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Thai Logic Dilemma


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Morning all

Someone has offered to buy our house and have screwed us tight on price

which means we will only make a modest profit, but it's still a profit

Thai wife has called an in an estate agent since who has valued our house higher than the offer

so thinks now that we would be selling too cheap if we accept the offer!

I think the offer's fair and would benefit us in more ways than one.

How do I get a positive spin on a definite sale, that will

overcome a feeling that more might be gained by

waiting for a sale that might never materialise?

Ah relationships . . . don't ya love em?


Please don't tell me to get some b*lls! I know already!

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Your on the right track with having a 'guaranteed' sale, much better than sitting around waiting for your home to sell. Also, if you are selling your home on your own then there wouldn't be any fees paid to an agent. Does the better price offset the cost of the agent?

Good luck!

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What I have found with my own wife is that she tends to over value things here, stuff like land with or without a house on it and even used cars.....Could be the agent just want s to lisst you house so he has a chance to sell it. You are the one who should decide.....Remember that building costs were a lot lower even 4 years ago then they are today. Cement, steele and tiles and fixtures have all gone up in price. Somthing you have to consider if you were planning on building another place....I wouldnt call it logic either by the way.

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A bird in the hand David.

However that doesn't help your predicament.

I have been in a similar position and sorted it by explaining the positives, like buying a bigger house, a better garden, better access to schools, whichever reasons fit best your position.

Sometimes though, you just have to be straight and force the sale through, but if you do, I hope it turns out to be the right decision, or I wouldn't like to be in your shoes :)

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My ex-wife is trying to sell the family home for 17 million.

She still owes 8 million on it.

I no longer will agree to make the repayments of 100k plus per month.

I lined up a buyer who was willing to purchase the house for 10 million.

The ex flat out refused. I asked her why?

She says the house is worth 17 million.

I reminded her that I can no longer pay the repayments, you certainly cannot make the repayments so the house will be reposessed by the bank, if that happens you will not only get no profit but you will no longer have a house...if you sell it to X you will atleast have 2 million in the bank.

Her reply?

Nope, the house worth 17 million and I will never sell it for less.

My question...

But you will lose the house, why not sell it for less and atleast end up with a few mill in the bank, rather than lose the whole lot?

Her reply?

Nope, the house is worth 17 mill, I will not sell it for less, even if it means losing.

This is a true story mate. All I can say is good luck

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Some of them just dont understand Pedro.

look at my situation. I have often wondered if it is a face thing, but then surely they would have more face selling the joint rather than losing it?

So is it greed?

or perhaps lack of foresight?

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Tis a dilemma indeed!

She saw a piece of land with a better view, she preferred more than ours, that is smaller and cheaper

She would prefer a single story rather than a 2 story house

She would like a little more financial security which releasing capital on the current house would do

She would like to reduce our monthly bills (elec mainly)

I would like a smaller garden and to reduce my UK mortgage!

Our current house is almost new but we have no money to finish the carport yet!

She was all for 'go' until they insisted the offer included all the furniture - we'd 'lose' about 200k by including it in

but the agent has offered to knock 50k off the fees.

Life is fun :)

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Morning all

Someone has offered to buy our house and have screwed us tight on price

which means we will only make a modest profit, but it's still a profit

Thai wife has called an in an estate agent since who has valued our house higher than the offer

so thinks now that we would be selling too cheap if we accept the offer!

I think the offer's fair and would benefit us in more ways than one.

How do I get a positive spin on a definite sale, that will

overcome a feeling that more might be gained by

waiting for a sale that might never materialise?

Ah relationships . . . don't ya love em?


Please don't tell me to get some b*lls! I know already!

Timing is everything David. How fast do you need the money? You are still gaining in the end. If greed becomes a motive Karma will set in.

Good luck!

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I wanted to buy a townhome closer to where I work out, see movies, shop, and such.  Three were for sale on a small soi, each for about 4.2 million.  On had the bottom floor all decked out as a business--expensive and actually rather nice, but not something I wanted.  One has an extension in the back which covered the small back yard--another added cost in construction, but I wanted that small yard.  The third one was fine, no modifications.  However, it had been empty for 8 years, and there had been a leak in the roof which ruined the top two floors in the back of the home. There was easily 1,000,000 baht in repairs which had to be done.  The owner was not even aware of the leak as he hadn't been in the place for several years. 

I offered 3.5 for it and was told no, it was worth 4.2.  When I pointed out that it might be worth 4.2 without any damage, that it would cost me around 1 mil to fix it, he said that the other two similar homes were going for over 4, so his should, too.  

The house is still for sale a year later, now at 4.7.

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I would just tell your wife that the estate agent is only saying that in the hopes that you will cancel the sale and list with her company. She just wants the commision...

Ya chua man...Kow yaak dai kaa comission... ka nat eng (don't believe her, she wants to make the commission.. thats all)

Edited by CWMcMurray
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