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Calum Davenport!


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I though this an odd attack when I first heard about Davenport and his mum both (?) being stabbed in the legs . The mind boggles at what possible motive there could have been ? Bizarre for an "intruder" to act like that.

I've known of some deranged supporters, like when Glenn Roeder's house in Brentwood was petrol bombed when he managed West Ham. Or, on a somewhat lighter side, when Trevor Morley was stabbed by his wife . But I can't imagine that this would be anything of the like.

However, here's hoping for a speedy recovery from what appears to be serious injuries to Callum.


This seems to be more serious than I first envisaged if this NOTW article is correct ...

Docs battle to save player's leg

A PREMIER LEAGUE football star was fighting for his life last night after crazed thugs repeatedly stabbed him in BOTH LEGS.

West Ham defender Calum Davenport's mum was also knifed in the horror attack at her house.

It is thought the attackers were determined to ensure dad-of-one Calum, 26, never plays again.

Sources last night said his injuries were so severe his left leg may have to be amputated - and the next 48 hours are critical.

The knife severed a main artery, causing Calum to lose PINTS of blood. Surgeons yesterday battled for FOUR HOURS to save his life.

He needed a major blood transfusion and was for a time put on a life support machine.

Last night the player - whose wife is seven months pregnant with their second child - was in intensive care at hospital in Bedford.

A police guard was put on the door of his private cubicle.

His mum Kim Stupple, 49, was in a "serious condition" in the same hospital with stomach wounds. A source said: "It looks like Calum was stabbed twice in each leg. The next day or so are crucial. He suffered huge blood loss, which is why they operated for so long.

"Everyone close to him is very, very concerned. His mum appears to be out of danger but things are much, much worse for Calum."

West Ham bosses have sent their chief medical officer Nikos Tzouroudis to the hospital. A spokesman said: "Our thoughts are with Calum and his family."

It is thought the 6ft 4ins defender - who signed for the Hammers for £3million in 2007 - was involved in family row soon before the knifing. He had been on a golf day with pals on Friday then went to his mum's semi-detached home in Kempston, Beds, that evening.

His sister Cara, 28, was also at the house, which Calum bought for his mum. He is thought to have told Cara he did not like the crowd she was mixing with.

Soon afterwards two men turned up with a knife. A source said: "The family have been worried for a long time about the types of people Cara hangs about with.

"Calum mentioned this to her and a little while later there was a knock at the door. Calum opened it and that's when the attack happened."

The fight spilled on to the street and cops were called at 5am. Yesterday Calum's distraught wife Zoey - mum to his four-year-old daughter Angel-Skye - was being comforted by relatives at A&E.

Cops cordoned off the road where his mujm lives road for several hours while they carried out forensic tests and inquiries.

Last night a police spokesman said two men, aged 19 and 25, had been arrested in connection with the attack and were being questioned at stations in Bedford - where Calum and Zoey also have their home.

Two years ago, Calum - who joined West Ham from Tottenham - suffered a broken bone in his neck after a clash on the pitch.

Last week Nottingham Forest confirmed they were hoping to get the former England under-21star player on loan to solve their defensive crisis.

Edited by Happy Hammer
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Maybe supporters from a rival team, not wanting him to play well.

A sad day for us hammers, a nice bloke, hope for a speedy recovery for him and his Mum.

Daglish had the grenade thing recently as well.

I doubt that very much..

Hardly a first team regular & argubly can't play very well anyway even when fit..

Hope him & his Mum make a full recovery of course...

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Maybe supporters from a rival team, not wanting him to play well.

A sad day for us hammers, a nice bloke, hope for a speedy recovery for him and his Mum.

Daglish had the grenade thing recently as well.

I doubt that very much..

Hardly a first team regular & argubly can't play very well anyway even when fit..

Hope him & his Mum make a full recovery of course...

Story I read was that it was friends of his sisters, whom he had objected to her keeping company with :)

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Maybe supporters from a rival team, not wanting him to play well.

