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Thai Beer And Ice!...an Aussie Cardinal Sin


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The Aussies are repulsed by putting ice in beer, but it is ok to fill the glass 1/4 with Sprite or 7-up--Yuk. Tomato juice ok.

Maybe the op isnt an ocker ozzy, it was Australians in Australia who first introduced me to this practice, but then again they werent pot-bellied VB swigging guys in singlets wearing shorts thongs and a bush hat.

After drinking the pish the Ozzys pass off as beer I can understand putting ice in it, at least it adds some flavour.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Virtually all my friends initially sneered at sticking ice in their beer - "that's just wrong", they'd say. After being here for about a week, every single one relented and put ice in it. The added coldness far outweighs the 'watered down' effect (and of course, you still drink as much alcohol)

Quit being such wannabe, macho pr*cks and complaining about ice - it's like you're making out that you're harder because you refuse to add ice... IMO, just another classic sign of foreigners being total numpties and refusing to adapt to their surroundings.

What a load of BS. Putting ice in it ruins the taste. Cold is great, but ice is not the way. :)

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Hooters (bar/restaurant in the US :) puts an ice-filled plastic bag in their large pitchers of beer. Keeps the beer cold and the water out.

I have an egg sized (and shaped) metal ball which you can put in the freezer to superchill it...then plonk it for your drinks in lieu of ice. It's excellent because it does not melt while keeping your drink cool. Was designed by a Danish guy I think, his name is Piet Hein. Somewhat more elegant than a plastic bag, which I am sure works just as well :D

Piet Hein was a Dutch pirate and a national hero.

They made a song about him.

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And real ale is not served warm.

It is served cool, so that you can taste it.

Not like the lager type beers, which need to be drunk icecold, to hide fact that there is no taste at all, then.

Try drinking lager beer with the temperature of real ale, your tastebuds tell you that you are drinking a not too refined horsepiss.

And putting icecubes in the concoction that is called lager beer, may I call that misuse of alcohol.

Yes, I know, I come from the country where they "brew" Heineken, also known, in Holland by connaisseurs,: HEINEPISS

I always wonder why Thai ladies are so fond of Heineken.

I have worked in Holland for some years and they had several pilsner beers that were much better than Heineken.

The same applies to Belgium: most pilsner beers are much better than Stella Artois, the only brand you see abroad.

So, I always drink Thai beer when I am in Thailand.

Perhaps I change my mind when they import Carlsberg.

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IMHO the Thai learnt it from the yankees.

At Jomtien Beach you often see Thai families putting lots of ice cubes in their glasses, not only in coke but also in beer.

The first time in my life I saw it, was in a theatre near Times Square (New-York), where I got such a huge plastic cup full of ice cubes and also a little bit beer.

In the view of a born European it is a mortal sin to put ice in beer, wine, cognac, amaretto or whatever; something like swearing in church.

The best solution in Thailand is to drink beer from a bottle in an insulating container.

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As a Brit i can categorically state that I NEVER drink beer warm. I don't drink bitter, I knw people who do and they drink it, as a previous reply mentions, 'cool' it's not cool it's warm and I for one, don't like it.

I was equally horrified when after i pointed out that my lager wasn't very cold the solution offered was to put ice in it! ICE!!!??? i said, 'but then it will melt and I'll have WATER IN MY BEER!!!!???' We arrived at the solution that when we arrived in the bar, at least 8 bottles were to be transferred from what looked like a fridge ( but clearly wasn't as it didn't make the beer cold ) into the freezer. Whilst it was getting cold we would have something it is more acceptable to have ice in, like a whisky and coke or something. We thought we had found an acceptable solution but it transpired that we had to remind the same staff to do the same thing EVERY TIME WE WALKED IN THE SAME BAR!!! (which was every night for 10 nights!)

After many attempts to convince the bar owner/manager to turn the fridge up or buy a new fridge I gave up drinking beer there and had a couple of shorts with ice before conspicuously moving bars! (same story in the other bars too!) Didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever! Hey Ho, just go with the flow and remind them every time we walk in that they have to chill the bottles properly! :-) I have resolved to learn Thai so I can phone ahead and get the beer chilled ;-)

You just hit the jackpot.

Lager beer (bottom fermented), you simply have to freeze it to hide the fact there is not any taste in it.

Ale (top fermented) as brewed in the UK and Ireland, Kolsch (Cologne), some other German beers, Belgium beers, are all suitable to the German "Reinheitsgebot".

Or, they only contain natural ingredients, no artificial shit, that is why they have taste, smell and body.

Lager, excluding most German ones, are not conforming to the "Reinheitsgebot".

So please. be my guest, drink your lager.

And I think you do not want to know what kind of shit is dumped into the brewing tanks in Thailand, mainly needed to conquer the heat.

Not very healthy, but........enjoy!

And yes, Thai people know all about beer not having any taste, or whisky, or coke, or whatever

They are watering down all beverages, alcoholic or not to an absolute minimum with lots of ice.

That is why drinks are not kept coooooooool over here.

Ice, buckets full of ice, that is the way to do it, in Thailand.

So, does my pint of Stella conform to the reinheitsgebot?

Probably not, anyway, I just don't like ale (sorry) did enjoy the kolsch (many varieties) in Koln.

Like the idea of the ice bucket.... so my Singha could pass for a bottle of Dom Perignon being chilled for my impending arrival?

I will try to educate my pallette and one day be unable to get a drink that I enjoy anywhere outside rural wiltshire or koln.

I didn't realise that by commenting on not being able to get 'my lager' served cold in Thailand that I would be offending your sensibilities so much.

If you want to drink something that looks like runny gravy and tastes like it's been made by squirrels then ...... please, be my guest :-P

Belgian Stella Artois and the German Reinheitsgebot ?!

Are you joking ?

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In my village the ICE MAN delivers the lovely stuff everyday, 1 days notice for a carton of leo, all you need is a suitable size esky/s I have 1 larger for party mode, &a smaller version for 1/2 people, then you chill your bargain price beers in the esky & by late afternoon you can give it hel_l. If you would like a demonstration you'll have to visit.

regards songhklasid

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