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My Favorite Pattaya Steakhouse Going Downhill


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I am not into "name em and shame em" so just lets say this is a popular restaurants among foreigners. I'm there 70+ times a year, and leave maybe 50.000.

Last 12 months, the quality of the beef/ steaks has realy gone downhill big time. The beef are hard to chew many times, have not been marinated the right way obviously. Have those white threads inside :) (sorry dont know the word in English). Also the cook dont seem to understand "rare".

8 out of 10 times, it comes "well done" whatever I ordered.

Last week this happend again, and I had a short talk with the foreign owner. Actually the staff told me "please talk Boss" .... :D

Being busy time, and also another customer who wish to talk to the owner, the conversation was very short. Then I paid the bill and left without eat my meal, realy angry. Owner was very polite, its just that this has been going on too long.

Looking back, and tired of being served low quality beef, I would like to ask other food lovers out there: What would you have done now?

Go back in quiet time and have another talk with the owner?

Or just put this behind me and never to return?

This place has been my favorite for years and average price is 500 total.

Have not find any similar place to this. When the beef is as it should be, this place is realy quality for money.

But, the recession might have made the owner to order a lower grade beef to save some money?

Are not into complaining just for the complain part. I used to look forward to next visit. Great food, great staff and ambience. That are now lost. :D

Would realy appreciate advice from food lovers.

Other recommendations for great juicy tender beef / steaks (+- B500) are very welcome.

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think it's called "gristle" like ligaments or tendons that are in your cut of beef. this is a problem all over town.

all you're asking for is decent service and a reasonable product but hardly nobody is delivering that anymore?

so all you steak lovers make some good recommendations of places YOU CAN go to. give them the business.

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To the OP. If you have been as frequent a visitor as you claim, then this 'owner' (assuming it's been the same chap since your first visit) should have recognized you as a frequent and quite prolific customer. You made the effort to discuss this with him but your 'realy angry' comment suggest that you may have not made your point or were frustrated in doing so. Is there possibly a language barrier here?

If you really want to do this business a favour, you could try and visit at a 'not busy' time to speak to the owner as you suggest. Also make sure you are not hungry for a steak either! Don't order anything on this visit (as you will surely be disappointed again) just make sure you get the point across to the owner. How he responds to some reasoned criticism will be telling, ie. apologising or otherwise, explaining any meat supply problems, staff changes or otherwise. It is up to you to decide if you want to try again in a few weeks or simply move on. You can only do so much after all. If this owner doesn't recognize that you took time out of your day to drop by and 'advise' while not wanting to eat, then he isn't paying attention.

I am sure that most places are making cut backs right now but a professorially managed place with any regard for their reputation would take something popular off the menu rather than substitute it with crap if the basic, quality ingredient wasn't available any more. Is steak their specialty?

But kudos for speaking up as some, if not most would pay up and simply not return while others may post a one-off "don't eat at XXXX's" rant here and think they are doing the world a favour.

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I wish the OP would name the place he is talking about. It would be a public service. Saying you think this or that steakhouse now has tough steak is not really a name and shame, its just a subjective food review, and we as adults can decide how to act or not act on that opinion.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am not into "name em and shame em" so just lets say this is a popular restaurants among foreigners.

I'm there 70+ times a year, and leave maybe 50.000.

Last 12 months, the quality of the beef/ steaks has realy gone downhill big time. The beef are hard to chew many times, have not been marinated the right way obviously. Have those white threads inside :) (sorry dont know the word in English). Also the cook dont seem to understand "rare".

8 out of 10 times, it comes "well done" whatever I ordered.

Last week this happend again, and I had a short talk with the foreign owner. Actually the staff told me "please talk Boss" .... :D

Being busy time, and also another customer who wish to talk to the owner, the conversation was very short. Then I paid the bill and left without eat my meal, realy angry. Owner was very polite, its just that this has been going on too long.

1. Don't be afraid to 'name & shame' this restaurant. This will do us all a favour, so we can avoid the place like the plague.

2. Beef quality has 'gone downhill': It ain't going to go uphill, because a decision has already been made to serve a lower quality meat.

3. If the cook doesn't understand your request for 'rare' then he doesn't deserve to be working there.

4. This sounds like a poor restaurant, with low quality meat and low quality staff; accept that the place has gone downhill, don't bother talking to the owner because he won't do anything because he is trying to save money by cutting corners on his food quality and staff quality.

5. Be a man, grasp the nettle, kick the place into touch and try a few of the other hundreds of restaurants in Pattaya.

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I got served a steak at a restaurant that shall be nameless at this point which charged a lot more than 500 baht for a steak. It was tough, and loaded with gristle. When I complained to the owner, he said "That's the way a lot of people like it."!

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I got served a steak at a restaurant that shall be nameless at this point.

At what 'point' will you choose to name this restaurant that serves steak 'tough and loaded with gristle'?

You would be doing Pattaya dwellers a big favour so we can avoid the place like the plague.

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I got served a steak at a restaurant that shall be nameless at this point which charged a lot more than 500 baht for a steak. It was tough, and loaded with gristle. When I complained to the owner, he said "That's the way a lot of people like it."!

If your "Steak" has a lot of gristle,then it isnt what we would term a steak from a well known type of cut,but simply a piece of meat,from at a guess one of the less expensive parts of the beast.

What the thais call Shank,and in the UK we call shin of beef,has a lot of gristle,but this is a slow cook job and not a quick grill or fry.

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If you are happy with 250 baht and a great rib-eye, then go to Cherry's on 3rd Road.

This is a very good steak and would normally catch 500 baht elesewhere.

Agreed! This is good advice for the OP.

Time to quit your 70 visits a year to the low-grade restaurant with sub-standard produce and service, that has been 'cocking a snoop' at your continued loyalty.

Edited by syd barrett
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