A sad day for us hammers, a nice bloke, hope for a speedy recovery for him and his Mum.

Daglish had the grenade thing recently as well.

I doubt that very much..

Hardly a first team regular & argubly can't play very well anyway even when fit..

Hope him & his Mum make a full recovery of course...

Story I read was that it was friends of his sisters, whom he had objected to her keeping company with :)

I read that too Jack..

Neighbour said she heard " Strong Carribbean accents "...

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Good grief !!!

In PC Britain only white youths attack black youths in such acts of senseless violence. It is totally un-PC to even think the other way around...............Wash your mouth out.

Good luck and best wishes to the lad.

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This when I sometimes, start to agree with Sharia law :)

Have to agree that scum like this need to be treated far more harshly than the comfy laws allow in the UK.

Just hope they both make a full recovery.

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Well, the UK already has sharia law, but it only applies to Muslims at this point. :)

I would have thought that common British law, applied properly, would do the job. Grievous Bodily Harm carries a maximum sentence of 25 years, which would satisfy most people, I reckon, but, as has been pointed out, the chance of that happening are vanishingly small. :D

best wishes to the lad (and his mum) for a complete recovery.

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Well, the UK already has sharia law, but it only applies to Muslims at this point. :)

The link doesn't seem to work Rick. But the part of Sharia I was thinking about certainly cannot be used in the UK, by Muslims or anyone else :D

Link worked ok for me. But just in case, here's the full article ...

From The Sunday Times

September 14, 2008

ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases.

The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

Rulings issued by a network of five sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.

Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims.

It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, said he had taken advantage of a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996.

Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case.

Siddiqi said: “We realised that under the Arbitration Act we can make rulings which can be enforced by county and high courts. The act allows disputes to be resolved using alternatives like tribunals. This method is called alternative dispute resolution, which for Muslims is what the sharia courts are.”

The disclosure that Muslim courts have legal powers in Britain comes seven months after Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was pilloried for suggesting that the establishment of sharia in the future “seems unavoidable” in Britain.

In July, the head of the judiciary, the lord chief justice, Lord Phillips, further stoked controversy when he said that sharia could be used to settle marital and financial disputes.

In fact, Muslim tribunal courts started passing sharia judgments in August 2007. They have dealt with more than 100 cases that range from Muslim divorce and inheritance to nuisance neighbours.

It has also emerged that tribunal courts have settled six cases of domestic violence between married couples, working in tandem with the police investigations.

Siddiqi said he expected the courts to handle a greater number of “smaller” criminal cases in coming years as more Muslim clients approach them. “All we are doing is regulating community affairs in these cases,” said Siddiqi, chairman of the governing council of the tribunal.

Jewish Beth Din courts operate under the same provision in the Arbitration Act and resolve civil cases, ranging from divorce to business disputes. They have existed in Britain for more than 100 years, and previously operated under a precursor to the act.

Politicians and church leaders expressed concerns that this could mark the beginnings of a “parallel legal system” based on sharia for some British Muslims.

Dominic Grieve, the shadow home secretary, said: “If it is true that these tribunals are passing binding decisions in the areas of family and criminal law, I would like to know which courts are enforcing them because I would consider such action unlawful. British law is absolute and must remain so.”

Douglas Murray, the director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said: “I think it’s appalling. I don’t think arbitration that is done by sharia should ever be endorsed or enforced by the British state.”

There are concerns that women who agree to go to tribunal courts are getting worse deals because Islamic law favours men.

Siddiqi said that in a recent inheritance dispute handled by the court in Nuneaton, the estate of a Midlands man was divided between three daughters and two sons.

The judges on the panel gave the sons twice as much as the daughters, in accordance with sharia. Had the family gone to a normal British court, the daughters would have got equal amounts.

In the six cases of domestic violence, Siddiqi said the judges ordered the husbands to take anger management classes and mentoring from community elders. There was no further punishment.

In each case, the women subsequently withdrew the complaints they had lodged with the police and the police stopped their investigations.

