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Getting My Head Shaved But What About Passport Photo?


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Bit of a strange question i know but I'm considering having my head shaved. I'm going a bit bald on top so i thought i might as well anyway. Problem is i've just re-newed my passport and the photo shows me with a full head of hair (you can't see the bald patch in the photo :D ). I should have done it before renewing the passport but life is never that straight forward is it? :D

I could make a lengthy journey to the British embassy again :) and ask them but on reflection it's not them that will be deciding is it? It's going to be some foreign place and their immigration people who will decide to let me in or not. Might even be Thailand!

Anyone done this and any repercussions?

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I think the only definitive statement that can be made about passport photos is make sure it looks like you have a shirt on.

On hair, I've had very short hair before, fairly long hair, pre hair-transplant, post hair-transplant, and never had anyone bat an eye. I think people who look at photos and faces all day long get very good at matching facial features. Try one of those quizzes where you guess the celebrity from the high school photo and you'll see people are actually pretty good at it even if it's not their job.

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Hello, you worry too much about your passport photo as they will be looking more at the structure of your face. The government people look at the data in the computer so there should be no problem if you do not get facial reconstruction. Some people get a new passport with a new photo at Khao San Road, but that is for entertainment purposes of course.

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