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Getting Cut Off Every Time I Log On The Net?

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For the last week or so, my connection to the net has been running at sometimes as low as 12k and then it cuts me off within two minutes. If I am lucky enough to get 40k plus, it also cuts me off after a few min. Prior to this I always got a healthy 50ish k connection :D

I have checked viruses with Norton, scanned for addware and defraged my computer - still getting cut off (havent now for 3 minutes though)

Techies help me, what is wrong?, what can I do? Its really starting to piss me off :o


i had something similar a while back , i eventually found a utility on my computer called "event log" inside something called "administrative tools" , (it lists everything that goes on behind the scenes ) , its on my start menu (xp pro) and looking through the log told me that every time i was dialling up to access the net , something called fax viewer was trying to use the modem to dial up (something else ) a minute later.

i couldnt find a way to turn off fax viewer but after a day the problem suddenly disappeared.

i am not a techie and dont know if that will be any help or not !!


greeting Tornado

I think tax is on the right lines here - it is probalby some Windows service that is interfering. Try a few basics first.

try a virus scan at


Free online scan - it's the best virus scanner there is and can pick up stuff ohters don't

unplug and re-plug all your phone cables - can be a loose connection there.

Re-install the moden/router

Otherwise, to follow Tax's line go go control panel/admin tools/services

There you will find all the services that run on your computer. Take care in here as you can screw windows up easily - sometimes it will take a week or two to crash.. so take care. Depending on your system, you can disable a lot of services that run continually on your computer depending on what you need. For example there are a lot of services that are needed for networking that you can disable if you are not on a lan. The fax and messenger services can and should be disabled (won't affect msn messenger!) Remote control service should always be disabled unless you use it regularly.

You will find that the windows services have descriptions (that make no sense.. TiM$) and others do not. The ones that don't are not necessarily bad - my printer for example is listed without description. Find a web site that gives you details of each service and what it does. And disable the ones you don't need. This will speed up your computer (slightly) and improve security too.

Doing a quick search there are sites such as http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/strangeservice.htm

I use this site for my windows 2000 installation, but it has XP guides too - http://www.techspot.com/tweaks/winxp_services/index.shtml

You need a bit of know-how, but I reckon it is clear enough for an amateur (like me) - if in doubt set the service to manual, or leave it alone altogether.

But I would try all the other checks first before you try and tweak the services.



cheers for the help gents :D

I am running that online virus scanner now, not sure if its running though :D as it says "website found, waiting for reply" for the last 20 minutes, but the computer has connected with something as its ticking along doing something. If its not fixed by today, Ill turf it out the window and buy a new one. :o


Welcome to Thailand. :D Don't be too quick to blame your computer. It's more than likely your ISP. I used to change Isp's like people change clothes. One will work very well for a while then it appears to get overloaded and quits. TOT has a free service but it is VERY bad, besides that they take you directly to their homepage which is a waste of time. You can change the homepage but it just changes it right back.

Between Asianet and Loxinfo I can usually get a decent connection. Since the prepaid packages are so cheap you can easily put several on your machine and jump back and forth.

For the last week or so, my connection to the net has been running at sometimes as low as 12k and then it cuts me off within two minutes. If I am lucky enough to get 40k plus, it also cuts me off after a few min. Prior to this I always got a healthy 50ish k connection  :D

I have checked viruses with Norton, scanned for addware and defraged my computer - still getting cut off (havent now for 3 minutes though)

Techies help me, what is wrong?, what can I do? Its really starting to piss me off  :o


The thing is Gary A, I have tried to connect with Loxinfo, KSC, Enjoynet and Asianet - it aint that unfortunately mate?!?!?!?! I have never had a bad connection in 8 years of being here - who knows??? Ill keep trying every avenue until it gets kicked into the street.


Sounds more like a hardware than software problem, you may have a problem with the telephone cable. Could be a bad connection to a Jack (loose wire or dry joint ) could be a damaged cable (Door, rodent..).

I would check the physical connections first before trying a software approach such as an anti-virus program.

Normally by pluging in a phone and listening for crackling can tell if the problem is before or at the modem. Turning the sound up on the modem and listening to the connection/handshake (control panel/modem) can discern if it is the modem itself.


maybe you can look at the modem log (control panel, modem and phone settings)or maybe filemon could help, this program is at sysinternal.com.


it seems that the phone line is noisy for some reason.

u can try one thing.

unplug the phone line from your computer, connect a regular telephone set.

pick up the handset and press any key. you should hear silence for 2 or 3 seconds....just note if its is really silent or there is some noise in the line...

i have a noisy line at a condo in hatyai...have a terrible internet connection there.


if your phone calls are getting cut off after 2 minutes then the problem is with the phone or line , if its only the net then its the modem or computer or provider.

there was a virus doing the rounds last year that cut internet connections after a minute , i cant remember the name of the virus , maybe someone can come up with the name , microsoft produced a patch to get rid of it.

maybe thats your problem ???


If you have problems with all the ISP's then it is most likely your phone line. In Jomtien I used to have problems after a rain but they came and put in a new line for me. No problems since that except the ISP's.


I would repeat others' suggestions to try a normal phone on the line and confirm if the line sounds OK.

Did the problem start before the rain earlier this week or after? It could be as simple as a bad connection caused by moisture... (if it's that simple, you'd want to get it fixed before rainy season). Another option is a lightning strike might have hit your modem. (again, only if the problem occurred during/after the rain).

If the line sounds OK on a normal phone, then it might be time to try and borrow a modem to see if a different modem has a better connection.

Then I'd look for worms / viruses. - Yes, I am willing to believe a worm might cause you to log off, but I don't believe it's likely to cause a slow connection - that's more usually a modem or line issue...

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