Siddiqi said that in the domestic violence cases, the advantage was that marriages were saved and couples given a second chance.

Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “The MCB supports these tribunals. If the Jewish courts are allowed to flourish, so must the sharia ones.”

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There's some vicious,cowardly sacks of filth roaming the UK streets who think nothing of putting someone away for good over something as trifling as a family squabble.How did word get out that Davenport wasn't happy with the company his sister was keeping?

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It gets worse & it appears doubtful he will ever play Football again..


Stabbed football star Calum Davenport “looked dead” as a crazed attacker rained blows on him, a horrified witness revealed yesterday.

Student Alex Wallace, 17, told how he feared the worst as he stumbled upon the sickening scene on Saturday morning.

“I thought he was dead,” said Alex, who had been walking home from a friend’s house at 5am.

He described how the West Ham defender, 26, lay unconscious in the road as a “tall, mixed race man” stood over him, screaming.

Alex tried to stop the “madman” and believes Calum would have died if he had not intervened.

He said: “I was walking home when I heard really loud shouting.

“A woman was howling, crying uncontrollably, and a man was screaming at the top of his voice. He was standing over another man, who was just lying there motionless.

“There was blood everywhere but the man still kept punching him in the head. I thought the man was dead. He wasn’t moving at all.

“His attacker was screaming, ‘This is what you get when you f*** around. You don’t f*** with us.’ He kept shouting it over and over and was so angry he was spitting as he said it.” Alex said he yelled for the man to stop, but added: “He just carried on hitting him. He wasn’t going to stop. He wanted to kill him.

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shocking, my thoughts go out to him and his loved ones, no one but no one deserves anything as horrific as that, hopefully through time he does make a full recovery, "rivers of blood " is a phrase that springs to mind

when todays uk societie,s mentality comes into question

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There's some vicious,cowardly sacks of filth roaming the UK streets who think nothing of putting someone away for good over something as trifling as a family squabble.How did word get out that Davenport wasn't happy with the company his sister was keeping?

Couldn't agree more. Having spent time on a work secondment to a YOI in the the UK, some absolute sacks of shit that did not have any respect for any other person, and would probably never be of any benefit to society. My thoughts on these type of people are probably best kept to myself, as the Liberals who have done such a good job of breaking down the moral fabric of society in the UK would accuse me of being either a racist or a fascist. :)

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There's some vicious,cowardly sacks of filth roaming the UK streets who think nothing of putting someone away for good over something as trifling as a family squabble.How did word get out that Davenport wasn't happy with the company his sister was keeping?

Couldn't agree more. Having spent time on a work secondment to a YOI in the the UK, some absolute sacks of shit that did not have any respect for any other person, and would probably never be of any benefit to society. My thoughts on these type of people are probably best kept to myself, as the Liberals who have done such a good job of breaking down the moral fabric of society in the UK would accuse me of being either a racist or a fascist. :)

This country just gets worse every <deleted>*king day! It seems we have lost our youth to a culture of violience and perceived 'respect' as young men and women are prepared to take someone's life over nothing. the whole 'don't <deleted>*k with me or i'll kill you' thing see's young people sliced up in my city almost every day. Makes me sad to see a once proud country taken over by this idiotic mentality. And when given whatever jail sentence this pr*ck gets he'll probably sneer and swagger down to the holding cells and not give a toss!

Where I live in East London, this problem affects all the youngsters I see, I don't think it's a racial thing I think the problem affects everyone and i don't know what the answers are.

I never thought I'd even think of leaving my country or my beautiful city but every day I become more and more convinced that I have no other option...I can't imagine growing old here with these <deleted>*kwits bowling around doing whatever they like!!

Breaks my heart.

Hope Calum gets well and the wan*er who did this gets the same treatment inside.

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There's some vicious,cowardly sacks of filth roaming the UK streets who think nothing of putting someone away for good over something as trifling as a family squabble.How did word get out that Davenport wasn't happy with the company his sister was keeping?

