and I can try and look them up. Somewhere in the advanced settings is the vip/vci settings - and these need to be checked as the first step. These settings are probably easier to change for the usb modem than the router which needs you to access it through the web browser with password. So try and configure the usb modem first to use with the mac. If it works after changing the vpi/vci settings you can move on to the router.

Make sure you have downloaded and installed the mac drivers for the modem. Then should be able to access the settings mentioned.

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give us the make and models of your routers/modems as best as you can and I can try and look them up. Somewhere in the advanced settings is the vip/vci settings - and these need to be checked as the first step. These settings are probably easier to change for the usb modem than the router which needs you to access it through the web browser with password. So try and configure the usb modem first to use with the mac. If it works after changing the vpi/vci settings you can move on to the router.

Ok, megga thanks. Below are the makes and models.

What I've used before coming here:


Model - 6350-A4-300

Router - NetPassage 15-D

What they've hooked the pc up to:

Billion Astra USB ADSL Modem

Model - BIPAC 7000

Make sure you have downloaded and installed the mac drivers for the modem. Then should be able to access the settings mentioned.

I still have the INSTALL_USB_ADSL on my powerbook from when he tried to get it connected, so I guess that's a good start. BUT I am not technically inclined. Many years ago (when computers were much simpler) I was. But not now. As it stands, programming a VCR defeats me (although I can whip out a site in css ...)

Thanks for all of your help.


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Is this what you want to do?

[ PC]--------|      |
             |      |         
[Mac]--------|router|====[modem]===ADSL line=====
             |      |
[Mac]--------|      | 
             |      |       

If so, you certainly don't need the modem driver for the Mac. You just need to configure the Paradyne modem to work with the LoxInfo ADSL modem on their end of the line.

Or, am I missing something here?

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Is this what you want to do?

It's exactly what I was hoping to do when I arrived with all this stuff that works fine together. Router connected to all the computers (and airport) then connected to the Paradyne modem, which should be able to connect to LoxInfo. That's the theory anyway.

If so, you certainly don't need the modem driver for the Mac. You just need to configure the Paradyne modem to work with the LoxInfo ADSL modem on their end of the line.

Or, am I missing something here?

Nope, not missing anything at all, you have it right. So, any tips on how I configure the Paradyne to work? I'm not even sure where I'd start looking. I glanced at their website, but the exact model number wasn't showing. And no drivers that I could see (but I did lose heart rather quickly).


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mac drivers for the billion are here


scroll down to the bipac 7000 and get the mac drivers. Instal access the adsl configuartion in PROGRAMS and then press ALT +P to access the settings. set vpi/vci as mentioned before. Shoud get you working.

Note that I'm using a pc. You should instal the drivers first, restart, and then plug in the modem. the ALT +P is in windows - hope its the same for the mac, if not you will have to contact billion and ask.

Do not change any of the other settings in the box that opens up - it is all advanced stuff and should not need changing.

If it works you will have to do the same with your other modem/router.

I use the billion and it is great. I understand however that it is not so good when trying to network through software - for networking the best way is via router. But the router will be trickier to set up, so try the billion modem first.

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Here's the modem manual (pdf). It doesn't appear to be end-user configurable.

I also have a Paradyne ADSL modem and configuration had to be done by the provider from their end.

Where did you use this modem before? Is it possible that it was configured from their end to specs that won't work with LoxInfo's service?

I know that in my case (Verizon ADSL on Saipan) you have to use a modem supplied by them. A stock ADSL modem won't work.

I don't know anything about LoxInfo ADSL. Do you connect via PPPoE? Do you get a dynamic IP address? Is your IP address public or private?

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pandit and mgnewman,

I'm here and I've read what you both had to say. I'll get to it in the next couple of hours as a client is screaming for attention. I just wanted to say thanks, and that I'll be back after I play from both ends.


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One more thing I'd like to know:

If you plug the Paradyne modem into the phone line without anything attached to it (router or computer), does it sync up with the modem on the other end? That is, does the "Line" light turn green and are all lights green?

If it does sync up properly, then the only configuring you'll have to do is with the router.

If it does not sync up, then LoxInfo is going to have to figure it out from their end.

They should have access to a log which tells them exactly what went on between the two modems.

Good luck.

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desi and he of the unpronoucable name - you don't need the mac drivers for what you have outlined. But as desi isn't too sure what he is doing, and needs the things on line as fast as possible, I figure to do it step by step - and the easiest way is to use the billion mac drivers and set up the billion first. Then, when online and back to work look at setting up the router. But... up to you.

