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What is Life like...... ???

That would have been put on this thread (in LOS)

for me :-

Happy new beer

:D  B)  :cool:  :o

To ammend a quote from forest the chump, "life is like a box of chocolates cus you never knoe what your gonna get"  complete crap!! i dont know about the states but in england if you get a box of chocs the out side is branded so you now what your getting inside a card is supllied to tell you the name, filling and even the location of each choc in the box, hench you know exactly what your getting!!!!

Life is breif, death appears to be forever. This statment has only been proven true within the framework of this quantum reality. It is however a comfort to know that most of your constituant particles are for all intents and purposes eternal.

You live today because in the far distant past a sun died. You are made of star dust. This knowledge is awesome if you think about it!



:D  B)  ::o:  :cool:

Read below my signature.

It is true.................................

Happy new Beer.

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