Couldn't agree more. Having spent time on a work secondment to a YOI in the the UK, some absolute sacks of shit that did not have any respect for any other person, and would probably never be of any benefit to society. My thoughts on these type of people are probably best kept to myself, as the Liberals who have done such a good job of breaking down the moral fabric of society in the UK would accuse me of being either a racist or a fascist. :)

This country just gets worse every <deleted>*king day! It seems we have lost our youth to a culture of violience and perceived 'respect' as young men and women are prepared to take someone's life over nothing. the whole 'don't <deleted>*k with me or i'll kill you' thing see's young people sliced up in my city almost every day. Makes me sad to see a once proud country taken over by this idiotic mentality. And when given whatever jail sentence this pr*ck gets he'll probably sneer and swagger down to the holding cells and not give a toss!

Where I live in East London, this problem affects all the youngsters I see, I don't think it's a racial thing I think the problem affects everyone and i don't know what the answers are.

I never thought I'd even think of leaving my country or my beautiful city but every day I become more and more convinced that I have no other option...I can't imagine growing old here with these <deleted>*kwits bowling around doing whatever they like!!

Breaks my heart.

Hope Calum gets well and the wan*er who did this gets the same treatment inside.

I'll put my neck on the block & say that it is a racial thing when you really be honest & look at the facts, listen to the Music Lyrics, look at the Crime Rate, the Ethnic make up of it, look at the Immigration Policy of a Labour Goverment, in my opinion..

I'm an East London Boy myself, born & bred like you..

Ask yourself WHY my Family & every Friends Family that i know, moved out to Essex ??

All bar my Dad's Cousin's Family who i was told last week are moving out to Clacton from Custom House, in the next 2 Months..

Those who don't want to believe it's a racial thing don't want to be labelled a racist but if telling the truth means someone a racist, then so be it...

I've lived it, i've seen it with my own eyes & i've been affected by racism but if we're honest with ourselves, this " Gangster Culture " for want of better terminology, has been allowed to breed & thrive by a bad, bad Goverment who are far too left wing to have safe Streets & that's incredibly sad & breaks my Heart because i love my City & i love my Country, but there is NO WAY i would allow my Children to grow up in it when there is the Scum on the streets that is allowed to be there, by the powers that be..

Edit : Don's Tin Hat for Happy Hammer, the Man who also moved out from East London to Essex for the record, reply... :D

Edited by MSingh
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There's some vicious,cowardly sacks of filth roaming the UK streets who think nothing of putting someone away for good over something as trifling as a family squabble.How did word get out that Davenport wasn't happy with the company his sister was keeping?

Couldn't agree more. Having spent time on a work secondment to a YOI in the the UK, some absolute sacks of shit that did not have any respect for any other person, and would probably never be of any benefit to society. My thoughts on these type of people are probably best kept to myself, as the Liberals who have done such a good job of breaking down the moral fabric of society in the UK would accuse me of being either a racist or a fascist. :)

This country just gets worse every <deleted>*king day! It seems we have lost our youth to a culture of violience and perceived 'respect' as young men and women are prepared to take someone's life over nothing. the whole 'don't <deleted>*k with me or i'll kill you' thing see's young people sliced up in my city almost every day. Makes me sad to see a once proud country taken over by this idiotic mentality. And when given whatever jail sentence this pr*ck gets he'll probably sneer and swagger down to the holding cells and not give a toss!

Where I live in East London, this problem affects all the youngsters I see, I don't think it's a racial thing I think the problem affects everyone and i don't know what the answers are.

I never thought I'd even think of leaving my country or my beautiful city but every day I become more and more convinced that I have no other option...I can't imagine growing old here with these <deleted>*kwits bowling around doing whatever they like!!

Breaks my heart.

Hope Calum gets well and the wan*er who did this gets the same treatment inside.

I wholeheartedly agree.

This is something that has got progressively worse over the years.

I made my decision over 10 years ago, to get out of Dodge city. For all the problems this place has, as every day goes by I feel more justified.

The whole society is sadly f@cked in the UK. Sad but true :D

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