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Pandit35, M G Newman here :o

I think he's online with the PC and the Billion. LoxInfo got that going. If he wants to get a Mac online right away I agree, do it with the Billion. I suggest he use the "Assist me..." button in the PPPoE tab of the Network preference pane.

I'd still like to know if the Paradyne modem will sync up. If so, it shouldn't be that big a deal to configure the router.

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oh I got it now.

duh... I was trying to interpret m'ungen wwwumun like it was one word. :o

Desi still hasn't said anything about the vpi/vci settings. I have a hunch that's all he needs to adjust.

Anyway, I'm pretty hopeless with routers never having used one. And even worse with Macs. My only question about the setup you outlined is the need for a modem - doesn't the router act as the modem independently to the computer and then route to the 3 computers? Like I said I have to go set up loxinfo on a mac for a friend later this month so I'd like to know the foibles.

ok later M G (duh....)

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ok later M G  (duh....)


It's OK, OK!

You need the modem, unless you get a router with an ADSL modem built-in -- there are such things.

The signal that comes down the ADSL line is actually a high frequency analog signal. There is a modem at each end. The modems run in synchronous mode. That is, each creates a reference signal that has to be identical on both ends and exactly in phase -- hence "synchronous". The receiving modem compares the incoming signal to the internal reference signal and therefrom derives the digital data which it passes on to a computer, router, whatever.

That's why I wanted him to see if the Paradyne modem would sync. If it will, all we got to do is configure the router. If it won't, we either get LoxInfo to figure out why, or we punt....

Another solution would be to have the Billion modem pass data to the PC and then set up the PC for Internet sharing. Connect the PC to the router's upstream port with an ethernet cable and then connect the Mac's to the router. Then he could either have the PC to NAT and DHCP serving, or let the router do it.

It would be much easier if I could be there....


Michael Gordon Newman

aka mgnewman

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ok, so his router does not have modem combined. Has he checked the vpi/vci in the modem? This was the only thing my networking-junkie Linux friend had to change for his loxinfo adsl to work with his router/modem.

We tried once to set up an office with internet connection sharing, and it worked ok between the macs, but we could not get it to share with the PCs (could the other way around) According to our guru Mr_Happy (occasional poster here) the Billion is rubbish for internet connection sharing.

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According to the manual for my Paradyne modem you access the configuration page with the following address:

Name and password are "Admin" by default.

However, this is the same IP address as my router, so I can't configure the modem while the router is in the way.

It might be a good assumption that his Paradyne uses the same IP address and name/password.

You can see the manual for my modem here:


He should be able to modify the vpi/vci using that configuration page, but he'd have to leave the router out of the picture to configure the modem.

As I said, I wish I was there....

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As I said, I wish I was there....

Weeeell, after fussing and fighting with all the technical mumbo jumbo, I bowed out from the challenge and with advice from a friend from this forum, I contacted her friend who came out and sorted the whole mess. Yeah, I know, I'm a wimp, but I HAD to be up and running asap and all the technical bits were driving me crazy!

The pc is acting as the main, and the modem they used is the one from loxinfo (until I can buy another one) as the Paradyn didn't work asap and I was on a time limit (we even called the US office before switching back to the Billion modem), connected to the router which connects all four computers.

And if anyone else here needs to do what I've been doing and doesn't have an IT brain, I used the chaps at Compass IT Solutions (www.compassitsolutions.com). Am I allowed to say that here? Anyway, they were quick and extremely professional getting me sorted in time.

Thanks for sticking with me and I'm so sorry I couldn't figure out all the suggestions each of you gave. There just wasn't enough time (I had to be connected by today for a job) or I'm sure I'd have eventually waded through everything. Well, a huge 'maybe'. They found I had the router hooked up with the wrong cables, so it's a good chance I'd still be here fussing into next week. Like I said, I'm not a techie, just needed it to work and now it does.


Edited by desi
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Desi - Sorry we couldn't get it up and running for you in time.

I think the Paradyne modem will work. You'll just need to get into the configuration screen and change a few settings as described in this thread.

Good luck.

Mr. Unpronounceable

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Dear Mr. Unpronounceable :-)

Its quite all right, and thanks again for suggesting all you did. In six months + or so I'll have more time to play so will bookmark this discussion and get back to it later. I'm just grateful it's working now. It was frustrating to be away from my world, if you know what I mean.


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